Kelsea & Jeff In Ohio

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No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

We want to thank you for reading our family profile and hope to get to know each other better. We cannot imagine how overwhelming it could be looking through all these profiles. While we can't understand what you're experiencing, we admire the love you have for your child to consider adoption. We are Kelsea, Jeff, Lorrie and Gabe. We, along with our relatives and friends, are excited about bringing your baby into our family.

Adoption has always been something we have felt drawn to, which is something we hope to talk about more in depth when we start our relationship with you. Jeff has two children who are fifteen and eighteen with his wife who has passed away. I am very close to them, they are my children too, but due to fertility issues I am not able to become pregnant. Jeff and I, as well as the kids, are very excited about adopting and eager to share our love with another child. We are very grateful for the possibility to love and care for your baby and promise to keep you part of their journey, forever.

About Us

We first met when our work lives connected. We both worked with the court system and saw each other frequently. Kelsea currently works for a local mental health agency (PATH) as a case manager focusing on kids and parents. Jeff is a Court Administrator and Chief Probation Officer for the local juvenile court.

Jeff has two biological children Lorrie (18) and Gabe (15). Kelsea is extremely close to them and loves them as her own. We also have one dog in our family. His name is Bear Bear. He is a miniature Bernedoodle. He is only about 20 pounds and is very loving.

In our free time, we love spending time together and doing things for one another and the kids. We listen to podcasts and love music and reading. We spend a lot of time with friends and family and try to stay active as much as possible. We are both very adventurous, love to travel and learn new things. We enjoy hiking, boating and having cookouts. Anytime we have the ability, we travel to other states to see different cultures, communities and environments.

Our Home

The neighborhood that we live in is one of the best in our county. It is set on a dead end street with very well maintained homes. It is close to parks and a community swimming pool, with restaurants and stores just five minutes away. Our home is located in the best school district in the county. It has a diverse population in the school system and it has the best opportunities for kids to be successful in whatever they choose to do.

Our home has 4 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. Our basement is finished and used as a hangout area with a movie theater area. We also have a fenced in, inground swimming pool and a nice sized yard. We are in the process of making one of the rooms into a playroom with children's books and other children's toys.

Our Extended Family

As a family, we spend time together on a regular basis. We enjoy cooking out and going on vacation together. We spend holidays together and many weekends together. One of the best parts about our family is we all hangout together. Our families like to travel as well. We spend time going on as many trips as we can as a family. We have at least one family gathering a month playing board games, cards or cornhole, and listening to music. We also go on hikes together and swim.

Our Family Traditions

We spend a lot of time with our friends. We travel with them and go on hikes. We often spend time with our coworkers, who are also our good friends. Our friend Jordan has a dog and we do puppy play dates with her dog and ours. We aspend time with the Judge that Jeff works for and his wife at their house or hike with them. We also travel to the house they have in Tennessee. Jeff likes to fish, so we hang out with his friend TG and his wife Brandy when we can. All our friends are excited we are adding to our family!

What Led Us To Adoption

We decided to adopt because we cannot naturally have our own children. We feel as adoption is such a thoughtful part of a child’s journey, we love the idea of raising an already wonderful human, and helping to create an amazing life with them.

Facts About Kelsea

Supportive Mental Health Case Manager
Bachelor in Psychology/Sociology
Favorite Food:
Anything Spicy!
Favorite Hobby:
Anything Outside & Watching TV Series
Favorite Movie:
Fried Green Tomatoes
Favorite Sport:
Basketball, Competitive Cheer & Gymnastics
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween & Christmas (Giving to Others)
Favorite Music Group:
All Music
Favorite TV Show:
All American
Favorite Book:
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
Favorite Subject in School:
Reading, Art & Music
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere with a View

Facts About Jeff

Court Administrator
Some College
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Fishing & Hiking
Favorite Movie:
Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Christmas (Giving to Others)
Favorite Music Group:
Country, but I Like All Music
Favorite TV Show:
Yellowstone & All American
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Places with Nature Hikes
Kelsea & Jeff
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