Taryn In Pennsylvania

Caucasian, Caucasian/Hispanic, Caucasian/Native American, Hispanic or South/Central American, Latino, Native American (American Indian), Pacific Islander
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Dear Birthmother,

My name is Taryn, and becoming a mom has been a dream of mine since I was a young girl. You may be asking yourself why you should consider a single mother for the job of raising your precious child. Honestly, I would love to be married someday, but as I tell my 2nd grade students, I haven’t found my “Prince Charming” yet. I decided I didn’t want to wait any longer to become a mom, and adoption has always been something I’ve considered. If a glass slipper should be placed on my foot someday, he will certainly know how important raising a child is to me and should feel just as strongly about being a father.

Next, I’d tell you that I am beyond independent. My parents raised me with a “can-do” attitude, and I’ve never stepped down from a challenge. I am always determined to succeed, and I am lucky to have an incredible village that I can call upon at a moment’s notice.

Being around children brings me so much joy. As a teacher, there are just so many heart-warming and inspiring stories to tell. Not to mention my unwavering and overflowing love for my nieces and nephews. I cannot get enough of them, and I am the ultimate proud aunt.

I am very blessed by the people in my life. However, there is a part of my heart that has an opening and filling it with the love of a child would be the biggest blessing of all. I feel honored you’re considering me to take on this tremendous responsibility and hope that by reading this you find comfort in knowing that I will do anything and everything in my power to ensure this little one is surrounded by lots of love and laughter and experiences all the great joys of life while also feeling supported during any tough times. Everyday, your child will know how incredibly and forever grateful I am to you for making my dream come true.

About Me



I’ll admit I’m not always good at talking about myself, but here goes. I have worked as a teacher since I graduated from Penn State, and I love what I do. I have an easy-going personality, and I believe in the importance of good character. I have a poster in my classroom that says, “Character is how you live life when no one is looking.”

When making decisions, I like to think things through. When I take time to mull it over, I make better decisions. I am pretty willing to go with the flow most of the time. However, if I feel very passionate about something, you will know it. Through some leadership roles I have taken on in my career, I have been able to work on being more flexible. I have a good deal of patience. I have learned a lot about how to handle this through teaching my students. You have to practice what you preach!

There is this interesting piece to me where something someone does or says will often remind me of a song. I will then burst out singing when that happens. I use this to my advantage in situations where I’m losing my patience. I will change the words to a song and sing my frustrations. For example, I often change the words to “Let it Go” in my classroom. I might sing, “Get it done” or “Stop talking now.” It serves to release that pent up energy and allows me to bring humor and light to the situation.

I like to read, particularly mystery novels. I also love to watch sports, especially football. I cheer on our local teams – the Phillies and the Eagles- and also support my former hometown teams in Cleveland. My family participates in a fantasy football league every year too, where I have been crowned the champion on 2 occasions. OH YEAH!!! The satisfaction I get from beating my cousin Neil, who is super competitive, is enough of a prize for me! In fact, my ultimate goal is just to beat Neil, because it bugs him so much. Maybe I can be a little competitive too :).

In addition, I find it rewarding to work on projects around my house. Painting a room, reorganizing a space, landscaping my yard, or decorating for the various seasons or holidays always gets me excited. My dad taught me how to do many basic things around the house, and I feel confident to tackle these on my own most of the time. A friend of mine called me “Molly Depot” one day when I was helping with a project around her house and the nickname stuck.

My favorite thing to do is to spend time with friends and family. Whether it is going out to dinner, a backyard BBQ, or birthday and holiday celebrations, being with the people I love is always a good time. I particularly enjoy finding things to do with my nieces and nephews. It could be exploring a museum, nature center, local park, or getting creative at home with a cooking project or science experiment. My mom has a pool in her backyard, so spending time swimming or relaxing around the pool is almost always on the list in the summer. Our extended family and some of my friends live in various parts of the country – Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, California, Colorado, etc. I look forward to planning trips to visit them when I can. It also offers a great opportunity to explore these areas of the country. I also love to go to the beach and anytime spent near the water makes me happy.

I also do what I can to support my local community. My work community organizes many events to help those in need: we donate clothes and food to the homeless in a nearby large city; we collect school supplies, clothing, and other necessities for our local families. I also organize “Pink Day” in honor of my dear friend and colleague, Rachel, who passed away from breast cancer at the age of 34. Every year on February 22nd, her birthday, the entire school community dresses in pink and donates to the foundation started in her honor. We typically raise about $1,000 each year.

My Home

Buying a single-family home was the first big step towards making my adoption dreams come true. I knew when I started a family, I wanted a friendly neighborhood where children can run and play outside. I feel like I hit the jackpot when I found this house. It has provided me with so much more than I could have imagined, and I can’t wait to share that with my child!

Seeing my child smile and wave hello to neighbors as we take an evening stroll will bring me such joy. There is an annual block party, Halloween party, lighting of luminaries at the holidays, and other informal get-togethers throughout the year that I know I will enjoy even more when I get to experience it through the eyes of a child.

