Uriaha & Rene In California

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

First and foremost, we want to thank you for taking time to look at our profile and considering us to care for your child. We know you’re facing a difficult decision and can’t imagine the courage it takes to make the choice you are making. If we are lucky enough to be the family you choose, we promise to bring so much love and happiness to your baby's life.

We are Uriaha and Rene and are so excited to start this journey with you! We have been together for nine years and married for four. Although our life is great, being parents is something we have been wanting for a long time now. When we first discussed being parents, adoption was always our first and only choice. We are thrilled for this next chapter of our lives.

About Us

We met each other through a group of mutual friends back in 2014 and soon after had our first date at a Starbucks we both frequently visited. Since then, we’ve gotten married, shared a lot of great memories together and have grown so much. Uriaha works for the city as a first responder and Rene works in administration.

In our spare time, we enjoy hanging out at home with our pups and finding projects to do around the house. We enjoy traveling, gardening at home, visiting new restaurants, movies and exploring museums / exhibits. We also spend a lot of our time with family and friends. We are incredibly lucky to have such a supportive family and group of friends to lean on and cheer us on through this journey.

Our Home

We are very fortunate to have purchased a home of our own in a suburban area right outside of Los Angeles County. We have a single story home with three bedrooms, two baths and a very spacious backyard with plenty of room to grow and play.

We live on a quiet street in a very friendly and diverse neighborhood. Our home is within walking distance to a few parks and schools. We are close
to many hiking trails, beaches, museums and theme parks.

Our Extended Family

We both grew up in the Los Angeles area and both come from hispanic backgrounds. Uriaha is one of eight children. He and five of his other siblings are actually adopted. Rene grew up in a Mexican household and is the youngest of five. We are both extremely close to our families and are within a 5-15 minute drive of each other. Together we have nine nieces and nephews that we see often and have a few more on the way! They’re all excited for another cousin to join the bunch.

Our Family Traditions

Together we have combined our family traditions and now celebrate them as one giant family. One of our favorite traditions is getting together for Dia De Los Muertos. In Mexican culture it is the day we honor our loved ones that have passed and we take this opportunity to celebrate our mothers who are no longer with us. We cook their favorite meals, put up their photos, share memories and keep their memory alive.

Every year the family gets together for a summer camping trip and in recent years have started renting a cabin in the winter to spend a weekend in the snow. We enjoy traveling and exploring different cities. Some of our favorite vacation spots have been Spain and New Oreleans for the food and culture.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have talked about becoming parents for a long time and are excited about starting this next chapter of our lives. We believe adoption is the right path for us to give a child a loving environment. We have a lot of love to offer, and we are ready to open our hearts and home. We are so excited to become parents!

Facts About Uriaha

Police Service Representative
Some College
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Arts & Crafts - Using Cricut
Favorite Movie:
Never Been Kissed
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Britney Spears
Favorite TV Show:
Golden Girls
Favorite Book:
Girl on the Train
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Palm Springs

Facts About Rene

Some College
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Legally Blonde
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Mariah Carey
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
The Hunger Games
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
San Diego
Uriaha & Rene
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