Baby Adoption: Myth Vs Reality Posts

Adoption is a beautiful and amazing way to grow a family. Unfortunately, the process does have its fair share of misconceptions. If you are hoping to adopt a newborn – do your research. More importantly, kick these adoption myths to the curb!


Adoption is outrageously expensive and out of reach for most families.


Contrary to popular belief, a family does not need to be ‘rolling in the dough’ to adopt a baby. Adoption is often no more expensive than giving birth. Furthermore, affordable adoption services are out there – such as the ones provided to adoptive families here at Everlasting Adoptions.


It takes years to complete a newborn adoption.


A typical adoption takes between 1-2 years. At Everlasting Adoptions, many of our infant adoptions are completed in less time than that – some taking just months.


A biological parent can reclaim their child any time after placement.


This is a fear that we believe every adoptive parent has had at one point or another. Once an adoption is complete, the adoptive family is then recognized as the child’s family by law. A birthparent, under no circumstances, can reclaim the child after relinquishing parental rights. Your attorney, adoption facilitator and adoption caseworker will take all necessary precautions to ensure this fear be put to rest for good.


Adoptive parents cannot love an adopted child as much as they would a biological child.


Any adoptive parent who hears this would surely protest. Love and attachment is not guaranteed by biology. The intensity of bonding, depth of emotion and the development of unconditional love are the same regardless of how a child joined the family.


All birthmothers/birthfathers are troubled teenagers.


While most relinquishing mothers are in their early 20s, some are older and some are younger. Most birthmothers are over 18 years old, and choose adoption for a multitude of reasons – the biggest being love.


Children who are adopted are more likely to have developmental issues.


We believe this is a harsh accusation. In reality, research shows that adopted children are no more prone to psychological or emotional issues than their non-adopted counterparts. There is virtually no difference in psychological function between the two.

Your adoption journey means the world to us. Whether you are thinking about adoption or are already committed to the process, Everlasting Adoptions is here to support you through the entire way through. Call us or email us any time.