Reba & Christopher In North Carolina

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Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for your interest in getting to know our fun-loving family! As you learn about us in the next few minutes, we hope to answer all your questions about “Who are Christopher and Reba?!”.

We are thrilled at the thought of being parents to your baby, showing them all the wonderful things life has to offer and helping them navigate the not so wonderful things of life. Even more, we’re excited to get to know YOU, and the opportunity to build an image of the life you’ll be giving your child by embarking on this journey with us.

We won’t pretend for a moment that we know what you are feeling, but there’s no pretending that we're here to ease any feelings of uncertainty for what a life (pre and post) adoption would look like with us. During this process we promise to be open and communicative with you, to be patient and kind, but most of all to be available!

Our support system of family and friends is incredible, but we are missing one thing... a child to share that support and life experiences with. We think it’s a beautiful and selfless thing you’re doing, and we promise to make you proud by providing a beautiful life for your baby. Even our pup is excited to have another human around to love!

We hope the differences we share are what bring us together and we cannot wait to finally meet you!

About Us

Hi, we’re Christopher and Reba, your not so average couple! We met 15 years ago in the beautiful town of Jasper, Alberta (Canadian Rockies), marrying a year later on the banks of the Greenbrier River (West Virginia).

Christopher is both a Canadian and US citizen, while Reba grew up in the mountains of “Almost Heaven” West Virginia. We share a love for the beauty of nature, and soaking up all the earth has to offer. From the sand in our toes, to a cozy evening by the fire, to surrounding ourselves with family and friends in our home of 11 years, to sunny North Carolina.

We have both settled into a work-from-home environment with Christopher working in Construction Project Management and Reba in Real Estate Software. We’ve spent the last few years preparing for this day, so our work from home jobs were no accident!

We’ve fought for everything we have, and at many points along the way we fought against the grain to get there. Someone who was struggling in their relationship once asked, “How do you guys make it look so easy? What’s your secret?”. Caught completely off guard, we thought for a moment and realized that it came down to our ability to be calm and reasonable. Even in the toughest of times, we don’t walk away from tough situations. We push through them, and we intend to apply the same kind of love, patience and respect when raising your baby as our own.

Although currently without children (does the furry one with paws count?!), our family planning involves one (or two) children, so your baby will not go through this life alone! We are both nurturing people who are deeply rooted in family traditions and values. Our house is not a home without the pitter patter of feet running down the hall, and our hearts are not full without the sounds of laughter from Saturday morning cartoons!

Our Home

We chose our home in 2017 as it was close to everything, but still in a location that allowed for peace and quiet. With schools surrounding us that are all have A+ ratings, daycares of the same (and within less than half a mile!), local parks with walking trails, tennis, volleyball, pavilion and playgrounds, there will never be a shortage of things to do! Even within the community itself there's an Olympic size pool, wading pool and nearly 500 homes filled with young families of all backgrounds.

Our home has more than enough room to share with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths and a nursery waiting for its newest occupant! We have a bonus room for movies and relaxing, a home office/guest room combo and a fitness/playroom combo waiting to be filled with unicorn stuffies and firetruck toys!

Our Extended Family

Although immediate family is a state away, our family traditions hold strong. If we’re not on the road, it’s them who are hitting the road to us for all of the big holidays. Your baby’s future grandparents are GREAT at spoiling and are no strangers to playing the part.

To us, extended family is also more than blood relatives. We’ve built our own version of a family locally, and we treat them like blood! Most weekends you’ll find us at a coffee shop or local park, and with our locally built family BBQ’ing (yep, we’re in the south) or simply getting together for no reason at all. Most of our friends have children, so we’re always exposed to the family environment.

Our Family Traditions

We love traditions! Some of our favorite traditions are:

- 4th of July celebration, which is one day before our anniversary.

- Attending the State Fair of West Virginia in August is Reba's hometown tradition.

- Celebrating Labor Day, which is also Christopher's birthday weekend.

- Thanksgiving and Christmas are always spent with family.

Of the 5 listed, Thanksgiving is hands down the most meaningful. It’s the one holiday that doesn’t even need to be discussed. Everyone just knows that it will be held at Reba’s childhood home in West Virginia, and Reba and Christopher’s employers know that is our non-negotiable week. We’ll be out of town and in the “Almost Heaven” Mountains of West Virginia! Christmas is the next big one where we alternate hosting years between Reba’s parents in West Virginia and our home in North Carolina.

What Led Us To Adoption

Adoption has always had a dear place in our hearts. Reba grew up with many friends who were adopted and hearing their stories left an impact on the vision she created for building her family. Christopher was an only child with a large circle of extended family, which led him to wanting a large family of his own. There’s just something about being able to help someone, while still fulfilling your own dreams. Both being overly nurturing and caring, we feel this is where we are meant to be!

Facts About Reba

software sales & onboarding
Bachelor's of Science
Favorite Food:
Fruit - Raspberries, Blueberries & Sushi`
Favorite Hobby:
Hiking & Volleyball
Favorite Movie:
Animated movies - Ratatouille, Shrek, Day After Tomorrow
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Christmas - The whole month of December!
Favorite Music Group:
Christian, New Country & Oldies
Favorite TV Show:
New Girl, Bob's Burgers & American Idol
Favorite Book:
where the crawdads sing
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Beach or Lake

Facts About Christopher

Construction Project Manager
Associates of civil engineering technology
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
guitar & drums
Favorite Movie:
shawshank redemption & O'brother where art thou
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
classic rock
Favorite TV Show:
Bob's Burgers, Simpsons & Seinfeld
Favorite Book:
Industry/career related
Favorite Subject in School:
physics & advanced math
Favorite Vacation Spot:
outer banks, North Carolina
Reba & Christopher
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