Sean & Danielle In Arkansas

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Dear Birthmother,

We want to thank you for your consideration as adoptive parents for your precious child. We are Danielle and Sean and we cannot wait to take this journey with you. We appreciate your willingness to learn about our little family. We will never pretend to know how difficult this decision can be, but please know you will have our support along the way.

We have chosen adoption because it is a passion of ours since struggling with fertility for years. We want to grow our little family and give our daughter a sibling she has always dreamed of.

About Us

We have been married for almost 7 years, and we are truly lucky to have found each other. We are best friends and love each other deeply. We have a beautiful little girl that we are blessed with.

We went to the same school but graduated different years. We met by chance after graduation. We developed a strong friendship and started dating not long after. Two years later, we got married and created this wonderful life of ours. We have had many hardships we have faced but have always remained at each other's side through it all. We are so blessed to not only be each other's partner but also call on each other as best friends.

Sean has built his career in the information technology industry as a senior database engineer at one of the local banks. Danielle is a stay-at-home mom and currently completing a degree in health information systems. Sean enjoys computers, games, and blacksmithing. Danielle enjoys crafts, drawing, painting, and being outdoors. As a family, we spend our fall evenings looking for deer and going to pumpkin patches. During the summer, we enjoy going to Danielle's mother's house down at the lake in Oklahoma.

We have a 5-year-old daughter named Lily. Lily is the light of our life, she is smart, creative, funny, and such a caring and loving little girl. She loves to play dress up and pretend to be a little princess. She loves her animals and likes to play with her chickens. Lily enjoys going to her grandmother’s house to do arts and crafts. She also loves to spend time with her 1st cousin Shaelee, they are inseparable and are more like sisters than cousins. They can spend all day together and soon as it is time to go home they are facetiming each other and playing games. Your child will be so loved and cared for by their big sister Lily. She has been patiently waiting for a sibling and has volunteered to help with all duties except changing diapers, ha-ha.

We have 3 dogs that we consider our fur babies, Chloe, Dixie, and Riley. Chloe is our 4-year-old Shih tzu that loves to be next to us wherever we go. She loves to cuddle and lay in our laps. Dixie is our 6-year-old mini-Australian shepherd and Riley is our 7-year-old mini-Australian shepherd. They are the most loyal and loving dogs and love being around kids and snuggling. We also have a small hobby farm with chickens and ducks that we consider part of our family.

Overall, we have a deep sense of family, we love kids, and we want to be sure that every child has the opportunity to have a loving home. There is no greater gift and feeling than being a parent of a child and loving them with everything you have.

Our Home

In 2016, we built our beautiful 3-bedroom 2 bath home just outside of the small town of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, nestled in the country on 26 acres. In 2022, we renovated our house that is now a 4-bedroom 2 bath home. We now have a nursery for the child we have longed for. We live on the family farm that has been in Sean’s family for 50 years. A majority of our family live within 20 minutes of us.

Northwest Arkansas is one of the fastest growing and top places to live in the US. We absolutely love where we live and there are plenty of opportunities and activities to do as a family. We live near a highly regarded school system and private schools too. There is a park not far from our home that we take our daughter to and spend a great deal of time there as a family.

Our Extended Family

Sean’s family has lived in the Pea Ridge area for over 150 years. There is always a chance of running into one of his distant cousins/relatives. Danielle's family lives in parts of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Danielle's mother lives on a lake in Grove, Oklahoma, we visit her often. Danielle's brother and sister live in Dallas, Texas. They usually come up during the holiday seasons. Her extended family primarily live in Bentonville, Arkansas where we visit regularly.

Our Family Traditions

Our traditions include hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas at our house with a big family get together and dinner. Christmas Eve, we spend at Sean’s grandparents house having dinner and opening gifts. We enjoy as a family going to pumpkin patches every fall season. When Danielle's sister and little brother come up from Texas, we enjoy baking cookies and carving pumpkins.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have always felt strongly about wanting to adopt a child and give them a loving home, even before we struggled with fertility and the loss of our son. After experiencing that, we knew without a doubt adoption is something we want to do to expand our family and give our daughter, Lily, that sibling she has wanted for so long.

Facts About Sean

senior database engineer
tech/trade school
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
saving private ryan
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
breaking benjamin
Favorite TV Show:
walking dead
Favorite Book:
game of thrones
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
the beach

Facts About Danielle

student/registered dental assistant
College - currently working on Associate's Degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
painting & drawing
Favorite Movie:
the blindside
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
papa roach
Favorite TV Show:
walking dead
Favorite Book:
harry potter
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
the beach
Sean & Danielle
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