Rebekah & Alex In Mississippi

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to view our profile and learn about us. Our names are Rebekah and Alex and we have been married for almost 3 years. After going through the hardships of several failed fertility treatments, we realized that God wanted us to go in another direction.

We decided to adopt because we know no matter how a baby comes in to our lives, we will give them all the love and attention that they could ever need or want. Without someone like you making this selfless act, our dreams of being parents would not be possible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering us to be a part of your adoption plan. We look forward to getting to know you and growing a relationship.

About Us

We are a very down to earth, Southern kind of couple. We met about 10 years ago through mutual friends and have been together ever since. We had your traditional huge wedding full of family, friends and all the love. Our wedding was very personalized to who we are as a couple and all our family and friends were involved in making it a perfect day. Rebekah's grandpa married us and Alex's grandma did the flowers. Rebekah did hair and makeup. Alex blacksmithed the knife that we used to cut our cake and Rebekah's parents catered the wedding using the restaurant they locally own.

Rebekah works for a well-known bridal company as a double certified bridal stylist doing hair and makeup most weekends. Alex works Monday through Friday for a large company on the Mississippi River where he ties up ships to docks and is an automotive technician. During a typical week Alex goes to work and Rebekah holds down the fort at home, where she takes care of the animals and the house. We always try and have dinner together as much as possible during the week when we aren’t busy. When we have extra time during the week, we enjoy shopping, fishing and occasionally eating out. Since Rebekah works most Fridays and Saturdays, we dedicate Sunday as our family day, where we plan out fun activities and spend quality time together.

We have four loving dogs who are inside and outside dogs. Outside we have a mini farm that includes goats, chickens and a pig name Horton. We love all of our animals as a part of the family. They always seem to keep us entertained and life interesting.

We have a very close knit friend group. We consider most of our friends to be a part of our family. Our kids will most likely call them Aunt and Uncle. We love getting together with friends and family on a regular basis playing games, having cookouts and birthday celebrations. Being outside is a big part of our life. We have a boat that we spend all summer on fishing and hanging out at the beach. Some of our other outdoor hobbies are camping and taking our dogs on nature walks. We also enjoy bowling which usually turns out to be a family event.

Our Home

We live on 10 beautiful acres in a small country town called Picayune. We are approximately 10 to 15 mins from town, where they have great schools and parks. We love the peace and privacy that living in the country provides. Sometimes we just sit on the porch and listen to the animals and enjoy watching the nature. Outside we have a mini game that includes goats, chickens, and a pig name Horton. We love all of our animals as a part of the family. They always seem to keep us entertained and life interesting.

When it gets cooler outside we light the fire pit up and roast marshmallows with friends and family. Our home is a three bedroom house with two spare rooms in which we have one picked out to be the nursery down the hall from our bedroom. We have family and friends that only live about 5 minutes away, which is always convenient.

Our Extended Family

We are very family oriented, often spending every weekend at a family event. Our support structure has to be one of the strongest around. Alex's family consists of his mom, dad and two sisters. He also has two grandmas, a grandpa, three uncles, four aunts, eight cousins and a niece. They are always willing to help us out in a moments notice. Holidays with Alex's family are spent with everyone all together, boiling crawfish in the summer and roasting marshmallows in the winter. We always stick together!

Rebekah’s family while not as large as Alex’s group, is the same loving, supportive family just smaller. Rebekah is the only child to her parents who own a small business and can also be available whenever needed. Her support system consists of two grandmas, two grandpas, two aunts, an uncle and three cousins. Also included as a part of Rebekah's family is her best friend of 12 plus years who is not blood but is family. She has two beautiful kids, Everleigh and Reed, who Rebekah and Alex our the Godparents to. We are very active in our their lives from babysitting, sleepovers, birthdays, holidays and all the events in between. We always try to be there to cheer them on and love getting to watch them grow.

Our Family Traditions

Holidays are family oriented and we divide our time between both families. For Thanksgiving tradition, we start by having an early meal with Alex's entire family at his parents' then join Rebekah’s family at her parents' for dinner in the evening. Halloween is spent passing out candy in our neighborhood. Christmas for us is full of celebtrations all month long! Alex’s family has several parties at different houses. The two main party traditions we partake in are ornament and gingerbread house making at his uncle's house. His family also has another party when they collect toys for Toys for Tots and donate what was brought in.

Christmas Eve is always spent with Rebekah’s family exchanging gifts and enjoying dinner together. Since we moved into our home, we spend Christmas morning staying in and celebrate like kids together exchanging gifts with one another and then eating breakfast. Later in the day, we have a final, big Christmas celebration with Alex’s family. We always begin and end the year with a New Year party at our house where we shoot fireworks and ring in the new year with friends and family. Rebekah's grandma is from Niacaragua where they celebrate the new year by eating 12 grapes per person and making a wish while eating each grape, so she has brought that tradition here with her.

What Led Us To Adoption

What has led us to adoption is the want to be parents. We cant wait to fill our home and lives with the joy a child brings and to offer them all the love we have to give.

Facts About Rebekah

Hair & Makeup Stylist
High School & Trade School
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Shopping and Socializing with Friends & Family
Favorite Movie:
Where the Heart Is
Favorite Sport:
Don't Have One
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween & Thanksgiving
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Gilmore Girls
Favorite Book:
The Notebook
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Alex

High School
Favorite Food:
Fried Fish
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Jurassic Park
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Top Gear
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Rebekah & Alex
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