Liv & Jas In California

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,


Thank you so much for considering us as parents. We are Liv and Jas, and we could not be more excited to add to our family. When we decided we were ready to bring a baby (or babies) into our family, we knew adoption was the right choice for us. We have so much love and joy to share with a new little person, and can't wait to meet them.

About Us

We met through work, so we started as friends, fell desperately in love and have been moving hard and fast ever since. The love that we’ve found in each other, we are so excited to pour into a small human of our own. We’re passionate about life, people, creativity and purpose. One of the things that brought us together is our shared view on why we are all here: love and human connection.

Jas has two girls from her previous marriage, Aidan & Camryn (11 & 15). Both are over the moon excited about welcoming a baby into our life.

We both work remotely. Liv is the Director of Operations and lead photographer for a wedding photography company in San Francisco. Jas is an Executive Assistant for a global media and broadcasting company and is learning wedding photography, as well.

We love to travel, but are home bodies when we aren't adventuring. We enjoy cooking at home, hiking and nature, and spending time together as a family, with our two daughters (from Jas's previous relationship).

We have 4 rescue dogs, Fox, Fable, Hollywood and Roads, who all adore the kids and bring a lot of love and/ fullness to life. We often find Camryn in bed with one of the dogs covered in makeup and it's maybe one of our favorite sights to see. Whenever the girls have friends over, the dogs are nowhere to be found, as they will always choose the company of kids over us. Because of the dogs, hiking is a big part of our lifestyle. We take dogs and kids for outdoor exercise most days of the week. We also rescued a bonded pair of cats, Rue and Lux, who also love the kids and dogs.

Our Home

We just moved into our brand new home in Petaluma, California! 2100 sqft, 4 bed, 3 bath home in a family friendly neighborhood just blocks away from the cutest elementary school. We are in the process of landscaping and remodeling in preparation for the little one(s). Petaluma provides more opportunity to connect with nature and other young families.

We have started to prepare for the baby by collecting clothes and baby items (probably too many). We will set up the nursery once we get closer, but we do have a bedroom ready and waiting for them once we're matched! Many of our neighbors have young children and our babysitter lives right next door!

Our Extended Family

Jas has two girls from her previous marriage, Aidan & Camryn (11 & 15). Both are over the moon excited about welcoming a baby into our life. Camryn is excited to finally become an older sibling and teach the baby her "amazing barista skills"... making matcha and iced coffee for moms.

Aidan has always been a really good big sister to Camryn. She is protective and likes to teach her things. She's interested in fashion, acting & social justice. She is eager to have a little one to take under her wing, sing to and read to.

Camryn loves art and animals and is a budding photographer. She is soft and sensitive and is always found amongst the little ones, as they naturally gravitate towards her.

Our Family Traditions

We believe that holidays are a time for family gathering and celebration. While we don't subscribe to any specific ideology, we love to get together with our relatives and our chosen family to cook together and spend quality time together whenever we can be in the same place at the same time.

Some Christmases are in the desert. Others may be playing in the snow in New York City or Pennsylvania. And sometimes, we choose to cling to each other and tuck in at home... we will ALWAYS have a real Christmas tree!

What Led Us To Adoption

Once we decided to add to our family, we weighed out all of our options and decided we would rather give a baby that was on its way a good home and a loving family rather than pursue scientific methods to bring another life into the world. We have so much love to give, and the idea of sharing that with a baby whose birth parents chose us because they feel we're the best family for them, feels like a gift.

Facts About Liv

Director of Operations + Published Photographer
None. I believe in something bigger. Love, compassion & connection.
Some college
Favorite Food:
aioli, kale salad, pizza, vegan chicken nuggets
Favorite Hobby:
playing piano/guitar, traveling
Favorite Movie:
Rom coms
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
I listen to all types of music
Favorite TV Show:
Queens Gambit
Favorite Book:
Robinson Crusoe, The Art of racing in the rain
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Europe, New York, literally everywhere

Facts About Jas

Executive Assistant
Some college
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Devil Wears Prada
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Too Many to List
Favorite TV Show:
Greys Anatomy
Favorite Book:
City of Girls
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere My Wife is
Liv & Jas
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