Raquel & Toby In Washington

African American, African American/Any Mixed Race, Caucasian/African American, African American/Hispanic and African American/Latino
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for considering us to adopt your baby. Adoption is a journey for everyone involved. As you make your decision, please know that we appreciate the difficulty of your situation and would also feel honored and privileged to have your child join our family. We have known each other for 21 years. Our story began as college sweethearts. Once we graduated and started on separate journeys, we never lost touch. We were drawn back together a few years later, and have been together ever since. We have grown up together, traveled the world together and now are raising a family together.

About Us

We met in college. One of Toby's teammates was Raquel's roommate, and she helped unite us. Toby was on the track team and Raquel played tennis. The track and tennis courts were right next to each other, so we saw one another every day. We were serious athletes, and after graduation we pursued professional sports.

We have traveled the world together, learning different cultures, exploring and experiencing some of our favorite things...good food!
Our biggest strength as a couple is our communication. It has come easy to us because we are best friends and try to enjoy every moment together.

Toby lived in Nigeria for 7 years pursuing a business. His parents emigrated to Canada from Nigeria in the 1970s, so he has always had a strong connection to Nigeria.

Dominic is our 2 year old son. He is active, energetic and affectionate. He learns very quickly and picks up new words every day. He is becoming a better sleeper and a more adventurous eater. He watches tennis quite a bit, due to Raquel's job, so he is swinging a racquet a lot and seems to love it. He also watches soccer with Toby. Dominic is very well liked at school. Ever since he first went to daycare, he has always loved being around other kids. As a big brother, Dominic will be very affectionate. He likes to give hugs and kisses to his family and friends.

When we have some free time, we will be outdoors, taking hiking trips or hanging with family. We are always searching for a place for Dominic to burn off his energy. That includes, the trampoline center, the playground or the water park.

Our Home

We live in a small town, which makes it a quiet, safe place to live. We live near an elementary school and are able to walk often to the playground. We have a nice backyard space to play, and have BBQ's during the summer. We have a beautiful view of the Palouse hills which we are able to admire from inside and outside the house. We also live down the street from a swimming pool, so have been able to teach Dominic to swim frequently. Our house is filled with toys, balls and books.

Our Extended Family

We are both close with our immediate and extended families. Raquel has two sisters, and Toby has two sisters and a brother. Even though they are all spread out over the USA and Canada, they make time several times a year to meet up. Raquel's sister, Renee, adopted two children. When we lived nearby, we were able to play a huge role in the lives of our niece and nephew. Those two kids have a special place in our hearts. We even traveled with Renee to meet the birth parents on several different occasions.

We are also close with Toby's brother's children. They have two kids, living in Vancouver, and they meet up each summer for the cousins to play. We also get several visits each year from each of our mother's and Tobys dad, so Grandma's and Grandpa are in town pretty regularly

Our Family Traditions

Our free time includes travel, outdoor activities, family and exercise. Since we both grew up as serious athletes, there is an appreciation for how sport has positively affected our lives. We will always value exercise, and the health that it brings to our lives. Toby has maintained a friend group from his college track team, and they meet up once a year for an activity. This year they will go to the NCAA Track Championships. Typically, Raquel's family is either traveling to her, or Raquel and Toby travel to them. So, time together includes cooking, exercising and the kids playing.

What Led Us To Adoption

We had our 2 yr old son through IVF and have always wanted more children. We can no longer have kids naturally and adoption is very close to our hearts. Raquel's sister and cousin have both adopted 2 children each. We have been deeply connected to the adoption process and have seen the blessing it has been for our family. We both have siblings, and that relationship is special, so to raise children as siblings would be a dream come true.

Facts About Raquel

College Tennis Coach
College & life
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Making picture/memory books
Favorite Movie:
Dance with Me
Favorite Sport:
I have to say Tennis
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Black Eyed Peas
Favorite TV Show:
The Closer
Favorite Book:
John Wooden - Leadership
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere with a good breeze

Facts About Toby

General Contractor
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
No one succeeds alone
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
The Beach
Raquel & Toby
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