Rebecca & Rocco In Pennsylvania

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Dear Birthmother,

We are Rocco and Rebecca. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us and our family. We are so excited at the possibility of adopting and bringing a child in to our family.

We are pursuing adoption as we are unable to have a biological child. We look forward to experiencing raising a child together and growing our family. We feel it in our hearts that adoption is the best path to having a child of our own.

About Us

Rocco is a software developer at a local bank. Warren, PA is his hometown and he has lived here most of his life. He enjoys staying busy as a member of a service organization and also a business owner. In his free time, he enjoys watching or attending baseball and football games. Rebecca (Becca) is a school psychologist and works with students from pre-kindergarten all the way through 12th grade. She enjoys working with kids and seeing them grow and develop through the years. She grew up in Michigan, about 45 minutes north of Detroit. When she was 15, she moved to Pennsylvania to be close to family. In her free time, she enjoys being outside, spending time with Rocco, and being with their 4 dogs.

We currently have 4 dogs, 3 of which are affectionately named after Cleveland and Detroit sports figures. Miggy is a 9 year old, 65 pound, lab/hound mix. He’s named after Miguel Cabrera, baseball player for the Detroit Tigers. He enjoys endless walks, sleeping in the sunshine, and letting us know someone is walking by the house. Tito is a 7 year old Giant Schnauzer. He’s named after Terry Francona, the most recent Cleveland Guardians baseball coach. Tito enjoys all of the love and pets from people he knows. Doby is a 7 year old, 60 pound, mutt who was rescued at the beginning of Covid. Doby is named after Larry Doby, a Cleveland Indians baseball player from the 50s. Doby is a mama’s boy through and through. Our most recent addition, DeeDee (born July 2023), is a therapy dog for the school district where Becca works. The district employs 4 other dogs to work as therapy dogs in the school buildings. Becca, the dog lover she is, was offered this opportunity to be DeeDee’s handler, and could not say no. DeeDee has been a wonderful addition to our family and the district where she works.

Our Home

About 5 years ago we purchased a 2-story, 4 bedroom / 2.5 bath, brick home located on Warren's south side. The house dates back to the late 1800s but was renovated prior to our purchase. There is a large back and side yard on our property. We are a short 5 minute walk over the Allegheny River to all that Warren's downtown has to offer. The city of Warren has a very low crime rate and is a very quaint and comfortable place to live.

Our Extended Family

Rocco's parents, Mike & Teresa, live 10 minutes away. Teresa is a homemaker and Mike retired in July 2022. Rocco has one brother, Vinny, who married Melinda. They have three young sons, Maxwell (6), Trevor and Bennett (3) and live near Cleveland. Our family finds all kinds of reasons to spend as much time together as possible.

Becca's mom, Kelli, lives about 5 minutes away. She is the director at the local library and is passionate about her job. She spends a lot of time traveling, so when she is home, we are sure to see each other and spend time together. She is always a text or phone call away! Becca has a sister, Rachel, who lives in Michigan with our niece and nephew, Danielle and Julian (10 & 6). Becca has a sibling named Alix who lives in Columbus, Ohio.

Our Family Traditions

Seven years ago, Rocco and I started a tradition of hosting Christmas breakfast. At times, there have been a total of 14 people at our house to share in the joy of the holiday season. We enjoy putting on a breakfast spread and having our families spend time together.

On our first wedding anniversary, we went to Mackinac Island, Michigan. It's an island with no cars - just bikes and horses for transportation. We took our bikes and rode around the island, stopping to take in the breath-taking views. In 2017, we spent our 2nd wedding anniversary in Chicago. We experienced all Chicago has to offer: baseball, pizza and river tours. In spring 2021, we traveled out west to visit Rocco's aunt, uncle and cousins in Arizona and explored the Hoover Dam and Las Vegas. We had a great time! In June 2023, we took a cruise to the Caribbean. We spent a week enjoying the sunshine, excursions, and time together without a worry in the world.

We enjoy taking in all that the Warren, PA area has to offer. We live approximately 1 block from the banks of the 'Mighty Allegheny' River. Whether we go on an afternoon date float down the river or with friends and family, it's always an enjoyable time. There's nothing quite like paddling along the river and soaking in the breathtaking views.

What Led Us To Adoption

As we sit together to create this profile, our hearts are pounding with excitement and emotion, mostly because we know exactly how much our lives can change because of adoption.

You're looking for a wonderful home and future for your child and we're looking to share our love and lives with a child in our family. Perhaps we are looking for each other?

Facts About Rebecca

School Psychologist
Masters in Education with an Educational Specialist Degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
4th of July
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Parks and Recreation
Favorite Book:
A mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere hot and sunny

Facts About Rocco

Software Developer
Bachelor of Science
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Auto Detailing
Favorite Movie:
Forrest Gump
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
4th of July
Favorite Music Group:
Billy Joel
Favorite TV Show:
Parks and Recreation
Favorite Book:
Mike & Mike's Rules for Sports and Life
Favorite Subject in School:
Social Studies
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Miami, FL
Rebecca & Rocco
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