Gabriela & Alberto In Texas

Caucasian, Caucasian/Hispanic, European, Hispanic or South/Central American, Latino
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

If you are reading this, we can only imagine that you are facing one of the hardest and overwhelming decisions of your life. We are sorry for what you are going through, but hope we can calm any fears you might be having during this difficult time.

My name is Alberto and my wife is Gabriela. We can understand a little of what you may be going through. My wife and I are foster to adopt parents.

We have taken many parenting classes and CPR courses. We had no idea how hard foster parenting would be. When we signed up we asked for children that
were going to be put up for adoption because we didn’t want to get attached and be heartbroken when the child had to leave.

We were given a two day old baby girl. Gabriela and I fell in love with her. We were led to believe that we would be able to adopt her. My wife and I were overjoyed and looked forward to adopting her. We took care of her for 13 months. Shortly after her first birthday on Easter Sunday, April 2022 our baby girl was removed from our home and placed back with her mother.

Giving her up was the hardest thing we have ever done, so we can only imagine how hard it is for you to consider placing your baby with complete strangers. We believe we can relate to what you are feeling, and if we are chosen we want you to know that your baby will be in great hands. Gabriela works a regular 8-5 Monday-Friday job. She is working on opening her own office to spend less time in the office and more time at home. I will be a stay-at-home dad.

Our family is excited to welcome a baby into our family. We have enough babysitters with grandparents, uncles and aunts ready to spoil a baby. We know it is hard to make this decision because it is the future of your child, by words on paper, photographs and profiles, but we promise you that we will
love, protect and care for your baby for the rest of our lives.

About Us

Our names are Alberto and Gabriela (Gabby). We met many years ago as we both worked for a police department. After a few years of friendship, we started dating and eventually got married. Albert proposed one night as we were going for a walk on the beach and we got married a year later.
We honeymooned at the happiest place on earth, Disneyland. We are both kids at heart! As we began our married life, we realized how great we are together.

Gabby is an insurance broker and an Army Veteran. She loves her job because she is a people person. She loves talking to people and helping them find insurance products that fits their needs. Alberto is an Army Veteran and a retired Police SGT. After he served this country as a Military Police Officer, he became a Police Officer and his job was to protect and serve the wonderful citizens of the city. At one point he was also a K9 handler and
trainer for the K9 unit.

After a training accident (Alberto broke his hand) with a K9 he transferred to the narcotics unit. In narcotics, he worked undercover for his
department and later was assigned to a multiagency local state and federal taskforce where he continued his undercover assignment. After narcotics, he was promoted to SGT and assigned to an investigations unit.

We adopted Lilly as a featherless baby parrot. Lilly has a big personality. She is loud and always gets her way. When she is outside enjoying the beautiful sunny days, the neighbors come over to visit her. She loves McDonald fries and chips. Lilly is 9 years old.

Our Home

We moved into our home in 2019. We love a big yard so we purchased a home on 2 1/2 acres. We have a beautiful back yard where we have Easter egg hunts, family BBQ’s, birthday parties and just sit and enjoy the views. We participate in several parades that we have had in our neighborhood. We decorate our golf cart for different holiday themes. We have a view of the lake and some days you can feel the cool lake breeze. We have a beautiful park with basketball courts, tennis courts, BBQ areas and a jungle gym however, we can not wait to have our own jungle gym in our back yard. We have plenty of room for baseball games and a swing set. Our neighborhood is very diverse with lots of military, law enforcement and teachers.

Our Extended Family

We have a somewhat large family. We get together for every Holiday, birthday or special occasion. We have family in Germany and Mexico that we love to visit. We love to decorate our home every year for the Holidays. We decorate for Christmas every year earlier and earlier because it’s our favorite Holiday. We take a mini vacation between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We love to go to Disneyland to see the Christmas light.

Our parents are very excited to become grandparents. They joke and say that as soon as the babies come we (Alberto and I ) will no longer receive Christmas gifts because all the gifts will be for the baby. They are very excited to babysit and spoil a grand baby.

Our Family Traditions

We love to vacation, hike, zipline, fish, cookout, go to the movies and relax at home on Sundays. We also love to travel. Alberto loves going to theme parks, football and basket ball games. Gabriela just loves to go shopping in other places.

What Led Us To Adoption

As many other families we came to adoption because of infertility. We started discussing adoption options shortly after. I know we can give a baby a wonderful, loving and caring home.

Facts About Gabriela

Insurance Broker
University of Brownsville
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
The Grinch
Favorite Sport:
Football & Basketball
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Big Bang Theory & FBI
Favorite Book:
Any book by Stephen King
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Alberto

Retired Police Sgt
High School
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
John Wick
Favorite Sport:
Football & Golf
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Any western book
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Disney & Las Vegas
Gabriela & Alberto
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