Patrick & Jason In Washington

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to consider us as your adoptive parents. We know that your decision is not an easy one, and we have the utmost respect for all that you are doing. Patrick is from Syracuse, NY and Jason is from, Paulding County, GA. We met 14 years ago, while competing against each other in a Rugby Tournament in Dublin, Ireland. We have been married 9 years and having a baby to share our love has been a dream of ours for as long as we have been together. We have a loving home that is full of laughter, adventure and love. We know that if we are the parents that you choose, that your baby will be loved and given every tool needed to succeed and have a happy, loving life.

About Us

We met while playing in a rugby tournament in Dublin, Ireland. Jason played for the Atlanta rugby team and Patrick was playing for a Washington, D.C. team while working in DC. We instantly had a connection after we met and started dating shortly after returning to the states. Patrick proposed and we were married on May 11, 2013.

Patrick is from Syracuse, NY and is half Panamanian and half Caucasian. His father was in the military and stationed in Panama when he met his mother. Patrick has two siblings and they are very close and talk often. Patrick is an athlete and stays very active. Patrick played football, ran track, played tennis and wrestled up into college. Patrick no longer plays rugby, but loves to run in races and compete in triathlons. Patrick works in Finance and is an advisor for a large investment advisory firm in Camas, WA.

Jason grew up in Paulding County, GA and played football, baseball and basketball. He was married previously and has a beautiful daughter, Anna who is now 21 years old. He speaks with his daughter daily and she lives in Paulding County with her boyfriend. Unfortunately, after separating from his ex-wife and deciding to live a life of truth and happiness, he has not stayed in touch with my older brother and sister. We have a very close group of friends and Patrick’s family has accepted him as their own. He is a branch manager at a local bank in Portland metro area.

We live in Vancouver, WA and have one Maltese dog named Muffy. We both play on softball teams, love to travel, experience new cultures and are excited to share these experiences with a child.

Our Home

We live in a new development, in Vancouver, WA right outside of Portland, OR. We bought this house with the intention of growing our family.
We have looked at local school districts and are excited about the potential of the area.

Our Extended Family

We are very involved with our family. We travel to see each other every opportunity we can, at least a couple times a year (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, etc.) For Christmas, we all travel to our sister’s home in New Jersey, have Christmas dinner, exchange presents and play with our nieces and nephews.

Jason’s daughter Anna lived with us from the time she was 12 – 16. She was very talented at fast pitch softball. We got to spend weekends traveling to all of her tournaments and spending time with all of the other softball families. Now, she lives back in Georgia, 21 years old, seeking a career in the nursing field. Anna currently works for an assisted living facility and is a very loving care-taker. Although, Anna lives in another state, she is excited to have another sibling and talks about coming to visit regularly.

Our Family Traditions

Jason loves to decorate the Christmas tree and watch his favorite Christmas movies. He also loves to change the theme of his wrapping paper each year and go all out. Jason likes to cook a full southern Thanksgiving dinner. We invite family and friends and the entire home is decorated in fall harvest and Thanksgiving theme.We have a multicultural family, Patrick’s mother brings Panamanian traditions to the holidays and makes dishes to share. Patrick’s family speaks Spanish and we look forward to sharing that with a child.

We love to travel and plan an international trip each year. We enjoy experiencing different cultures, food and customs. We are excited to share these experiences with our child.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have always wanted a family and know that there are children in the world that need a home and parents to love them. We want to share the love we have with a child that will be ours.

Facts About Patrick

Investment Counselor
Raised Catholic, Currently Spiritual
Master's in Business Management
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Exercising & Dancing
Favorite Movie:
Forest Gump & The Bucket List
Favorite Sport:
Football & Rugby
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Da Vinci Code
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Facts About Jason

Bank Branch Manager
Raised Baptist, Currently Spiritual
High School
Favorite Food:
Ethiopian & Southern
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
The Color Purple & Bridesmaids
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween & Christmas
Favorite Music Group:
Th Dixie Chicks
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Patrick & Jason
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