New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Michelle

Michelle is a Mommy! Congratulations to Michelle and her newborn baby girl, Sienna. She is beautiful! Michelle started her adoption journey with Everlasting in September of 2015, and just 12 months later, her dream came true. She experiened some challenges with a few situations that were not meant to be. But, MIchelle persevered and received her bundle of joy. We are thankful to her as well as Sienna’s birthparents for allowing us to share this joyful journey with them all.

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Stephanie and Joey

Welcome Mary Clara and Congratulations to Stephanie and Joey!! In just 14 months, Stephanie and Joey became the proud parents of Mary Clara who was born on August 29, 2016. Their birthmother selected them as the desired parents of her baby in April of 2016. They all developed an extraordinary relationship of friendship, closeness, compassion for everyone involved, and most of all true love. Here is just a short email from Stephanie back in July: “I just wanted to update you on our visit with our birthmother this past weekend. We had a wonderful time meeting her, her grandmother, great-grandmother, dad and little girl. It was a whirl-wind of a weekend with lunches, zoos, park-time, attorney visit and OBGYN visit (which the doctor had them do an ultrasound for free). The doctor agreed to having our birthmother induced, and he will be doing that on Monday, August 29th!” We are very happy and blessed to have shared in their journey. We hope this will inspire others who are considering adoption for their baby or those hoping to adopt!

NEW BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT – Congratulations to Scott and Quinn

Perseverance, Patience and Prayer ~~ is what made Scott and Quinn’s dream come true. They started their journey with Everlasting in August of 2013. The baby girl that was meant to be theirs, Bliss Agnes Elena, changed their lives forever on July, 14, 2016. Yes, it was a challenging journey where some situations turned to disappointment, but all good things come to those who wait! Scott and Quinn were introduced to their birthmother, Raquel, when they first started talking on April 4, 2016. They quickly felt the positive energy in this relationship. Quinn and Raquel were in contact several times each day. Sometimes having serious conversations, or lots of silly joking around. They became very fond of one another. Raquel sent photos and updates, asked questions about their future thoughts and plans, occasionally expressed sadness but also resolve. Raquel understood that she really couldn’t keep her baby in her current circumstances. Scott and Quinn gave Raquel space when she needed it as well as support to examine and work through her feelings as the occurred. Raquel’s OBGYN advised that she should be scheduled for a c-section, and on July 14, 2015, baby Bliss came into this world and changed everyone’s life. She was 19” and 7lbs 5 oz. Congratulations and Blessings to All! We are grateful to Raquel for making such a courageous decision!

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Kourtney and Joseph

Kourtney and Joe came to Everlasting Adoptions mid December of 2014. They were ready to start their journey through adoption. On June 24, 2016, their dream came through! Their wait of 18 months was not easy, but, of course, so worth it. Here is what they told us: Our baby was born on the 24th of June, making him about a week early. We had to change flights and get there ASAP. Delivery went well, and we were holding him within 9 hours of birth. Birthparents allowed us to keep him with us in hospital where we had our own room. It was an awesome experience! We have named him Mikaiah Jude (Mi-ki-ah), and he is perfect and healthy. Birthparents both signed all paperwork, and we will be finalizing the adoption on September 1st. We were in Louisiana for about 10 days, and when we got back, we had a ton of things to do for our post-placement and doctor visits. Every things is great, and we are so excited to have this little guy in our family. We are truly thankful for what you guys did and all the help you were to us. I’ll send a picture to you soon. The staff at Everlasting is grateful to both the birthparents and adoptive parents. We thank the birthparents for making the most difficult and painful decision. We thank them for giving their baby life! We thank Kourtney and Joe for allowing us to assist them in their adoption journey! Congratulations and Blessings to All!

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Kristin

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Kristin is the true definition of perseverance and hope! She encountered a long journey with a few failed attempts to successfully adopt, but she never gave up. Kristin’s dream of becoming a parent finally came true in the month of May. Her situation was unique. Baby Michael was born in October of 2015. His birthparents tried their hardest to be the very best parents they could for him, but the struggle was overwhelming. After 6 months of trying to parent, they turned to adoption as the best option, and the rest leads to a beautiful ending where Kristin was selected to parent baby Michael. Congratulations to Kristin after a long, challenging journey to achieve her dream. Her dedication and perseverance to becoming a parent are commendable! We are so thankful to the sacrifice that Michael’s birthparents made for him. It was a courageous act to say the least. Kristin, we wish you much love, laughter and joy as you spend the rest of of your life with Michael! Thank you all for the uncomparable reward the staff at Everlasting Adoptions receives and feels every time a placement happens.

