Will & Billy In Pennsylvania

Caucasian, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Hispanic, Caucasian/Native American
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you so much for reviewing our profile and taking the time to get to know us. We are Will and Billy, and we are ready to start our family and welcome you and your baby. We both come from large families rooted in love, laughter and family traditions. Since we first met, we always had a goal to start a family of our own. Through our family values, life experiences and careers, we believe raising a child should focus on love, kindness, understanding and empathy.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. While we can never put ourselves in your shoes, we hope that you find our family as a place where your future baby could thrive in the small special moments and explore through big adventures. We hope to get to know you more soon!

About Us

We met in the early days of online app dating. During our first date, listening to a local blues band, we spoke about our love for good food, movies and most importantly the desire to build a family. Flash forward 8 years, 2 cats and 1 dog later, we are now married and are ready to grow our family.

Will is as pediatric speech language therapist working in early intervention for a local school district. Billy is a personal injury attorney working in the city. In our free time, we enjoy cooking new recipes at home (ever searching for the balance of healthy and tasty) while also exploring new restaurants in the area. We enjoy getting outdoors to hike with our dog and recently began checking a few National Parks off our list. We enjoy seeing our families frequently to celebrate birthdays, special occasions and holidays. No week is complete without coffee, tea, a good book, and a binge worthy TV show.

Our Home

We own and live in a single-family home on a quiet, tree-lined street. We live in a desirable suburb of Pittsburgh. Our community is best described as accepting and family friendly with a diverse number of family programs and opportunities including local libraries, parks and playgrounds. Our school district consistently places in the top tier of ranked districts in the area, state and country.

Our home is cozy and comfortable. We spend most of our time in our den where we read, watch TV and catch up after a long day. Our future nursery is a room next to our bedroom. We have a larger backyard and deck that is ideal for spending time outdoors. You will find our neighbors walking their pets and playing outside. Our street holds an annual block party in the summer. There are many young children who also live in the neighborhood, and it is perfect for trick-or-treating.

Our Extended Family

We have a big family. Will has two older sisters, both with children of their own. Billy is the eldest of four boys who are also beginning to build their own families. We are fortunate to be able to visit our families frequently as both are within driving distance of our home. Each month, our families get together for BBQs, picnics, holiday celebrations and special occasions.

Both of our families plan annual summer vacations to the beach. We look forward to these trips as they are a time for us to spend time on the beach reading, swimming with our nephews and nieces and laughing with our siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Our Family Traditions

Billy is serious about holidays! Growing up, the best day of his year was spent with his grandparents on Christmas Eve. Billy has taken those memories and ensures that every holiday is celebrated to the fullest. In addition to Christmas and Easter, we host an annual Halloween Party with Billy’s brothers that includes themed foods and favors, games and of course, a spooky movie. Our families cherish these special moments full of laughter, stories and excitement. Will’s family has a Welsh tradition of lighting and burning a bayberry candle around the holidays to foster good luck and fortune for the year ahead. We can't wait to share these traditions and create some new ones with a child of our own.

What Led Us To Adoption

From the moment we started our relationship, we have always had the dream of starting a family. We are now ready to begin our journey and feel adoption is the best path. We are so humbled with the opportunity to raise a child with the love, support and tools to achieve their own dreams.

Facts About Will

Pediatric Speech & Language Therapist
Master’s Degree in Speech Language Pathology
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Cooking & Hiking
Favorite Movie:
The Family Stone
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Great British Bake Off
Favorite Book:
The Midnight Library
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Billy

Law School
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Baseball (Or whatever Will makes me watch)
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
The Office
Favorite Book:
To the Lighthouse
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
New River Gorge National Park
Will & Billy
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