Welcome Mary Clara and Congratulations to Stephanie and Joey!! In just 14 months, Stephanie and Joey became the proud parents of Mary Clara who was born on August 29, 2016. Their birthmother selected them as the desired parents of her baby in April of 2016. They all developed an extraordinary relationship of friendship, closeness, compassion for everyone involved, and most of all true love. Here is just a short email from Stephanie back in July: “I just wanted to update you on our visit with our birthmother this past weekend. We had a wonderful time meeting her, her grandmother, great-grandmother, dad and little girl. It was a whirl-wind of a weekend with lunches, zoos, park-time, attorney visit and OBGYN visit (which the doctor had them do an ultrasound for free). The doctor agreed to having our birthmother induced, and he will be doing that on Monday, August 29th!” We are very happy and blessed to have shared in their journey. We hope this will inspire others who are considering adoption for their baby or those hoping to adopt!