
Mother’s Day While Waiting to Adopt

Hand Heart

Hand Heart

You’ve been waiting to be matched with a birth mom for 6 months, 1 year, or maybe even longer. The wait is agonizing and seems like it will never end. Now you have to deal with yet another reminder of this; Mother’s Day. The card display at the local grocery store and commercials on TV with mothers snuggling their new babies simply rub salt in the wound. Yet another Mother’s Day will come and go and you still don’t have that baby you so desperately want. How do you navigate the conflicting emotions of this widely celebrated day?


Find Support

Use this opportunity to connect with other women in your situation. Don’t forget there are many women out there going through exactly what you are on this day. Find an online Facebook or support group and use it as chance to vent without feeling guilt.  You will find comfort knowing you are not alone in your feelings and there is no shame in how you feel. You may even learn what other women do to help themselves cope on particularly difficult days, such as Mother’s Day. Refer to our blog post to find an online support group.

Avoid Awkward Situations

Only you can gauge how personally upsetting it will be for you to be around others celebrating this day. Brunch with the family on Mother’s Day may be fine for some woman, where as it might trigger a lot of sad emotions for someone else. If you feel like avoiding a situation all together would be the right decision for you, honesty is the best policy. Explain to your loved ones how you are feeling and why you won’t be attending an event.  You may be surprised by how understanding people are to your circumstance. If you are faced with a less than sympathetic response, just remember you are doing what is best for you and anyone who truly cares about you will understand that.

Do Something Special for Yourself

You may feel like you have no reason to celebrate on Mother’s Day, but your journey to motherhood certainly deserves recognition. Use this day as a chance to treat yourself to something you normally wouldn’t. Get a mani/pedi, buy yourself something expensive, go out for a special dinner, or spend all day in bed binge watching your favorite TV show. Don’t ever feel like what you are going through doesn’t deserve celebrating. Strength, perseverance, and overwhelming love aren’t qualities only mothers possess; as you exhibit these traits every single day, while you wait for the baby that was meant for you. Take a moment to pat yourself on the back for this. YOU DESERVE IT!

While the staff at Everlasting Adoptions think of our adoptive families every day, we are especially thinking of our waiting adoptive mothers this weekend.

California Paid Family Leave

California FMLA

For all of our Everlasting California families interested in obtaining more information on the Paid Family Leave program. A webinar will be held on Thursday, May 11 at 1:00pm CDT. Join the California Employment Development Department for this informational webinar. California is one of only four states to offer paid family leave, but the program is being underutilized.

Click here to register.

California FMLA

Adopting after Infertility

mother kissing new born baby

mother kissing new born baby

National Infertility Awareness Week is April 23-29, 2017. According to the CDC, 1 in 8 couples battles infertility while trying to build a family. It is likely you or someone very close to you has struggled with infertility. The battle with infertility can invoke feelings of anger over why your body is unable to do something it was made to do, grief over losses of unborn biological children, and an internal struggle to accept that your path to parenthood may not look at all like you had imagined.

How to Know You’re Ready for Adoption

The decision to embrace adoption after battling infertility is often not an easy one. It may take many months or many years after trying to biologically conceive to realize adoption is the right path for you. Here are three things we recommend before pursuing adoption:

Accept Your Path to Parenthood

You will never “get over” your battle with infertility and the heartache of miscarriages, but there is a point when you will accept your path to parenthood or choice to remain childless. Comeunity parents proposed several useful definitions of what they think it means to resolve feelings of loss due to infertility.

“I don’t think that resolving any loss ever means getting to a point where the loss doesn’t exist or doesn’t matter any more. I think that resolving loss — including infertility — means putting it in its proper place and being able to move on in life without being held back from going forward by that loss.”Cat V.

You may not be able to share stories of pregnancy or labor and delivery with your friends and family, but that doesn’t mean you can’t experience the amazing parent-child bond you have always dreamt of. The most important reason to know if you are ready to adopt is if your desire to become a parent outweighs anything else. The path to getting there may be different than you had imagined, but the end result will be the same.

You and Your Partner Share the Desire to Adopt

There may be situations when one partner is ready to adopt, while the other remains reluctant. Often times, the other partner simply needs more time to resolve feelings of grief and loss. Counseling and support groups may help the reluctant party talk through their feelings and come to terms with where they are in the grief process.  Adoptive Families shares some helpful steps to take when dealing with a reluctant partner or family member. Open communication between both partners is crucial to avoid building feelings of resentment in the relationship.

