Matthew & Jessica In Mississippi

No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are deeply humbled that you are giving us this wonderful opportunity to raise your child and welcoming a precious baby into our lives.

We are Matthew and Jessica from Mississippi. We have been married for almost 12 years now. We have been led to the miracle of adoption after many years of fertility issues. We have always dreamed of the day we become parents. We have a very close, large family that consist of 8 nieces/nephews. With their ages ranging from 3 months to 27 years old. The amount of love and support amongst the family is outpouring.

About Us

We met 13 years ago through mutual friends, and we knew from the first time we met that we were meant to be together. A year later we married and started our adventure together.

We live in a small town where everyone knows one another. We enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, playing cards, and board games. We have a few non-related, close friends who we consider brothers/sisters, and we would do anything for one another. We hunt and fish together, as well as work on old cars while the females enjoy hopping and spa days.

I am Matthew, and I work for Shell Oil as an operator. I am also a fire fighter and tactical medic in our local fire department. I really enjoy being able to help people. I am Jessica, and I work for Sanderson Farms as a logistics coordinator. I enjoy the outdoors with Matthew, but also enjoy girl time getting my hair and nails done. I also love a good concert.

Jade, our fur baby, is a 9 year old AKC registered yellow/white Lab. She is good with the nieces/nephews and gets beyond excited when they come to visit. I know she can't wait to have a little human brother or sister added to the family, since she doesn’t realize she is a dog!

Our Home

We have lived in this small community for 12 years and built our new home in 2020 with hopes of expanding our family. It’s a gorgeous 4 bedroom, 2 bath house with a fenced in backyard sitting on 16 acres of land and overlooking a 4 acre lake.

Our Extended Family

We have a pretty large family with most of us living within 30 minutes of each other. Jess does have an older sister who lives in Illinois with her husband and a niece who lives in Florida. With them living in other states, we get to travel a couple times a year to see them. Every year before school starts, we rent 2-3 massive water slides and spend the weekend acting like we are kids again, which we regret Monday morning when its time to go back to work. We quickly remember we are not as young as we once were! There is normally about 30 people here for the weekend ranging from family to family friends. We are a close family and we see Matthew's brother and her sister, husband, and kids several times a month between after school activities and weekend getaways.

Our Family Traditions

We usually plan one big vacation a year with Jess's sisters, spouses, and their kids. We have been to Disney three times, the beaches of MS and FL, and the Smokey Mountains over the past twelve years. We look forward to being able to take our own child/children on our next adventure.

Christmas is a big deal to us. Usually our families spend Christmas night together baking Jesus a birthday cake and putting out cookies and milk for Santa. Christmas morning we get up and watch the kids open their gifts while the females are wearing matching pajamas. We hold faith as Christians close to our hearts and hope we get the opportunity to raise our child with your help through adoption in this big, wonderful, and loving family.

What Led Us To Adoption

After years of trying to have our own child with no success, we knew adoption was the right path for us to grow our family. When the timing was right we pursued it further.

Facts About Matthew

terminal operator with shell oil
high school diploma and 2 years go tech in metal trades
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
july 4th
Favorite Music Group:
brantley gilbert
Favorite TV Show:
seal team
Favorite Book:
cars magazine
Favorite Subject in School:
auto trades
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Jessica

logistics coordinator
associates degree - 5 classes from a bachelor's degreeq
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
hunting, fishing, concerts & trips
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
too many to pick
Favorite TV Show:
masked singer
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
anything beachy
Matthew & Jessica
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