Krystal & Sean In Ohio

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No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for giving us the consideration of becoming a family for your baby. We understand you are about to make one of the most important decisions of your life. Our names are Sean and Krystal, and we have been together 9 years and married since May 11th, 2019. We have struggled with infertility for the last 4 years which has led us to the decision to adopt. It’s been a bumpy journey, but in the end, we just want to start a family and make a loving home for your baby.

About Us

They say everything happens for a reason, and our story couldn’t be better proof of that! Sean accepted a position with Aquamark, Inc. in 2010, and little did we know that was the start of something special. Over the next 5 years, we began to grow closer as friends. We had both become single at this time, and we began to realize that the feeling we had early on in meeting each other was something special. It was a feeling that intensified over time and throughout our friendship; a feeling that we were ignoring for far too long. Everyone around us knew there was more to our story, but we continued to ignore the signs for 5 YEARS! In those five years we had developed very a close relationship. We grew a strong bond through the difficult times in life and supported each other. A bond where we could trust and confide in one another. We also shared many great times and celebrations together.

One day, Sean finally asked Krystal to be his date to his sister’s wedding, and this is where our story changed FOREVER! After a beautiful wedding, we ended up on the rooftop of our hotel overlooking the city of Cleveland, and it began to rain. Much like a romantic movie or a country love song, we continued to dance in the rain, sharing a moment that we have never forgotten. We were dancing the night away in the rain and without skipping a beat, and Sean went in for the kiss! From that moment on, we knew it was meant to be and never looked back.

We are huge Cleveland sports fans and love holding friends & family gatherings on game day, especially during football season! We love to cook, garden, snowboard, kayak and trying new things, whether it’s a new restaurant or a physical activity. We also have our 3 dogs that we call our fur babies. They are definitely spoiled and love going on car rides and hiking with us. Our oldest dog was raised from a puppy by Krystal and is a 7lb Chihuahua with a big personality but very loyal and loving. Our other two dogs are 3-year-old Pomskies, Klifford, we raised from a puppy and, Kash, we rescued from a puppy mill in Georgia. They are the friendliest, loving fur balls to everyone and anything!

The only thing we are missing is a little bundle of joy to share it all! We just want to give him or her all the love we have to give and raise them with the same type of love and passion that we were raised with. We would love to get to know you and your little one on the way and show you what great parents we can become.

Our Home

We have a very beautiful house made of wood and slightly resembles a ski lodge in the woods on 5 acres. Krystal's grandparents found the property in 1963. The house and the property are 3rd generation owned and we would like to start the next generation in this home. It is a two-story house that has 3 bedrooms, two upstairs and one downstairs. The nursery room would be upstairs next to the master bedroom.

Our house is nestled back in the woods on a hill with 5 acres of land, perfect for a child to play. Krystal has known the neighbors practically since she was born and we all look out for one another. If they go out of town we take care their pets, mail, and yard; as they also do for us.

Our Extended Family

Krystal was born and raised in a small community in Ohio. She went to Kent State for Business Management but never got to finish her degree because she willfully left when her father became ill with heart problems. She stood by his side through cancer, quadruple bypass and a severe lung infection. They overcame all of that together. In February of 2016, Sean moved into Krystal’s family home to help take care of her dad, but things quickly went downhill. Unfortunately, Krystal lost her father in October of 2017 due to a very rare disease called Nocardiosis. Sean was able to have one last conversation with him that changed our life’s forever! Krystal had no idea that Sean had asked her dad for her hand in marriage while he was in the hospital.

Sean was born in Bamberg, Germany because his father was stationed there to serve in the military. Around a year after that, Sean’s family moved to Kansas for another 5-6 years. After a passing in the family, Sean’s family decided to move back to Ohio where both of his parents were born and raised. Sean also has an older brother who is practically his best friend

We are fortunate to have Krystal’s mom, stepdad and family local in the area. Sean’s mom, dad, brother, sister in-law and grandparents also reside in the local area. We would definitely have an army of family members who would be around for this sweet blessing. Both of our families live within twenty minutes of our home. Our families have seen us struggle with infertility over the year and are excited for our next adventure in our adoption journey and possibly having the family we have always wanted!

Our Family Traditions

Christmas is the holiday we host at our home for both sides of our family. We typically make a bunch of appetizers for the family to enjoy while catching up with each other. Then we celebrate the holiday with a whole turkey feast! We typically make all the appetizers and the main course and everyone brings a side dish or dessert. Christmas is Krystal’s favorite holiday and we go all out with our decorations!

Krystal's mom hosts Thanksgiving and Easter at her house. We typically get there first about 4 hours before any other family members to help with the prepping and cooking of the wonderful food. We typically make way too much food and everyone gets to take home leftovers. After dinner is done, we all sit around the dining room table and play card games together and usually end up in tears of laughter. When our families get together, there’s never a dull moment. We always bring our dogs to our family gatherings which is always a big hit with our younger cousins. For Halloween, we always go to the pumpkin patch and pick out the perfect pumpkin to carve. Every year we choose a new design or creative way to carve them.

We also enjoy taking a yearly road trip with our pups to a variety of destinations, Hocking Hills, Cedar Point, Kalahari, Put-In-Bay, etc.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have struggled with infertility for the last 4 years which has led us to the decision to adopt. It’s been a bumpy journey, but in the end, we just want to start a family and make a loving home for your baby.

Facts About Krystal

Municipal & Wastewater Treatment
Some College
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Blink 182
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Harry Potter Series
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Sean

Municipal & Wastewater Treatment
High School/GED
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Playing Guitar
Favorite Movie:
Remember the Titans
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Foo Fighters
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Harry Potter
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Krystal & Sean
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