You are Financially Able to Afford Adoption

There are significant costs to adopt that you must prepare yourself for. You need to determine if your family is financially ready to adopt. Take a look at our article on Financing Your Adoption for information on the cost of adoption and resources to help fund your adoption. If the cost of adoption will compromise your family’s future stability, you may want to consider waiting until you have more financial flexibility. Either way it is an important factor to consider and discuss with your loved ones before proceeding. 

Heart-Warming First Time Birth Mother Meeting

Meeting a birth mother for the first time can be overwhelming and exciting. When Jessica and Jonathan connected to their birth mom and learned that their birth mom was only a short car trip away, they immediately began planning their first visit to meet her. They planned a lovely day of meeting their birth mom, Lucia, as well as her son and her son’s aunt.

After a trip to Lucia’s favorite burger place, they picked out some maternity clothes and then ended the day with a sweet treat!

Jessica described this day as perfect. They enjoyed getting to know each other and laid the foundation for their growing family and we’re already planning their next visit! Lucia had mutual feelings of joy! She expressed feeling relieved, along with a sense of peace and contentment; she now had confidence in her decision to move forward with an adoption plan! Concerns that she couldn’t find a family she would trust, melted away after getting to know Jessica and Jonathan.

Bonding with an Adopted Child

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attachment between infant and caregiver 2250

As parents or expecting parents, we may have many concerns and worries about the upbringing of our children or future children. Where will they go to school? Will they grow up to be successful? Will they be kind and loving? As adoptive parents, we have these concerns plus others which are much more fundamental. Will my adopted child bond with me? More importantly, will I be able to bond with them? Additionally, adoptive parents who also have biological children may wonder, will I be able to love my adopted child in the same way I love my other children?

The first thing you need to know is that these are completely normal and natural feelings ANY parent experiences. Reassure yourself that you won’t be any less of a parent for having these fears. The second thing you may ask is, “How do I bond with my child?” At the most basic level, a child will form an attachment to their parent(s) if their needs are consistently met. Bonding with a child plays a crucial role in their development. The more sensitive you are to their needs, the more quickly and deeply you will bond. Children adopted as infants display no difference in their quality of attachment from nonadopted infants, according to Psychologist and author, Dr. David Brodzinsky.

Ways to strengthen the bond with your baby apply to all infants, adopted or not.

  1. Be consistent in your response to their needs.
  2. Talk to your baby and make eye contact with them.
  3. Provide as much physical contact; snuggles, hugs, kisses, as you can.
  4. Don’t neglect your own needs. Your baby will sense if you are stressed or burnt out.

If you are interested in reading further on the topic of attachment and bonding, here are a few great places to start.

The Attachment Parenting Book : A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Baby

The Attachment Connection: Parenting a Secure and Confident Child Using the Science of Attachment Theory

The Everything Parent’s Guide to Raising Your Adopted Child: A complete handbook to welcoming your adopted child into your heart and home

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Veronica and Carlos

BA Garcia

BA Garcia

When Veronica and Carlos joined the Everlasting family in June of 2016, I don’t think they realized just how quickly their lives would change! Veronica and Carlos always dreamed of having a son. When they got the call March 1st that birth mom Liz was interested in getting to know them, they couldn’t believe it! 
This connection was serendipitous. Veronica and Carlos had just painted their nursery two weeks prior to their first contact with Liz! Liz battled with constant uncertainty about her decision to place her baby for adoption. Veronica and Carlos entered into this connection knowing that she may change her mind but pressed forward building a relationship based on complete transparency and openness with Liz. They consistently and honestly supported Liz’s deep reflection on her decision. 
As their relationship developed and they got to know one another, Liz felt more confident that she was making the best decision possible for her and her baby boy. On March 17th around 9 am at 7 lbs 10oz and 2 weeks before his due date, Logan came into this world! Liz spent some private time with Logan before deciding to move forward. 
Veronica and Carlos got the call that he was here and made their way to not only meet their son but spend time with their birth mom as well! Logan was welcomed into a huge family full of love and longing! We are so grateful to have been a part of this connection. It was amazing to see this relationship grow feel the constant love and support Veronica and Carlos had for their birth mom, even though there was some uncertainty. Thank you to Liz for her honesty and openness through her own journey. Veronica and Carlos, we are so happy for you! Happy Birthday, Logan!

