Kaitlyn & Troy In Pennsylvania

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Hello, and thank you for your consideration. My name is Kaitlyn and my husband's name is Troy. Almost right after Troy and I met we knew we wanted a child. Unfortunately, we tried for 5 years and were unsuccessful. We went through the invitro process and considered foster care, however again we were unsuccessful. We then decided that adoption is the best plan for us.

About Us

Troy and I (Kaitlyn) met when we were both working at a manufacturing company. On a whim we decided to go on a date and instantly clicked. It sounds cliché, but neither of us were looking for anything serious until after our date. That date changed everything for both of us.

To this day, Troy works at the same manufacturing plant, while I went to another company. Troy works as a material handler, and I work from home as a quality coach.

Both of us have diverse hobbies. We both love to stay at home and just relax watching movies. We just went to New York to see a hockey game, and we like to go see basketball games. I love photography and crafts. Troy loves pretty much everything sports and family related.

We have 4 pets total. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs. Wilson, Troy’s dog he had before we got together, is such a sweet boy. Our other dog, Simba, Troy had bought for me as a housewarming gift. He is so loyal and loving. One day my sister had bought a kitten and it was so cute we went to get one. When we got there, it was 2 brothers and we couldn't separate them. Their names are Simon and Garfunkel, yes, just like the musicians!

Our Home

We have a semi-detached home in the quiet neighborhood of Blandon. We live across the street from a baseball field, and a new park. Less than a block away is a wonderful elementary school. Our house sits on almost 3/4 acre of land and currently has 3 bedrooms with a possibility of us creating a 4th.

Our Extended Family

We both have close and big families. All Troy’s family live within 1 hour of us. He has 1 brother, 1 sister and 8 nieces and nephews. I (Kaitlyn) have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. With the exception of my father, we are all within 30 minutes of each other. With those siblings, I have 18 nieces and nephews!

Every holiday feels like Christmas for us. Either family comes to our house or we go to theirs. My sister, Brianne has 9 children and we are all very close. We typically see them several times a week. With that many nieces and nephews Christmas is always crazy, but wonderful and full of love.
We are a truly close and blessed family and support system for each other.

Troy has a son from a previous marriage. His name is Devin. This year Devin will turn 20 years old and graduate from college. When Devin and I first met, I was twice his size, now he is twice mine.

Our Family Traditions

We both love spending time with our friends, whether we are going on double dates, or just grabbing a cup of coffee. Traveling is always interesting for Troy and I. I love to fly, but Troy isn't a fan. I get motion sickness, so boats don't work that well. However, we make it work. We go to a lot of nearby states, whether it is to see my dad in Maryland, go to the beach or see sports games. We both love sports, music and movies. Although we like to try new things and go to new places, we do love quality time at home.

What Led Us To Adoption

For several years we tried to get pregnant with no success. We went to doctors, and even tried to use Kaitlyn's sister's left over embyros from her last pregnancy, again with no luck. We want a baby so much to complete our family. Adoption was the best choice for us. Troy and I can provide a loving, stable home with an enormous support system.

Facts About Kaitlyn

quality coach
Technical school/undergrad
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Pride & Prejudice
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Troy

Material Handler
High School Grad
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Disc Golf
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
All in the Family
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Kaitlyn & Troy
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