My wife and I were both born and raised in Germany. I lived there for 30 years before I moved to California. Six months before moving to the states we met on Tinder. To be honest, because I was leaving my home country, I was not really looking for a long term relationship. No matter what and against all advice from family and friends, we tried it, and we fell in love right away. We maintained a long distance relationship for 3 years visiting each other every 3-4 months. The distance was not easy, but we fought and believed in our love. To this day, we still love each other like in the beginning. My wife is not just my wife, she is my best friend.
Shortly after moving to California I received a phone call from my stepdad back in Germany about my mother's sudden declining health. I was extremely close to my mother and owe everything to her, so I booked a flight back to Germany the same day to be by her side. She passed away 3 days later. During that difficult time, Monja was there to support me at a moment’s call. She lived about 60-70 miles away from my mother’s place. She would travel every day to work and back to me to be by my side, even though we had only known each other for about 6-7 months. This time brought us extremely close.
For the past seven years, I have worked in a machine shop as a programmer and supervisor. We make parts for the automotive industry, aerospace, electrical connectors, etc. On top of that, I am a share holder of the company. My wife works in quality control and assures the requirements from the customer to a product. Before that she worked in an elderly home.