Lisa In Pennsylvania

Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, Caucasian/Native American, Hispanic or South/Central American, Native American (American Indian), Hispanic/Asian
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you so much for considering me and taking the time to read my profile. My name is Lisa and I have always longed to raise a child, for I am not able to have children of my own.

Adopting has been a dream of mine for many years, and I’m finally ready to love and care for a child. I have a small dog and a cat that love to play and are the gentlest loving pets. I have been in the Army National Guard for 19 years as a diesel mechanic. I am ready to turn my dream into a reality and give all the love, and grace that I have to such a special gift as a child.

About Me

I grew up in Pennsylvania with two older brothers and an older sister. I met my best friend Ashley when we were kids, and grew up together as neighbors. We have been friends for 31 years and are more like sisters after all these years. Growing up we would have Sunday dinners at my grandparents’ house every week. My childhood instilled a lot of family values in me. What I admire most about my mom is how she dedicated herself to her family, and is a very caring, nurturing person. She taught me to be the person I am today which resembles all her nurturing, and emotional strengths.

I’m a very energetic, loyal, and dedicated person who loves to solve problems. My strongest attributes are resiliency and the ability to adapt and overcome any situation. I joined the Army National Guard when I was 18. At the age of 22 I had a complete hysterectomy, which is why I can not have children of my own. My fiancée and I were going to have a family together, however he passed a few years ago.

I love and adore my pets! My dog Winnie is very loving and affectionate and goes just about everywhere with me, even on kayak trips. She is so good on the water and lays next to me in her life vest on the kayak. She is a Pomapoo, half Pomeranian and half Poodle. She’s a small dog and weighs about 11 pounds. She loves hiking with me even though the trips are 5 miles or more. My cat Tigger is what you would expect of a cat, he is loving and likes to snuggle, but mostly lays around.

My Home

I own my home, which is a three-bedroom ranch style house with a two-stall garage. My spare bedroom is currently being used as an office space and can be easily transferred into a nursery. There is a big deck on the back side which I use for grilling and enjoying sun sets in the summer. I have a swim spa that I use regularly for exercise and fun. Most of my yard is fenced in creating a spacious and safe area for my dog and future child to play. My house resides in Corry Pennsylvania in a rural country area. I live in a small neighborhood that is full of children of all ages next to the grade school. There is a playground within walking distance from my house.

My Extended Family

My father passed when I was 17. When my mom retired, we decided that it would be good for her to move in with me so that she wouldn’t be alone. I Have one grandfather who is 95 that I visit with often at his cabin. We are a very close nit family even though we do not live close to each other.

For my extended family I have many cousins, but I’m closest with my cousin Jen. Jen and I are a lot alike and enjoy doing many things together. Just some things we do together are camping, hiking, and swimming with her two daughters. My oldest brother and his two daughters go with me on an annual kayak trip every summer. I became an aunt when I was 9 and have 4 nieces and 3 nephews who I babysat when I was younger. Also, I have 6 great nieces and 5 great nephews.

My Family Traditions

Between myself and my siblings we all have a dedicated holiday that we host. I host the fourth of July and Thanksgiving. My oldest brother hosts Christmas, and my other brother has Easter and Labor Day.

Most of my hobbies are outdoors. I love to be in the sun and fresh air. During the summer, I go hiking up by my grandpa’s cabin in the Allegany national forest. On the weekends, Ashley and her family go kayaking with me. We also have an annual kayak trip on Memorial Day. Throughout the summer, I go on numerous camping, and kayaking trips with my family and friends. My neighbors and I go camping and trail rides with our 4 wheelers during the summer. I like to have small fires in my back yard at night with my mom and neighbors during the summer. My cousin Jen, her two daughters and I go to the haunted lake every year on Halloween. Its like a theme park that is all set up for Halloween.

What Led Me To Adoption

Facts About Lisa

Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
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