Jocksan & Christine

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Congratulations to Jocksan and Christine! They became the proud parents of baby Elia Christine on 10/24/2012. They adopted their beautiful baby girl in 11 months! Our best wishes to the new family!

Darin & Stacey

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Congratulations to Darin and Stacey! They adopted an adorable baby boy Lucas in 11 short months! This is their second adoption through Everlasting Adoptions. We are so happy for them.

Tiffany & Ben

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Congratulations to Tiffany and Ben! On October 4th, 2012, they became proud parents to their beautiful baby boy Max in just 6 short months!

Katie & Jason

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Congratulations to Katie and Jason! They adopted an adorable baby boy in 12 short months!

Joy & Tremain

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Congratulations to Joy and Tremain! They adopted a baby girl in 7 short months!

Traci & Tom

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Congratulations to Traci and Tom! They adopted a beautiful baby girl in 28 months!

John & Danielle

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Congratulations to John and Danielle! They adopted baby Jared in 15 short months!!

Nikita & Kevin

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Congrats to Nikita and Kevin! They adopted baby Rylan John in just 9 short months!

Joe & Gretchen

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Congratulations to Joe and Gretchen! On May 7th, 2012 they adopted their beautiful baby girl, Giovanna Belle, in just 3 months.

Jennie & Eric

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Congratulations to Jennie and Eric! On April 15th, 2012 they became the proud parents of an adorable baby boy!