Whitney & Bobby In Kansas

No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

First off, we want to tell you that we know this decision will be hard for you, and we understand that as parents. We can’t say we have been in your shoes, but we can’t imagine how hard this process can be for you. We also want to thank you for taking the time to look at our profile and potentially considering our family for your precious gift.

We are Bobby, Whitney, Braxton and Kaysen. We have two boys already, but we are wishing for a beautiful little girl to complete our family. We have been unable to have our own child and feel that instead of doing IVF we are instead led towards adoption. At first, we were overwhelmed with the process of adoption, but we just felt more and more that we are meant to adopt.

About Us

We got married in June of 2011. We met in the town that Bobby grew up in, and Whitney was going to college for Veterinary Technology. We decided to move back to Whitney’s home town after getting engaged to be able to find different career opportunities. We have two boys who are two and half years apart.

Bobby is a diesel mechanic and Whitney is a support staff at a wedding venue. Whitney earned her Bachelor's Degree last year. Whitney spends her free time reading and enjoys exercising with her best friend. She also helps coach the boys during baseball season. Bobby spends his extra time in the winter coaching Braxton in wrestling. Bobby also enjoys the outdoors.

Whitney enjoys reading in her down time especially in the colder months. The summer consists of lots of activities to keep the kids busy. However, when she has a chance, she enjoys playing slow pitch softball for a league in their town as well as the next town over. Bobby enjoys fishing and hunting when he has time. When he was in high school his hobbies consisted of rebuilding cars with his dad which he hopes to be able to continue with his children. The whole family enjoys being outdoors and loves to visit the lake or travel whenever we can.

Our family has three cats that play a part in our life. Odie who is our oldest out of the cat crew. He's our lazy cat that the boys named after the movie Barnyard since he looks like a dairy cow. Then we have 'The Twins', Waffles and Biscuits-n-Gravy, that we just got in January of 2024. Each boy got to pick out a name for their cat.

Our Home

We live in a two story, 4 bedroom, 2 bath house in a quieter neighborhood that is just half a block away from the local hospital. Each boy has their own room, and the extra room is in the process of being converted into a nursery for the new baby. The hospital has created a paved walking path for the public to use which the boys enjoy using their scooters on. The backyard is smaller but has been converted for the boys outdoor entertainment with the start of a tree fort as well as a trampoline. The driveway is long and sloped which has been great for the boys to roller skate on. There are houses around us and in the surrounding blocks that have children for the kids to play with. The neighborhood consists of two home daycares so most of the traffic coming down the street goes slow and watches for children.

Our Extended Family

Braxton is our oldest child. He is 10 years old and in fourth grade. He is a very active boy. Right now, he is participating in his school's strings program which teaches how to start playing the violin. He enjoys school in general, but his favorite subjects are math and music. He is involved in wrestling during the winter months. In the summer, he plays league baseball and enjoys being at work with mom so he can go swimming while she works. This fall he is excited to start 5th grade tackle football.

Kaysen is 7 years old and in second grade. He is the complete opposite of his older brother. He enjoys school in order to be with his friends and socialize. His favorite subject is math just like his big brother, but he also enjoys science. This summer, he will be starting coach pitch baseball for the first time. In the summer, he loves to be in the water whether that's swimming or just tinkering in a container of water.

Both boys love going to science camp in the summer. They are close in age and for the most they get along well. When they were little, they were known as Pete and Repeat. Braxton can’t wait to have a little sister join our family. Kaysen told us early on that he wants to be able to love not just one sister but two! Braxton would love to play and teach her all the sports his participates in, like wrestling, baseball and football. Kaysen thinks it would be fun to have someone to hangout with and just play along with him.

Our Family Traditions

Family traditions play a big part of our lives. Some of our big ones are Christmas. We spend the weeks before Christmas baking and decorating sugar cookies and other Christmas goodies. On Christmas Eve, we celebrate with Whitney’s mother's extended family. It is a large gathering that usually includes lots of food and laughs. There is also a white elephant Christmas gift exchange. Christmas Day is spent with Bobby’s family at his parent's house.

Thanksgiving is another big tradition. Thanksgiving day is spent with Whitney’s extended family and the following Saturday is spent with Bobby’s family. Easter traditions include the typical Easter egg hunt and egg dying. If the weather is nice enough, we go to Whitney’s aunt’s to spend time out at her pond fishing. Other smaller traditions include family dinner at Whitney's parent's house after Sunday church. Then afterwards there is either games or outside fun to be had.

What Led Us To Adoption

We were led to the idea of adoption due to years of infertility like many others. We believe as a family that this is the direction we are meant to go down in order to help complete our family. Adoption gave us hope that we have a chance at completing our family and giving our children another sibling, as well as us another child to love.

Facts About Whitney

Wedding Venue Staff
Associate's Degree in Veterinary Technology & Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Reading & Running/exercising
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
The Rookie, Outlander & Good Girls
Favorite Book:
The Plated Prisoner Series
Favorite Subject in School:
Biology & photography
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Cozumel or any place warm with a beach

Facts About Bobby

Diesel Mechanic
High School Diploma & VoTech Diesel Mechanic Certification
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Predator vs Alien
Favorite Sport:
Football & Wrestling
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Hard Rock
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
History & shop
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Whitney & Bobby
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