My fenced-in backyard, which faces a beautiful pond, has been a sanctuary for me. I can envision many moments of stopping what we’re doing to watch the various animals from the back patio or through the window as they scurry around. When the weather is nice, many hours will be spent in the backyard: playing ball, running through the sprinkler, taking a walk around the pond, and playing on the swing set.

Every time I have friends and family over, they can’t stop talking about what a wonderful setting it is, and I couldn’t agree more. I get so excited when I think about how much fun it will be to raise a child here!

My Extended Family

Spending time with family is the best! Several years ago, I made a sign for my kitchen that reads, “The most special memories are made when gathered around the family table.” I can think of many stories and traditions in our family that echo this statement. I am the oldest of 3 girls. My dad sadly passed away several years ago from cancer.

I have 2 nieces, a step-niece, and 2 nephews who I cannot get enough of! Our family typically gets together once or twice a month and playing with the kids is so fun and entertaining. I have also helped out my sister for many summers by watching her children over the summer anywhere from 1-2 times per week. I’ve been doing this with my nephew since he was 9 months old. My sister says she owes me big time for all the help I’ve given her over the years, and I can’t wait to cash in….haha! In addition, many of my cousins and friends have children who I have spent time with over the years. I have been called the “baby whisperer” by some and hope that this will ring true when I become a mother.

My immediate family all lives in the area. My mom and one sister live about 15 minutes from me, and my other sister lives in Delaware, about an hour away. My extended family isn’t nearby, but I am close to a couple of my cousins who have children, and I know that they will offer advice and support through this process. My aunts and uncles will be out for many visits, as well. My uncle, who is my dad’s twin brother, has reached out because he knows how much my dad would have been involved if he were still alive, and he wants to be part of the whole experience in a similar way. In fact, my uncle's grandchildren used to call my dad “Grandpa #2,” so I know my uncle will embrace that title well. We plan to get together with my immediate and extended family often and always end up gathered around the table sharing stories and making new memories to cherish.

My Family Traditions

As I think about traditions, Christmas has so many that come to mind: decorating the tree and house, driving around to look at lights, Dad reading “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” These have evolved into new traditions over the years. I started making strawberry jam, and it has become a tradition to make it every Christmas. A good friend and colleague keeps trying to convince me I should open a business because she enjoys it so much. Every Christmas we now go see the lights at Longwood Gardens. Christmas Eve is spent in our pajamas and exchanging gifts with one another. This is always my favorite. Watching the joy as each person opens up their personalized gifts is what it’s all about.

Easter is another holiday I can’t wait to experience with my child. I can envision playing “hot or cold” when hunting for eggs, enjoying our favorite foods during a family brunch, and watching the cousins run around and play with each other as we build our memories as a family.

Our family always enjoyed a little family competition growing up – from sugar cookie decorating contests to racing to find the Easter eggs the fastest. I honestly never remember who actually won. What I do remember are the feelings of pure joy, laughter, and fun that were brought forth through these activities, and I can’t wait to make memories like these someday with my child.

What Led Me To Adoption

It Takes a Village

My adoption journey began with my dream of becoming a mom. That dream has blossomed into a reality as my friends’ and family’s support has been a constant presence. With the news my adoption journey was officially underway, my sisters and friends began clearing out their baby storage areas to pass on all the essentials. My niece, Lana, had just moved into a toddler bed, and the building of a nursery began, as my brother-in-law, Ben, moved the crib into the bedroom. My mom and sisters also planned the most incredible shower to celebrate and eventually welcome a new addition. I was overwhelmed with the joy and generosity shown to me on this day. The nursery and many closets are overflowing with all we will need and more.

I’m especially thankful for the men in my life who would help to serve as male role models in the life of my child. My brother-in-law, Ben, can often be found drumming up some goofy, fun-loving antics with the kids. Between his antics, love of sports, and love of shopping, he wouldn’t hesitate to add another kid to the bunch. My brother-in-law, Josh, can always be found playing with the kids when we get together. With his love of fishing and the ability to build or fix anything, he’s always willing to jump in. Additionally, I’m very close to two of my male cousins who each have 2 kids of their own. Watching them connect to the kids in their roles as fathers and uncles delights me, and I have no doubt they will play that role well in my child’s life, too. My friends’ husbands are a big part of my life, as well. They are ready to help me with anything I need. They’ve offered to cut down dead trees, help move furniture, fix the sump pump – just to name a few. They’re also always there when we get together with our families and can be found playing all the kids’ games. Some of them may actually still be kids themselves or so they think.

I also know this is only the beginning of the journey with my village. In texting with my cousin’s wife recently, she shared her continued prayers for my miracle to happen soon and said when it does, I will be “bombarded with help”. I feel so grateful to have such amazing friends and family in my life who will be there with me every step of the way. This baby will be loved, taken care of, and spoiled by so many.

My Promise to You

I will tell my child that his or her Birth Mom is an extraordinary human being. That you love and care for them so much and wanted to do what was best for them. My goal is to raise a child who shows manners and respect and develops responsibility and independence. I will encourage anything that he/she shows passion for and teach them how working hard and showing “grit” pays off. I am truly thankful for the decision you are making. I promise that your baby will be loved and cared for daily. Because of your choice, you are making my dreams of becoming a mother a reality, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Facts About Taryn

2nd Grade Teacher
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
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Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot: