Taylor & Loren In Missouri

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

We are Loren and Taylor. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your decision to consider us as adoptive parents. Before marrying over 10 years ago, adoption was a topic when discussing our future. With Loren unable to have children of his own, we feel bringing a child home through adoption is what we are meant to do. Caring and nurturing are part of our everyday lives as medical professionals as well as volunteers for a camp for kids affected by cancer. Family, both biological and chosen (we consider many of our friends family), mean everything to us and we are excited to build a beautiful one within our home.

If given the opportunity, we will cherish, nurture and love your child with our whole hearts. Your strength and selflessness shine brightly, and we are honored to be considered as potential adoptive parents.

About Us

We met while both working at a grocery store moving quickly from friends to being a couple. Loren proposed and we were married all within a year. When you know, you know!

At 18 months old, Loren was diagnosed with childhood cancer (happy to report he has been cancer free for over 25 years). As a child, he went to a camp for kids with cancer, Camp Quality. He continued as a camper before becoming a volunteer when he turned 18. After we met, Taylor immediately became involved as a volunteer. We now both serve on the organizing committee, planning year round events, fundraising and providing support for our Camp Quality family.

After volunteering for camp, Taylor decided to pursue a career in nursing, eventually taking a position as an intensive care nurse at a local hospital. Loren began his career as a trained chef before changing to the medical field. He is now a medical assistant for a local doctor's office.

Our family currently consists of 3 dogs (Malibu, Kelce, & River) and a cat (Saison). We love spending time with our dogs as well as our extended family and friends.

We love to have fun and stay active. Being outside, especially with friends and our dogs, is our favorite. In the summer, we love spending time at Taylor's parents' pool with the entire family. On nice evenings (especially in the spring and fall), we enjoy having friends and family over for BBQs, yard games and time around the firepit.

We spend lots of our free time volunteering for various events. These include fundraisers, summer camp, family events and more.

We love our city's sports. We often get together for football watch parties with our friends. We have season tickets to the KC Current (women's soccer) and enjoy supporting the team. We also like to go to our nephew's sporting events. We also enjoy golfing together.

We enjoy traveling when we can. The beach and the mountains are our favorites, but love trying new things too. We also enjoy taking trips to visit friends and family. Recently we traveled to the Caribbean, which was Loren's first time out of the states, to celebrate our 10th anniversary.

Our Home

We live in a small neighborhood about 10 minutes north of downtown Kansas City. We have all the offerings of a big city while still living the quiet suburban life. Our home is a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom raised ranch with a large backyard backing up to a tree line. All the bedrooms are next to each other, putting the future nursery just across the hall from our room. We spend a lot of time enjoying our backyard with a screened patio, new deck and fire pit seating area.

We live on a quiet street with great neighbors. When the weather is nice, there are always people out for walks and kids playing. We live in one of the best public school districts in the area with all levels of schooling within a mile of our house. There is also a park just across the street from our neighborhood.

Our Extended Family

Family means everything to us and is both biological and chosen. Loren’s parents have been married for over 40 years and are actively retired. They travel the country spending time with us and his sister’s family (she has 2 daughters) in Washington. Taylor’s family all live within 30 minutes and love spending time together. Her parents divorced many years ago, each having since been married again, making the family even larger. She has 2 brothers, a sister, a nephew and niece whom we are very close with.

We also have our camp family through the camp we volunteer with. Many of them grew up since childhood with Loren. We have developed lifelong relationships with fellow volunteers as well as campers and their families. We love attending camp events to see everyone, but love spending time outside of scheduled events too. We have been to countless parties for remission anniversaries, birthdays, sports events, graduations, celebrations of life, weddings and any other special occasions for those in our camp family. Our camp family stretches nationwide and has provided us with amazing relationships.

Our Family Traditions

Holidays are a family affair. Both of us grew up with extended family Thanksgivings. Taylor’s side is large with lots of extended family coming into town (aunts, uncles, cousins, and their kids) with no less than 40 people sitting around an extra long table. Growing up each year her grandparents would organize a family ski trip for all their kids and grandkids leading to a close knit family. Even as everyone has grown, moved, and had kids of their own, all the cousins remain close. One of her cousins remains one of our closest friends today. Loren’s family had big holidays too of family and friends who didn’t have other family in town. Anyone who doesn't have somewhere to go for a holiday always has a place with his family.

What Led Us To Adoption

We always had a desire to have children and love to be around kids. Knowing that we would likely never have biological children we have always had a desire to adopt. Together we hope to teach and raise a child to be a wonderful human.

Facts About Taylor

critical care nurse
bachelors degree
Favorite Food:
italian, sushi, tacos
Favorite Hobby:
being outside
Favorite Movie:
most anything disney
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
shinedown & country
Favorite TV Show:
ted lasso
Favorite Book:
ill read almost anything
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
anywhere with a beach

Facts About Loren

medical assistant
associate degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
hanging out with friends & family
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
anything country
Favorite TV Show:
the challenge
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Taylor & Loren
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