Natasha & Joshua In Idaho

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Dear Birthmother,

Thank you very much for your consideration in reading through our profile. We are Joshua and Natasha and our awesome bunch. We love kids and all the joy they bring to our home. Our kids also love other children and we would all be so excited to welcome another little one to our happy home.

About Us

We live in a beautiful city called Idaho Falls in Idaho. We met in college in a class we were were taking. We have six kiddos ranging in age from 17-5. Josh is a family doctor and I am a stay at home mom. We have a lot of fun as a family. In the summer, we love to hike, mountain bike, camp, rock climb and roller-blade. We enjoy long summer nights and building a fire in our fire pit and roasting marshmallows and having smores. In the winter time, you will find us snowboarding, skiing, ice skating and sledding. One of our most favorite activities as a family is read-alouds. We love to snuggle and read awesome books. Currently, we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory together.

Our Home

We live in a really great neighborhood. We have an elementary school we can walk to right down the road. We have a lot of kids around us and we have them over for playdates. We have a large backyard with a swing-set, trampoline, basketball hoop and lots of trikes to ride around on. We also have a very fun basement with a ping pong table, foos-ball and basketball shooting game. All the kids have rooms upstairs and we have a room perfect for a nursery for another sweet little one.

Our Extended Family

We would love to tell you a little bit about our kids. Asher is 17 and loves to run. He is up at 6 am every morning to get in his run. He loves to serve and is currently in the Dominican Republic doing a humanitarian service project building a school for kids. Brinley is 15 and loves to craft. She even has her own craft room for all the projects she is working on. She is mom’s helper and wants to be a NICU nurse someday. Carden is our soccer guy. He is 12 and loves to be out playing sports. He loves Legos. He is also super good at yard work and mows the lawn every week for us and our neighbor. Addy is our cute little red-head. She loves to make bracelets and play outside with her two younger siblings. Emery is full of energy. She is 7 and loves to play dolls, barbies and play outside on the swing set. Nixon is our youngest. We call him our little bear and love to cuddle with him.

Our Family Traditions

We have a lot of fun family traditions. Two times a year we love to gather the family and watch General Conference. This is a broadcast where we hear speakers share messages about God and Jesus Christ. We then gather for a delicious meal of crepes topped with fruit, Nutella and whip cream.

Christmas is another time full of fun traditions. We drive around and look at Christmas lights, have Gingerbread contests, do secret acts of service, snuggle, read Christmas books together and enjoy all the festivities that come by attending concerts and plays.

In the summer months, we have a tradition of floating the river near our home. We do a few hikes up in the Tetons each summer and enjoy taking the kids to the lake and swimming pools nearby to float and play. We also have family reunions every summer.

Birthdays in our house are a big deal! We enjoy making special breakfasts, doing a favorite activity the child loves and ending with a special dinner of their choice. Fridays are family movie night, and we often make pizza together to celebrate the weekend.

We also have close ties with both sets of grandparents. Recently we had Josh's parents here. They helped us plant a garden and plant 3 new peach trees in our backyard.

What Led Us To Adoption

We feel led to adopting because of a deep sense that there is a baby out there who our family could love and care for. We have a deep desire to give more to another child and bless their lives with all the love we have to offer. We love kids and pray we will be blessed with another one.

Facts About Natasha

Stay-at-Home Mom
Christian, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Bachelors Degree in Health Education
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Running, reading, hiking
Favorite Movie:
Anne of Green Gables
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
rascal flats
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
The Hiding Place Corrie Ten Boom
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Joshua

Family Doctor
Christian, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Favorite Food:
Ice Cream
Favorite Hobby:
Mountain Biking
Favorite Movie:
Family Man
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Imagine Dragons
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere with a beach or mountain
Natasha & Joshua
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