Mackenzie & Jeremy In Washington

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Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to read more about us and considering our family! We are a happy family of 4 who would love to welcome another child into our home.

Jeremy and I have been married for 10 years this coming August. Our household consists of myself, Mackenzie (31), my husband, Jeremy (33), and our two sons Cayden (Biological, 7) and Carson (Adopted at birth, 3). When Jeremy and I got married we always knew we wanted a big family. To us, a big family means lots of love. Seeing our household full brings so much joy to our hearts.

We are both veterans and met while we were serving in the U.S. Air Force. We have been married for 10 years this coming August. Jeremy served 12 years in the military, and I served 6. We both earned college degrees. Mine is a BA in Organizational Leadership and Jeremy’s is a BA in Criminal Justice. Currently, I am a stay-at-home mom, and Jeremy is a wonderful provider for our family as a Project Manager. Cayden is in the 2nd grade and is thriving. He is currently playing basketball within the community. Carson is a curious toddler who is so sweet and loves to play with cars. The boys are ecstatic to have another sibling.

When Cayden was born it was a very traumatic birth. I had to have an emergency hysterectomy, which means I can no longer bear children naturally. Fortunately, Cayden was healthy after only a few days in the NICU. Once Cayden was almost 3 years old we knew we were emotionally healed and ready to have another baby. We adopted Carson at birth through an agency after waiting a year and a half. We have a wonderful relationship with Carson’s birth mother, we have face to face visits in addition to sending pictures and texting often. Adoption is a normal word in our household, and we are very open with our children.

About Us

Jeremy and I are aligned with our goals in life and have a great marriage, we do our best to support one another and put our marriage and family first.

Jeremy is loving, intelligent, has a great sense of humor and is a devoted husband and father. He is a veteran and currently a Project Manager. Jeremy has the luxury to work from home 2 days a week and works at the office 3 days a week. He is the hardest working man I know and is an amazing role model for our sons. When he is not working, he is outside building various things or working on vehicles. Jeremy can build almost anything from furniture, playgrounds, electrical work and large landscaping (earth moving) projects at the house. Jeremy also enjoys remodeling inside the house, whether it is putting up new moulding, building a breakfast bar or tile work. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know how, he spends the time to learn. The kids also help and have fun learning how to do new things.

Mackenzie is an amazing wife and mother. She is a veteran and currently a dedicated stay at home mom to our boys. She possesses many qualities that I adore, compassion, empathy and kindness to name a few. She enjoys being out in nature and having some zen time. Interior design is a hobby she is amazing at and enjoys doing. She takes pride in making our home beautiful and comfy, as well as any project she takes on. She also enjoys cooking and baking. Some of her favorites are trying new pasta recipes and baking different types of cookies.

Our Home

We live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Washington! Our home is a newly built, 4 bedroom/ 3 bathroom house on just over 2 acres of land in a tight knit gated community. Our home is very spacious. Cayden and Carson both have their own room and so will your child, the kids also have a playroom upstairs.

We are surrounded by trees and there is a friendly family of deer that roam through the neighborhood daily. We all enjoy giving them apples. The majority of the neighbors have children from the ages of toddlers to pre-teens. All the kids get along and love to play at each other's houses. We also live next to brand new parks where the kids can go for splash pad time, zip line or jungle gym fun. The parks also have many miles of hiking and biking trails.

Jeremy built a playground in the backyard with a playset and an enclosed trampoline as well as a small zip line for the older kids. Our next project will be to build a basketball court. However, we are currently working on clearing the rest of our property and building a retaining wall. We hope to be done by next summer.

We live in the country, however, it's only a 20-30 minute drive to get to town that has all the stores you would want or need. Cayden's elementary school is amazing and it was just rebuilt less than 3 years ago, and the middle school was just finished at the end of 2023. It has great ratings and is only an 8 minute drive from our house. We live near a YMCA where Cayden plays on the basketball team every year, as well as where we go swimming.

We live less than 5 minutes from the ocean and 2 state parks, in fact it's so peaceful here that at nighttime we can hear the seals in the bay! In the future, we would like to get a boat so the family can spend some weekends on the water having fun or relaxing.

Our Extended Family

We are truly blessed with a wonderful support system. Our family and friends are supportive of us adopting again and are very excited to have another baby in the family.

We have family that live anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour away, as well as family out of state that we see often. Family that lives nearby are Jeremy’s mom and stepdad (the boys’ Nana and Papa), Jeremy’s dad and stepmom (Mamaw and Bampa), as well as Jeremy’s brother, his wife and our 2 nieces (ages 11 and 8). About once a month or so, Cayden and Carson spend time with their grandparents, which is great for them to bond, and it also allows Jeremy and I alone time to connect as a couple and stay balanced.

In California, which is only a little over an hour plane ride or 11-hour drive, are Mackenzie's parents (Grandma and Grandpa), her Grandpa (Grandpa Frog), sister and our nephew (age 6). Cayden and our nephew are only 11 months apart. They have a close relationship and love playing together, especially video games. Mackenzie's parents visit a few times a year, as well as we visit them or meet together for a family vacation. Last year, we all met in California and went to Disneyland for a week. It was a great time as a family.

Our Family Traditions

Our hobbies are family focused. We enjoy traveling with our timeshare ownership. It's a wonderful luxury that allows us to explore new places and make memories. We try to go 3 times year to someplace new or a place we've really enjoyed. Last year, 2 of the places we went to were Oregon and Montana which was amazing because we got to explore Glacier National Park. The boys really enjoy swimming, so that is usually their favorite part about our vacations! We also go to a fair amount of sporting events, to include the Seattle Mariners, Kraken and Seahawks to name a few. We enjoy playing and working outside and improving the land together, like landscaping and gardening. We plan on building a chicken coop this year. We have built a playground, put a zip line in for the kids and soon a basketball court.

We are friendly with all our neighbors and are especially good friends with one couple and their 4 children (ages 9, 8, 4 and 2). The wife of the couple is also a stay-at-home mom, which is perfect because we help each other out when we need to. We have play dates for the children on a weekly basis after school, and about once a month we go to each other’s houses for dinner/game nights/barbeques as a family.

Sunday nights are a time for us to wind down, get ready for the week ahead and spend time together. We love to have family movie nights with popcorn and candy. Each weekend, we take turns picking a movie. It's a somewhat newer tradition of ours, and we love it so much, because any chance we have to spend time together and not be distracted by anything else is what matters most to us.

What Led Us To Adoption

When Jeremy and I got married we always knew we wanted a big family, because to us, a big family means lots of love. After our oldest son was born and I could no longer bear children naturally, we knew our hearts were open to adoption. Adoption led us to our second child, and it was such a wonderful journey that we would love to adopt again. We are so excited to grow our family!

Facts About Mackenzie

Stay-at-Home Mom
BA Degree in Organizational Leadership
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Cooking & Baking
Favorite Movie:
The Hunt
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
The Office
Favorite Book:
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Lake Tahoe

Facts About Jeremy

Project Manager
BA Degree in Criminal Justice
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Tommy Boy
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
The Office
Favorite Book:
Nothing to Lose by J.A. Jance
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Lake Tahoe
Mackenzie & Jeremy
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