Dear Birthmother,
First of all, I’d like to offer my sincerest thanks to you for taking the time to read my profile and consider me as a potential adoptive parent for your child/children. Just as this is a journey for me, it is a journey for you, and I thank you for choosing to go forward with your decision to pursue adoption for your baby. I imagine it is a bit overwhelming to you, but I respect you and admire you for deciding to give your baby what you feel is best. Hopefully, you will find that with me!
My name is Tara. I 26 years old, and it has always been a dream of mine to become a mother. Even as a small child, I knew I wanted to have a family of my own when I grew up. Back then, I used to say I wanted five children! Now, I would consider it a miracle and blessing to be granted one child, though it would be a dream to have many children to share my heart and home with.
I am a single adoptive parent, and do not plan to marry or enter a relationship. However, if that were ever to change I want you to know your child/children would be my utmost, top priority. I feel that being unmarried shouldn’t stop me from pursuing my dream of being a mother, as family is more than how many parents one has, and all families vary.
Adoption has always been special to me, and it is something I have also considered even since being a child. I’ve always kept it in my mind and heart as an option, even if I could have children biologically. In my circumstance, I have not struggled through failed fertility treatments, but carrying a pregnancy of my own could prove risky to my health, so adoption is a valid and safe option for me. Besides that, I have felt a strong calling to adopt. I believe that it is God’s will for me to adopt a child or even children, and that I could really make a difference in their lives, just as they would make a positively great difference in mine. If I could help just one child and offer them a life full of unconditional love, support and care, I would feel I have fulfilled this purpose and finally be a “mother”.
I am now in the position where I feel I am financially, emotionally and physically prepared and ready to welcome a baby into my home where they will be loved and cherished forever. If the situation were to arise, I would happily welcome a baby and their sibling(s), as I feel strongly that being able to keep siblings together would be an amazing way to grow my family and provide a loving home for them together.
Thank you once again for being so kind as to review my profile. I’d love to connect with you, if you feel I may be the best match for you and your baby!