Happy Birthmother’s Day!

Today is Birthmother’s Day! We would like to thank all birthmothers who are so self-less and give the gift of life to adoptive parents. Without them, many of our adoptive families, including myself, would not have been able to experience the joy of parenthood. We are grateful! Many blessings to all of you and Happy Birthmother’s Day! Carol, Everlasting Adoptions

Happy Holloween

Happy Halloween to all of our FIRST TIME Ghosts and Goblins. Have fun and be safe! The Staff at Everlasting Adoptions sends our Halloween Hugs to You! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO 🙂 Please email Halloween Pics of all of our Everlasting Adoption Miracles to carol@everlastingadoptions.com. We would love to see all of our Halloween Angels. . . . .Devils??? 🙂 xoxoxoxoxo Happy Halloween To ALL xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Adoption Tax Credit Extended


Adoption Tax Credit Extended thru 2011
The Adoption Tax Credit, which was scheduled to expire in 2010, has been extended for one year, through 2011. The Adoption Tax Credit will see several positive adjustments, as confirmed by Joint Council on International Adoption Services:

The maximum credit will increased from $12,150 to $13,170,

The Adoption Tax Credit is now retroactive to January 1, 2009. This represents a potential increase of $1,000 for adoptive families.

The Adoption Tax Cred was made refundable. If a family has no tax liability, the IRS will refund the amount due.

Please consult a tax professional for all of your tax questions.

The extension of the Adoption Tax Credit through 2011, was passed as part of the health care reform bill which was signed into law by President Obama on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. The changes have been published in detail by the Journal of Accountancy:

"For 2010, the maximum adoption credit is increased to $13,170 per eligible child (a $1,000 increase). This increase applies to both non-special needs adoptions and special needs adoptions. Also, the adoption credit is made refundable. The new dollar limit and phase-out of the adoption credit are adjusted for inflation in tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2010. Also, the scheduled sunset of EGTRRA provisions relating to the adoption credit is delayed for one year (i.e., the sunset becomes effective for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2011).

For adoption assistance programs, the maximum exclusion is increased to $13,170 per eligible child (a $1,000 increase). The new dollar limit and income limitations of the employer-provided adoption assistance exclusion are adjusted for inflation in tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2010. The EGTRRA sunset of provisions relating to adoption assistance programs is also delayed for one year (i.e., the sunset becomes effective for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2011)."

– Journal Accountancy, March 22, 2010

Thank you to each family that lobbied for the Adoption Tax Credit by making your voice heard at both the state and federal levels! This is great news for adopting families across the US, making adoption possible for many that could not otherwise afford to build their families through international adoption.

Dear Birthparents Considering Adoption

We are all adoptive Moms who work here, 24/7, and we honestly understand the difficult situation you are facing. We can help you decide on which option is best for you. We will never try to convince you either way.

We still talk to our own children’s birthparents and treat them with much respect and dignity. We realize they gave us the miracle of life!! ~~~~ There is no greater gift than that. ~~~~

IF you decide on an adoption plan, WE LET YOU SELECT THE PARENTS THAT YOU FEEL ARE RIGHT FOR YOUR BABY. We have many waiting families for you to chose from, and we can help you with your selection IF you would like us to help you.

PLEASE CONSIDER CONTACTING US TODAY by the method you are most comfortable with:

You can fill out an information form on line
Email us at carol@everlastingadoptions.com

Text Message Carol at 630-364-8361
CHAT ONLINE with us right NOW
or call toll free at 1-630-364-8361.

We guide you every step of the way, and we are so EASY to work with.

Get the help you need! Don’t wait. We are right here waiting to help you, 24/7!


Why Not Ask Us Your Questions?

We can answer your questions right now! Why not click on GREEN HELP BUTTON on the left, upper side of this page and get your answer now? Why wait??? We want to help you build your family through the miracle of adoption now!

Birthparents, we realize this must be a difficult time for you. We are SO EASY TO TALK TO. We are all adoptive moms ourselves. We talk to our own children’s birthparents frequently. We understand! We can help you NOW. Don’t wait; let us guide you through the adoption process every step of the way OR just talk about your options. WE WILL NEVER try to sway your decision either way.