Blanca, Travis and Tianna’s Adoption Journey Party

We love to receive updates like this from former Everlasting families. What a special way to celebrate your beautiful family with an “Adoption Journey” party. Thank you Blanca and Travis for sharing!
Good Morning to you wonderful ladies.
Hope all is well on your end! It’s been a while since I sent an update on our precious girl Tianna. She’s growing up so incredibly fast it’s hard to believe she’ll be 3 in July! On Saturday we threw an “Adoption Journey” Party that celebrated the day we finalized the adoption 2 years ago today (3/20/17). Our closest friends and family came to share in our joy, they’ve been a big part of our journey from the first day we wanted to adopt. As Tianna gets older we want to show her how positive adoption is, what unconditional love and support is really about.
We started the party with a small ceremony where family and friends got up and said a few words of how blessed we are to have her, how much she’s changed our lives. We know as she gets older she will have plenty of questions she might not feel comfortable asking us. So we asked three of our closest friends to stand with her and accept to be fully be a part of her adoption journey and promise to always be honest with her about the adoption, and to help keep the tradition of the “Adoption Journey” Celebration going.
Tianna is so full of personality and very outgoing, there’s so much light that shines from her. She’s definitely daddy’s little princess and mommy’s best friend. She’s already in an early pre-school where she is learning so much and interacting with kids her own age. She absolutely is fascinated by horses and the Grinch. She still doesn’t grasp jingle bells and Santa Claus is coming to town are Christmas Carols but if she wants to be in the Christmas spirit all year long better believe we are singing with her. We truly believe we have the Best Kid Ever, she’s so funny, loving and caring and warms your heart with just a small smile.
As always thank you for helping to make our family complete. You truly make dreams a reality and we are forever grateful!

New Birth Announcement – Congratulations to Keith and Liz

BA KeithLiz

BA KeithLiz

Keith and Liz joined the Everlasting family in November of 2014. They already had two wonderful sons but yearned to add to their family. Their adoption journey was filled with ups and downs as many journeys are. There were many times they questioned their path as connections failed. In August of 2016 they were connected with their birth mom Janis and while her due date was a bit far off, everything started to fall into place. 
They spent the next 7 months getting to know each other and building a solid foundation for a loving relationship. They comforted Janis through many ups and downs in her own journey. In October Keith, Liz and big brothers found out they were expecting a little baby girl! With excitement and full hearts they anxiously awaited her arrival. 
Sweet baby Katharine was born on March 9th! We couldn’t be happier for Keith, Liz and Katharine’s big brothers! Adoption can be a scary road full of uncertainty but we cherish the opportunity to not only have helped grow their family but comforted and supported them through their journey as well. We are forever grateful to birth mom Janis for her love not only for Katharine but Keith and Liz as well. We look forward to watching this newly created family grow and the many adventures life will continue throw everyone’s way! Congratulations Keith and Liz! Thank you, Janis! Happy Birthday, Katharine Jane! 

Birth Mom Brittany Shares Her Experience

BM Brittany

BM Brittany

Brittany reached out to Everlasting in August of 2016 when she found out that she was pregnant. Brittany has had experience with adoption before and we treasure the opportunity to help her work through an adoption plan when she was faced with the difficult decision once again. She did not feel like she had the stability to parent a child and yearned to find a family that could provide that love and consistency she desired for her baby. 
Brittany connected with adoptive parents Kristina and Robert. She felt drawn to them because of the security she felt they could provide. She loved that Robert has a great job and that Kristina is a stay at home mom. The icing on the cake was the fact that her baby would have a big brother! When asked about her experience with her adoptive family, Brittany used one word: AMAZING! She said it takes her breath away to interact with them. They still talk regularly! 
Brittany said that she was immediately drawn to our variety of families that she could choose from. Her experience with our director, Carol, an adoptive mom herself, was wonderful. Brittany felt supported and that her needs were always listened to. Carol provided constant love, attention and was always overjoyed and happy to hear from Brittany. 
If Brittany could offer once piece of advice to a birth mom considering adoption or presently working through the process, it would be, “Keep positive. Ask questions. Get to know your family and be honest and up front about everything.” 
We are grateful to Brittany for sharing her experience with her adoptive family. To have supported her along her journey, providing strength and love, was an honor and a privilege for everyone at Everlasting. We wish her and her adoptive family nothing but love. Thank you, Brittany!