Samantha & James

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Samantha and James are proud to announce the birth of their beautiful, baby girl, Ruby. They are grateful for their birthmother, Diana, who
was the angel that made their dream come true. Ruby was born on February 4, 2016, and weighed 7lb, 12.7 oz. Congratulations and Blessings
to all. Everyone is doing great. We thank them all for sharing their adoption journey with us! Samantha and James adopted in 19 months. Please read our blog to enjoy more of their story.

Jessica & Reggie

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Blessings and Congrats go out to Jessica and Reggie. Their baby boy was born in November and came into Jessica and Reggie’s life in the beginning of January. By the end of January, they became his parents forever. We are full of joy and happiness for them as well as their birthparents who made a very difficult and brave choice! We wish them all a future full of love, opportunities and all good things.

Joe & Jeff

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Congratulations go out to Joe and Jeff who adopted in 24 months. Their newborn baby boy, Daniel, was born on November 28, 2015, and their family is now complete. We are grateful to their birthparents too, who made the courageous choice to place their baby for adoption at the very last minute. Life! No better choice! Blessings to All!

Tyler & Natalia

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Christmas Baby, Ayden Nicole, was born on December 29, 2015, and the proud parents are Natalia and Tyler. Congratulations go out to all of them! Ayden was born on December, 29, 2015 and weighed in at 5lbs 6.5 oz. We wish them all the happiness and joy that life can bring, and we thank their birthparents for giving Ayden the gift of life!

Jess & Tiffani

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Thanksgiving Blessings and Congratulations are going out to Jeff and Tiffani! They adopted their newborn baby boy, Gabriel Paul, in 20 months. He was born on Friday, November 13, 2015, in Missouri. He weighed in at 6 lbs, 11.4 oz, and was 19” long. Jess and Tiffani are on their way “home” right now, and can’t believe their family is finally complete!!! Gabriel is most definitely an answered prayer!

Heather & Mark

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We would like to Congratulate Heather and Mark on the birth of their adorable son! Grayson was born on September 22, 2015 in Michigan. Heather & Mark adopted in 24 months.

Randy & Shauna

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Congratulations go out to Randy & Shauna on the birth of their beautiful baby girl! She was born in August. They adopted in 36 months. We could not be happier for them!

Avril & Matt

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Everlasting Adoptions is happy to announce another September birth. Welcome Sawyer!!!! He was born on September 15, 2015, in Louisiana. Avril and Matt adopted in 19 months. Congratulations and Blessings to All!

Stephen & Lindsey

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Congrats go out to Lindsey and Stephen on the birth of their newborn baby boy, Jacob. He was born on September 9, 2015, in Nebraska. They adopted in 24 months.

Denera & James

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Everlasting is happy to announce another birth! Congratulations to Denera & James on the birth of their beautiful daughter, Aubrey! She was born on August 30, 2015. They adopted in 18 months!