Tashina & Aaron In Utah

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Dear Birthmother,

We want to start with gratitude for your willingness to learn about our little family. We know this isn't an easy process, and we hope you can feel our love and support through this letter. We are so grateful and humbled for this opportunity to connect with you!

Right now, we are a family of two; Aaron and Tashina. We live in Utah with our 2 dogs, Mozzie and Violet, surrounded by family, friends and beautiful mountains! We love to make new dog friends at dog parks and on evening walks through our neighborhood. We gather often with family and friends to play games.

We hold adoption in such a special place in our hearts. It has already blessed our lives through the people we've met and the connections we have made. We are so excited to share our journey with family, friends and you. We acknowledge and appreciate the growth that can come with heartache. We recognize that adoption often creates these opportunities to grow and hope we can all feel and accept the abundance of love that comes through these events as well.

Our desire to adopt has only grown in the last several years. As we think about adding to our little family, and sharing our lives with a little one, we can't help but feel hopeful for our future. It truly is easy for us to say that although we haven't met yet, we do love you. Again, we are so humbled that you are willing to get to know us and share your most precious journey with us.

About Us

We first met as kids when Tashina's family moved to Idaho. We went to Junior High together and had several of the same classes. Although we weren't friends, we had friends who were friends and would sometimes end up in the same social activies. Tashina's family then moved back to Utah, and we lost touch for about 10 years. We met again at a church service and started talking. Then we just didn't stop! Our first date was mini-golf and icecream where we discovered we both love Star Wars and Batman. We dated for a year before getting married, and have since brought our two dogs, Mozzie and Violet into our home. We love to mini-golf and spend time with friends and family; usually playing some board games, going out to eat or to a movie.

Aaron is from a family of five, including his mother, father, two brothers and himself. He grew up in a small town in Southern Idaho with lots of extended family around. He enjoys relaxing with a sitcom on and playing board and card games with friends and family. Tashina's family consists of her mother, father, three brothers and herself. She grew up in a small desert town in Southern Utah. She loves to read, and has several favorite TV shows to binge watch. She also loves getting together with family and friends to play board games.

Aaron is a Documentation Control Specialist. He works full-time at Thermo-Fisher Scientific, a global company. Tashina is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Infant Massage Instructor. She currently works at a day spa and teaches infant massage classes. She hopes to incorporate her knowledge of infant massage and bonding with our future children.

Our Home

We live in a very quiet (low traffic) neighborhood with mostly young families. We are part of a newly developed part of town. We are within walking distance of soccer and baseball fields, a couple of little play parks and the local grocery store. We have hiking trails, dog parks, splash pads and a swimming pool within a 5-10 minute drive from our home.

Our house sits on .24 acre and our yard is mostly grass with room for flower and vegetable gardens. We have a 3 bedroom, 2 full-bath home with the space to add 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom in the unfinished basement. Our plan is to finish the basement within 5 years. We already have a gate at the top of the stairs. The 3 bedrooms are all on the same side of the house, so it will be quick and easy to get to the nursery. The kitchen and dining area opens into the living room.

Our Extended Family

Tashina is the only girl with three brothers. She is very close with her siblings and their families. She has 2 nephews (ages 10 and 8) and 2 nieces (ages 3 and 1). We love spending time with all of them! Unfortunately, her mom's family does not get together very often because they all live so far away from one another. Her maternal grandparents and her paternal grandpa have passed away, leaving her with one grandma. With the loss of her grandpa, and never really knowing her mom's parents, she truly appreciates the time she has to spend with family. She knows she will cherish all of the little moments with Aaron and their child(ren).

Aaron is the youngest of three boys. He grew up in southern Idaho with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins around. His family is always up for a game night. His family experiences have taught him to cherish the moments spent with each other. Having immediate and extended family around, he always felt loved and supported. That is something he wants to pass on to his child(ren). To let them know that they are always loved, no matter what.

Our Family Traditions

Tashina has so many fond memories of family traditions growing up. Her extended family would always have a picnic at Easter where we could rock climb and hike, have paintball games and launch mini rocketsChristmas Eve was spent at her paternal grandparents' where they would get a handmade blanket from her grandma and a set of pajamas to sleep in. One of her favorite traditions was celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve because her grandma's birthday in December 25th. So we did Christmas the night before and then Christmas day we would be back at my grandparents to celebrate grandma's birthday. She always felt like they got two holidays instead of one. Now that we have moved away from extended family, we continue to gather Christmas Eve and get to open one present from Tashina's parents, or we can open the gift her grandma sends (she still sends blankets to everyone!). We eat dinner together, open a present and play some Christmas themed games.

Some of Aaron's favorite traditions are coloring Easter eggs and hiding them for the younger kids. At Christmas we would drive around town to see the lights, then stop for icecream. His maternal grandma always hides glass pickles on her Christmas tree, and there is a prize for whoever finds one.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have wanted to be parents for several years. Adoption has been in our hearts for all that time. Tashina has known for many years that she would not be giving birth to children.

Facts About Tashina

Licensed Massage Therapist & Certified Infant Massage Instructor
Trade School - Massage Therapy
Favorite Food:
Sweet & Sour Chicken
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
What's Up Doc & Star Wars
Favorite Sport:
Rock Climbing
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
The Scarlett Pimpernel
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
St. George, UT

Facts About Aaron

Maintenance Documentation Specialist
Currently Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
Favorite Food:
Hot Wings
Favorite Hobby:
Golf, Video Games & Board Games/Tabletop RPGs
Favorite Movie:
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Independence Day
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
The Office
Favorite Book:
The Legend of Drizzt: Streams of Silver
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
St. George, UT
Tashina & Aaron
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