Jennifer & Alex In Missouri

African American/Any Mixed Race, Caucasian/African American, African American/Hispanic and African American/Latino, Multi-Racial
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

We are Jennifer and Alex. We hope this letter finds you wrapped in comfort and support during such a profound moment in your life. Words seem scarcely capable of capturing the magnitude of gratitude we feel, yet it's with a heart overflowing with appreciation that we attempt to convey our thanks in reading our profile.

Your courage embarks on a journey of unconditional love, making a decision that resonates with strength, selflessness, and profound love. Please know, your consideration in choosing us as potential parents fills our souls with an immeasurable sense of gratitude. We promise to cherish, adore, and provide a life of endless love and opportunities for this precious child.

We made the decision to adopt after years of longing to grow our family. After my sister and her family welcomed two beautiful girls into their family through adoption, we witnessed and experienced the wonderful blessing that adoption brings firsthand. We knew that we would love to make adoption a part of our family journey.

As you navigate this emotional path, please remember you're not alone. Our thoughts, prayers, and support are with you, enveloping you in a community of love and respect. We are endlessly thankful for you and your incredible act of love.

With all the love and gratitude our hearts can hold,
Jennifer and Alex

About Us

Jennifer is 37 and is from Spanish Fork, Utah. She comes from a family with 2 brothers and 1 sister. She is really close to her older sister and her family. She has always wanted to be a mother ever since she was a young child. So, becoming an aunt was definitely a highlight of her life. She just adores her nieces and nephews, and she is proud to hold the title Aunt Nenn Nenn.

Growing up, Jennifer always wanted to be an OBGYN so she could deliver babies and eventually took 3 years of school for OB nursing. Although she never completed her nursing degree, she did obtain a bachelor's in education and loves teaching children. She taught for almost 10 years teaching children of all ages from early childhood as young as 6 weeks old to teenagers in high school. She later went back to school to obtain her Master’s of Education in learning and technology. She now works for a genealogical website creating online learning materials for company employees and customer support representatives.

Alex is 45 and is from Nigeria and has been in the United States for over a year. He comes from a very large family with over 16 brothers and sisters. His family is a close family, and he does not go more than a day without speaking to someone in his family on the phone. He has 2 adult daughters that he adores. He is proud of his African heritage and looks forward to pass on his family traditions to his children. He loves being an uncle and has many nieces and nephews from his brothers and sisters who consider him to be a second father.

In Nigeria, Alex owned a very successful contracting company and renovated and maintain homes and hotels all over southern Nigeria. Alex currently works for Amazon as a transportation associate and is in the process of starting a contracting business here in the United States. He loves fixing up homes and designing beautiful living spaces and would love to provide his expertise here. He is also doing online studies for real estate and construction management.

Jennifer and Alex met in a very unique way. Through a mutual friend, a friendship sparked between them on Facebook. It didn’t take long for the friendship to grow into love. After a birthday trip to Nigeria for Jennifer, Alex asked her father permission for her hand in marriage, and they were married the next day. They have been married now for 6 years and look forward to the rest of their life with each other. They love listening to music, singing, swimming, fishing, kayaking, camping, gardening, and spending quality time with their family.

We have three dogs that live with us. Chance and Jazzy are ours and Harley belongs to Jennifer’s mother. Chance is just the sweetest and most gentle labradoodle; he loves to lay at your feet, play fletch, and run around the backyard. Jazzy is an energetic beagle who loves people. She loves to run, wrestle with Chance and Harley, cuddle, give kisses and play with kids. Harley is a Maltese who is just a cuddle bug, teddy bear. He loves to be wherever his human is and loves belly scratches and cuddles.

Our Home

We own a beautiful 5-bedroom, 4.5 bathroom, three level home. We have a dinosaur themed room, a floral room, and a Peter Pan playroom. The backyard is fenced in and spacious with a separate area designated for the dogs. There is also a little pond and a garden in the backyard.

The neighborhood is very safe and quiet. The HOA, which Alex serves on the board, plans lots of events for the neighborhood and special events especially for the children. We have a very diverse neighborhood, with an amazing elementary school. There are tons of parks within 5 minutes from our home. We also live close to the cousins.

Our Extended Family

We enjoy family time very much. Jennifer’s mother, Deidi, lives with us and she just loves being a grandma. We love doing outdoor activities like fishing and kayaking with Jennifer’s dad, Richard, and his wife, Lori. We spend a lot of time with Jennifer’s sister, Jessica, and her family. They come over every Sunday for dinner. We also have a yearly tradition with Jessica’s family on Christmas Eve where we have a slumber party and have Dr. Suess themed food and play Grinch games, we like to call it our yearly Whofest.

Jennifer’s best friend Triniti and her Husband Zach are a pretty big part of the family. They have 2 beautiful girls. We plan vacations together and visit each other a couple times a year.

Alex comes from a very large family with 7 younger brothers from his mother and stepfather. He also has 7 brothers and 3 sisters from his father. He has 2 brothers that live in Texas whom we see on occasion.

While we do not have children together yet, we do have 2 adult daughters named Yoyo and Zizi. They are beautiful young woman who are currently studying at Universities in Nigeria. Even though they are currently in Nigeria, they will have an amazing loving interaction with their sibling. They are excited to have a younger sibling to spoil and love on.

Our Family Traditions

We love doing outdoor activities including kayaking, fishing, camping, and hunting, especially with Jennifer’s dad, Richard. We also love swimming and go frequently to the local swimming pool and the lake during the summer months. We both really love cooking and Jennifer spends several hours baking bread every week. We also love to travel whether it is a long road trip or vacationing in Africa. No matter where we go it is always a good time. Alex loves playing soccer and basket and played a lot as a young child. Jennifer really loved softball, basketball, and soccer growing up and still enjoys playing softball and basketball occasionally. We both enjoy renovations and restorations. We have done several DIY projects around our home. Jennifer also enjoys refinishing furniture with her mother, crocheting, sewing, painting and drawing.

We love working with the youth in the community and currently teach an early morning religious class for juniors and seniors of our church congregation. We love being able to have an impact in the youth's lives and enjoy teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What Led Us To Adoption

After all the infertility issues experienced by Jennifer with an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage, the strong desire to start a family and also with Jennifer's sister adopting 2 beautiful girls; we knew adoption was supposed to be a part of our family journey.

Facts About Jennifer

Master's of Education in Learning and Technology
Favorite Food:
Italian Cuisine
Favorite Hobby:
I enjoy all different types of Hobbies. I love to learn and if it peaks my interest I love going all in and learning all I can. My most recent hobby is gardening, however, I also enjoy crafting, drawing, painting, sewing, singing, camping, fishing, kayaking and more.
Favorite Movie:
I enjoy suspense movies like murder mysteries and horror movies. I also really enjoy romcoms and musicals. My all time favorite movies are Grease, Westside Story, P.S. I Love you, or the Notebook.
Favorite Sport:
I grew up playing softball and enjoy watching softball and baseball.
Favorite Holiday:
I really love Christmas because of the magic of the holiday and the family traditions.
Favorite Music Group:
good charlotte
Favorite TV Show:
Law and Order or Gilmore Girls
Favorite Book:
thank you, mr. falker
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
cape coast ghana

Facts About Alex

Amazon Transportation Operations Management Associate
Engineering trade school
Favorite Food:
African Cuisine
Favorite Hobby:
sports, indoor/outdoor games
Favorite Movie:
mission impossible
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
the secrets
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
africa & europe
Jennifer & Alex