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Lisa and Bill

Never give up! That is Lisa and Bill’s advice to all prospective adoptive parents. Bill and Lisa first joined our family in January of 2014, but after 2 short months, Lisa became pregnant. We agreed to put their contract on hold for a period of time, until they might be ready to adopt again. Lisa and Bill had one biological son already, and had high hopes that this pregnancy would bring them the baby sister they all so badly wanted. But, as life goes, Lisa and Bill gave birth to beautiful baby boy. This past Christmas Eve, they called Everlasting Adoptions to ask if their contract could become active again. They were going to reach for the stars to find the baby girl that they just knew was waiting for them. So, we began marketing them again, and. . . . . . . . . . . . A little over 3 months later, baby Mila fell into their arms. We are so grateful to both birthparents for making the greatest sacrifice ever; giving Mila life! They called us on March 29th, told us they were viewing our website and had selected Lisa and Bill, and they were having a GIRL 🙂 Mila was born on April 10, 2016! That was fast. Some miracles take forever, and some happen fast, but one thing we know for sure….miracles do happen! Their little baby girl has finally found them! Congratulations and Blessings to All.

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Robert and Bernadette

Couldn’t be happier for Bernadette and Robert, who adopted in just 3 short months. Here is what they say: Hi, Sheila and Carol, It’s been a long and stressful few weeks, but we’ve made it through to the other side with a Louisiana adoption. The logistics were challenging, and there is still more to go, but we are honored that our birth mom chose us to be the proud mama and daddy to Julia Michelle Joyce. We will finalize in Washington. Our post placement visit will likely be next week, then we await birth certificate and then that finalization process is under way. Thank you for being an integral part of the team that brought our little chocolate drop home (she is sweet enough to eat!!). Bernadette & Robert Proud parents of the cutest child on earth Julia Michelle Joyce Born January 15, 2016 at 12:20 pm 5lbs, 13 oz; 18 inches

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Samantha and James


Samantha and James dream came true just 2 minutes into February 4, 2016. This is the message we recently received from them: Good morning to baby Ruby! Born 12:02am, 2/4/16 – 7lbs, 12.7oz, 20ins. Everyone is doing great! James and Sam joined the Everlasting Family in July of 2014. They patiently waited for the baby that was meant just for them. Then it all unfolded ~~ Birthmother, Diana, contacted us, again, because she had a previous, great experience working with us in the past. It was almost 13 months into our program when Sam and James received that miracle phone call from us. Diana was the angel that was to deliver their dream. We connected them together, and they developed a relationship for a total of six months! Yes, it was a long time to get to know one another, and they had some challenging times and some great times. Diana contacted us very early on her pregnancy, but she knew that adoption was what she wanted. Sam even went to doctor appointments with Diana to give her support! It was beautiful to share their experiences together. Now, Samantha and James just sent us this! Hi Carol/Ceal! Our new little family is doing very well! Ruby came home on Friday from the hospital. We also completed all the paper work with Diana’s social worker – the adoption will be completed by the end of business today. We have been in contact with Diana – sharing photos, and she is very happy and in good spirits. I’ve included a few more photos for you and a wonderful text we got from Diana after getting Ruby home. ****************************** A very happy ending to this adoption journey. Thank you so much, Diana, for giving us Baby Ruby! Thank you so much, Sam and James, for trusting us to make your dream come true.

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Jessica and Reggie

Call it serendipity, call it coincidence, call it Faith! Regardless of what you call it, we say WOW!!! What a surprise phone call Jessica and Reggie got from Everlasting on that special day in January when they were driving in to town to celebrate Reggie’s birthday. Little did we know, our phone call to him, would be the best birthday present he would ever get in his life; the gift of his newborn son! It all happened within one week! From the moment of my phone call to Jessica and Reggie, to the time they took him home, we all had the feeling that this was an absolute, meant-to-be miracle. We want to give an extra special thank you and express our sincere gratitude for the difficult and courageous choice that the birthparents made for their son. He was born in November, and they tried very hard to do the best they could for their baby. But, for two long months, their struggles became overwhelming, and the universe unfolded as it should. They called Everlasting Adoptions to learn about adoption. One week later, Jessica and Reggie met them, fell in love, and adopted their baby. And, our job is done. The rewards for all of us are comparable to none 🙂 Thank you all for allowing us to experience this miracle right along with you!