Silvia In Texas

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No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you so much for your interest in getting to know a bit more about my profile.

My name is Silvia and I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I've lived in the United States for several years now and I'm ready to become a mother.

My interest in adoption came to be when my mom passed away in 2019. My mom was adopted herself and I always felt that was my call to have a family. I just was not ready. Well, now is the time. I'm financially stable and emotionally ready to have a family and available to take care of a new life.

About Me

I grew up in Brasilia, Brazil. I grew up with many friends, a great school, fun vacations and a lot of excitement. Some hard times, too, but who doesn’t?

I am a lively, energetic person. I am a professional ballerina and, even though I don’t perform on stage anymore, I love to dance! I am an active participant of the dance community here in town. I also love to play percussion instruments. I am part of 2 percussion / music bands and play the bass drums. Rhythm moves my life. I love to cook, travel, go on cruises and my favorite place to be is at the theme parks in Orlando, Florida.

I am surrounded by great friends and have a busy social life. I have a steady boyfriend, Albert, who I met at a dance event and we’ve been partners for almost 7 years. I work in a construction company in the Human Resources department. I love what I do and I enjoy my co-workers. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful job.

I have 2 cocker spaniels, Mario (7) and Isabella (10). They are pure joy! They both came from the same rescue and are very spoiled! Isabella loves to sleep and bark at the birds. Mario is a “diva” and he loves to lay down and wait to be petted and get some undivided attention from us humans.

I don’t have any children and I’m ready to change that! I am a licensed foster to adopt parent and had my first placement of a 12 month old little girl not too long ago. She is no longer with me and I sure do miss her.

My Home

My neighborhood is in a beautiful area, with huge homes, mature trees, great schools, very quiet and peaceful. There are people from all walks of life, different ages, different races and different hobbies! We have a very active HOA with swimming pools, a playground, tennis courts, a clubhouse and several activities for the residents. I moved here because I decided to become a mom and wanted the best for my child(ren).

My Extended Family

As a child during the summers, I'd go to Rio and spend those days at my grandmothers. Brazil is a warm country, so we enjoy beautiful weather almost all year long. That gives us plenty of time outdoors! The beach was my second home.

My parents divorced when I was 8 and my brother was 5, but that did not stop us from being close and having fun. They remarried and my stepparents on both sides are great and are all friends. I have a half sister on my mom's side and a half brother on my dad's side.

My Family Traditions

We all get along and it's a lot of fun when everyone is together at the same place. We've always celebrated all holidays together, in a very festive environment. Brazilians are loud and extroverted people!

Most of my family is still in Brazil. I go down there to visit often. I was there just in March of 2022 for Carnaval. My brother lives in Brighton, England with his wife and my two nieces. We meet as often as we can and we always have a blast together!

Besides my Brazilian nationality, I am also European (Portuguese) and a US citizen. Having 3 nationalities allows me to travel the world and feel at home almost anywhere I go. I respect all cultures and ethnic backgrounds as the world is much smaller than we think!

What Led Me To Adoption

I’ve always wanted to have children, but the right time had not arrived. My mom was adopted and when she passed away, 3 years ago, something changed and I felt it was finally time to start my family.`

Facts About Silvia

Human Resource Director
I respect all religions
Favorite Food:
Anything with Cheese
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Sport:
All Artistic Sports, like Gymnastics, Synchronized Swimming
Favorite Holiday:
New Year's Day
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
The Voice, AGT, Dancing with the Stars
Favorite Book:
Harry Potter Series
Favorite Subject in School:
Portuguese & English
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Orlando, Florida or Cruises - I go toward the sun!
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