About Heidi
I was born and raised right here in Washington State. I attended pre-k to 8th grade at the local school where my mother taught preschool and home-economics. I was raised in a Lutheran Church, and my mother also taught Sunday School which she attended weekly. I attended the local community college and received my AA degree. I was raised with values of love, kindness, compassion, empathy for all beings, and that family is everything.
I've always had a love for the outdoors. Growing up, my sisters and I spent most of our time either exploring the 7-acres of property we lived on, biking down the road to our best friend’s house or hiking up into the tree farm across the street to explore the wilderness. My mother had a green thumb, so there were many garden and flower beds to tend to.
I was also raised to be an avid fisher woman, as my dad loved to be on the water. Twice a year, we would travel to the family cabin on Vancouver Island to fish. My father and I shared a passion for building things, learning and fishing. I also enjoyed working on cars, and my sisters and I were taught at a young age how to change the oil and work on our own vehicles. Unfortunately, my father passed away suddenly about 7 years ago. He was one of my best friends and it was tragic for the entire family.
Later that summer, I met Andy, and he completely changed my life. Not only had I found a best friend, but I had also found my partner in life. We bonded very quickly; sharing a love of travel and the outdoors. I had never been so happy in all my life. We married in the early summer of 2019. It was the most magical day on the waterfront, the weather was perfect, our families were together, and most importantly Andy and I were together.
Things started to change that fall. I left my job after 18 years, and I started to work for the family business at the hardware store. Andy and I were eager to start a family right away; we wanted to share this beautiful life with others, and we have always loved children. I enjoy seeing the world through their eyes. How they learn, what they learn and what they can teach us about life. How sometimes things don't need to seem so difficult, and children can help us reflect on that. We are so excited to become parents!
I love food, and I love to cook. I also enjoy volunteering my time during the holidays to support the local food bank with a gift giving tree. I also spend time at our friend's and local breeders house for neuro stimulation with newborn puppies. I really enjoy art; in that I like to experiment with different art forms. I enjoy painting, writing, storytelling and creating colorful artwork at the local glass shop where I am a member. I love to be in nature, and whether it is in the woods, the mountains or the beach, I am at home.
About Andy
I also grew up in beautiful Washington state. I am an only child and am very close to my parents to this day. I learned the importance of communication from them. We also knew how to have fun. We spent many nights playing games and watching movies together, laughing as much as possible. I would work in the woods outside my childhood home with my dad, building trails and chopping/stacking wood. To this day, I still get a thrill when I am outside working in those same woods. I had many childhood friends, many who are still my friends to this day.
After college at the University of Washington, I joined a travelling children’s theater company and spent a year seeing the entire United States. After getting bitten by the acting bug, I decided to move to Los Angeles. I spent 12 years down south, acting, writing and producing projects. I even worked as a tour guide on the Paramount studio lot! It was an eye-opening, once in a lifetime experience. The things I learned during that phase of my life I use daily.
I have always wanted to start a family of my own, and so I returned home about 10 years ago. My parents were getting older, and I wanted to spend more quality time with them. Our family business also needed some updating, and I knew with the skills I had learned, I could really help support it. Most importantly, I was eager to find a wife who wanted to start a family with me. When I found Heidi, I knew she was the right person. We have built an amazing life together, and I know we are ready to take the next step towards being parents of our own. I can’t wait to share the experiences I had as a child with my own children.