Sarah & Val In Michigan

Caucasian, Caucasian/Hispanic

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for considering us and looking at our profile. We are parents ourselves and know how difficult your decision must be, and we are so grateful to you for the gift you are giving us.

We would like to introduce ourselves. We are Sarah and Val. We met in 2002 and after dating for many years married in 2010. We have one son who is 8 years old and who is very excited to be a big brother. We also have 2 rescue dogs. We live in a big city with a lot of parks and a great school district. We are also very lucky to have our families living very close to us. Both of us came to the United States as teenagers from Eastern Europe. I, Sarah, work as a special education teacher and I, Val, work as a dispatcher. In our free time, we like to watch TV, go out to eat and spend time together as well as with friends or family. In the summertime, we like to enjoy time outside and going on fun trips as a family.

Our desire to have another child has always been there, but after struggling with infertility and still having so much love to give to another child, we've chosen to adopt.

About Us

We were introduced by some family members and friends when we were teenagers. We dated for a long time, traveled, went to movies and got to know each other. After 8 years of dating, we got married on a beautiful spring morning in April in 2010. In 2014 we had our son.

A little about Sarah: I was born in Ukraine, I have a younger brother and two amazing parents. My favorite time of the year was always summer because I would spend most days outside with friends. I was the oldest in my neighborhood, so I was in charge of all the kids, this is where my passion for teaching came from. When I was 13, my family moved to the United States and we have lived here ever since. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher but didn’t know what kind until high school. I graduated University in 2010 with a degree in Special Education. Five years ago, I began working in my current building with students with special needs, and I love my job and all the excitement it brings. This school year has been full of adventure, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. For fun, I love thread crafts, gardening and going on road trips.

A little about Val: I was born in the Russian Federation and I came to the United States at the age of 14. I went straight to high school. My favorite time of the year is spring because it signifies a time of renewal and rebirth. Nature is at its strongest. It also used to signify the end of the school year, which was always something I looked forward to. I had a few friends and collected comic books. I graduated with an Associates from a community college, and had a few jobs before I ended up where I am now. I work as a dispatcher in a transportation department for a non profit organization. I enjoy books, visual media and good times with friends.

Our Home

We live in a beautiful big city. We are surrounded by parks, an amazing school district and most importantly our families. Our house is a ranch style home with a large backyard. Our backyard has a swing set and a garden that is currently in the process of being updated. We are also lucky to live in a city that has libraries close by and stores.

Our Extended Family

Our son, Tommy is a very sweet 8 year old. He is a big helper and is very kind hearted. He loves being home in the summer with mom because we get to do a lot of fun things. During the school year and summer he loves going to his karate class, swimming and art class. He is very excited to be a big brother.

Once we bring the new little one home, they will be part of the family, celebrating holidays, doing activities we have done and have been doing with our son. They will be loved by parents, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas. Tommy is already very excited to be a big brother, helping with playing and feeding.

Our Family Traditions

Being a Jewish home, we light the lights every Hanukkah, and we celebrate Passover every year with Sarah’s parents. We not only had a Jewish wedding, but we had a baby naming ceremony for our son at our Temple, and we cannot wait to bring the little one home to do the same ceremony for them. Being European, we celebrate New Years with friends and sometimes just as a family of three. Birthdays are important because we celebrate them with our closest family and friends. In the summer, our tradition is going on a trip, it can be a family trip or camping trip with our friends.

What Led Us To Adoption

Due to struggling to get pregnant, but still having so much love to give to another child, we have chosen to adopt. With both Val and I having siblings, we know how important it is for our son to also have a sibling to rely on and who will be there when we are not.

Facts About Sarah

Special Education Teacher
Reformed Jewish
Bachelors in Elementary and Special Education
Favorite Food:
Mashed Potatoes, especially made by Val
Favorite Hobby:
Thread Crafts (knitting, crocheting, tatting)
Favorite Movie:
Dirty Dancing
Favorite Sport:
Hockey Games with my younger brother
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Backstreet Boys & N'Sync
Favorite TV Show:
Abbott Elementary
Favorite Book:
Non-fiction novels by Torey Hayden
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
On a beach, Koa & sometimes even our backyard next to a firepit

Facts About Val

Senior Transportation Dispatcher
Reformed Jewish
Associates in Computer Information Systems
Favorite Food:
Potato Salad my mother in law makes
Favorite Hobby:
Reading, movies & TV Shows
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
New Years
Favorite Music Group:
Lindsey Stirling
Favorite TV Show:
Star Trek
Favorite Book:
Expanse Series by James S.A. Corey
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Kensington Lake
Sarah & Val
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