Julie & Mike Success Stories

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Mike and I turned to adoption after being told that we would be physically unable to have children. We had both always dreamed of having children, so we prayed and felt like this was the decision God had for us. After 2 years with Everlasting Adoptions and a few unsuccessful matches, we finally met the birth mom God had planned for us. On January 23rd, our precious daughter Natalee was born and she is worth every second of the wait.

We are forever grateful to Everlasting Adoptions and would especially like to thank Lisa, our Birth Mother Consultant. I don’t think we would have met our birth mom without her! The Everlasting staff are amazing. Through our ups and downs they never gave up on us.

If we could give one piece of advice to other prospective adoptive parents, we would tell them to keep faith that your time will come! We know from personal experience that this is easier said than done and at some points in our journey it seemed like it would never happen, but we were patient and finally got the call that forever changed our lives.

Mike & Julie