Kendall & Hunter In Texas

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No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the next step by considering/reading our profile and giving us a chance to show why we would be a great fit for you and your child. It is greatly appreciated. Our names are Kendall and Hunter. We desire adoption to take the next step for our family. We have both wanted to adopt since we were young and now that we are stable in all areas of our life together, we are ready to take that step.

About Us

Kendall is an occupational therapist and Hunter is a physical therapist. We met each other at work. We work with children with disabilities and love what we do. The kids we work with are our passion and we love each of them. Our passion is working with kids and we wouldn't trade that for anything else. We are in the process of opening our very own therapy clinic. We look forward to being able to serve the families in our community with therapy run by actual therapists.

We had the pleasure of fostering one of our patients for 3.5 months in 2022. During that time, we loved on her and spoiled her as our own. We were able to experience each other as parents, and discuss how we envision our future with children of our own. Our families opened their hearts and homes to our foster child. They loved on her no differently than anyone else in our families. That experience solidified our desire to become parents.

Kendall is an only child. However, she has some close friends that are like siblings. She had a mom, a dad, and a step-dad. All have passed away, but she has many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews (not blood related, but family) waiting to meet a new bundle of joy. Hunter has two little brothers. One is 27 years old and the other is 12 years old. The 12 year old is adopted. Hunter has a very large family. Her parents are each one of eight children! All of the family, on both sides, can't wait to have a new baby to love and welcome with open arms.

We love to travel and see the world as much as possible. Hunter likes to go snowboarding, while Kendall likes to see the to1wn. We like to go hiking with our three dogs. We love to take day trips to larger cities to explore new places to eat, shop, go to zoos/aquariums, play mini golf, find arcades to play games, and other unique activities. We recently purchased an RV and will be using that to travel as well. We have a swimming pool and love to swim and give swim lessons to our patients. Sometimes we like to stay in and binge watch a Netflix show. We love to hang out with our friends and see their kids, even babysit them to get some auntie time.

We have two German Shepherds, Max and Kara, as well as a Husky, Steel. They are big dogs but each one of them is the sweetest, gentlest giant. They love children and protect them with no hesitation. Steel has bad hips so he doesn't get around too well. However, Max and Kara have both been through extensive training and have AKC certifications through a top trainer. We also have six chickens that we spend time with daily. Their names are Peep, Hen Solo, Cluck Vader, Chewbocka, Hei Hei, and Lovelace. Hunter loves Star Wars, so clearly there was a theme with some of the names. They have a hen house inside of a metal chicken run in the corner of our backyard. They like people, as much as chickens can like people, and allow us to hold them for children to pet.

Our Home

We live in a cul-de-sac on the edge of town. Our house is approximately 2,500 square feet with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. We have a large living room, game room, and smaller second living area. We have a large yard with a chicken coop in the corner and a pool. There is a gate between the back door and the pool, making it safer for children. We have a 3 car garage and an additional 2 car garage that we use for storage, pool supplies, and our home gym. The nursery will be located in the room right beside our master bedroom, probably 5-10 feet down the hall. We are already in the process of getting the nursery ready. Hunter's grandma is crocheting a blanket for the nursery that is gender neutral. She has made many blankets for Hunter throughout her life, and we are excited to share this experience with our future child. Hunter's mother is also making their spare bedroom a nursery for the baby. We live in a town with diverse cultures, lifestyles, etc., as well as many schools.

Our Extended Family

Kendall's family is smaller, but they are very close. Kendall has suffered many tragic losses and therefore holds family time very dear to her. We often spend Thanksgiving and Christmas, at the least, with most of her family. We also visit her family often. Her grandmother works in the church and at a nursing home and loves giving to people. Her uncle is a state trooper and has stepped up even more than before now that she has lost her parents. Kendall is very close with her aunt who lives only 3 hours away. She also has many cousins who she is close with. All of her family are very supportive and can't wait to meet a new baby.

Hunter's family is very large. Her mom is a special education teacher, and her dad works for an aircraft manufacturing company. She has two brothers. One of her brothers works at the aircraft manufacturing company and the other one is in middle school. The youngest brother was adopted when he was 3. She has many aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. She is very close to many of her family members, and we travel to see them at least once a year all over the United States. All of her family is very supportive and can't wait to meet a new baby. There haven't been babies born in a few years, so everyone is excited to spoil a new baby and love on them as if they are their own blood.

Our Family Traditions

Hunter’s mother's family finds holidays special and makes sure they spend as much time as possible together during Christmas and Thanksgiving. Her maternal grandmother has passed down many traditions to her, including the middle name of the first-born daughter being Lee/Leigh. Hunter's middle name is Leigh, her mom, grandma, great-grandma, and great- great-grandma have the middle name Lee. The tradition will be carried on when we have a daughter, and everyone is excited to share the tradition with our firstborn daughter. Her father's family is very large and very close. They plan reunions every 4-5 years to get together to play games, be outdoors, cook good food, and reminisce on "the good ole days".

Together, we have started our own traditions to carry on with our children. We recently began the tradition of making french toast, bacon, and eggs for breakfast on Christmas morning. We started this to allow special time together during a busy holiday season. With both of our families living close to us, we find ourselves spending most of our holidays with both families and little time alone together. We loved our special time together, and talked about how we couldn't wait to share this tradition with our children. We have also discussed Christmas being spent on experiences with our children, so they have the chance to see as much of the world as possible. This past year we spent Thanksgiving snowboarding with friends and really enjoyed having a stress-free holiday.

What Led Us To Adoption

We were led to adopt because we wanted to give a child a home. We want a child and are ready in all aspects for a child.

Facts About Kendall

Occupational Therapist
Master's Degree
Favorite Food:
Steak or Mexican Food
Favorite Hobby:
Playing with our dogs or riding horses
Favorite Movie:
Anything Action or comedy
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween or Christmas
Favorite Music Group:
Casey Donahew Band
Favorite TV Show:
Law & Order Svu
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Science or Ag
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Jamaica or Australia

Facts About Hunter

Physical Therapist
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Marvel Movies
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Gossip Girl
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Kendall & Hunter
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