John & Jen In Pennsylvania

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

We are Jen and John. We are a newly married couple that just celebrated our 3rd year anniversary. We have been trying to conceive since our wedding but unfortunately cannot. Since we first met, we have talked about having a family. We both have always wanted to have kids and be parents. We understand that this is a very difficult decision, which makes you choosing us a true blessing. We thank you for looking over our profile and considering us for adoption.

About Us

We met on a dating app in the summer of 2017. We dated for about two years before John proposed. We then got married a year later. We were lucky enough to have two beautiful weddings. We were officially married in a small ceremony on November 7, 2020. Due to Covid, we could only have immediate family at the ceremony. We decided to have a larger celebration a year later on our one year anniversary with all of our family and friends.

There are many things that we enjoy doing in our free time. We like to go out to eat together, watch movies, and go to sports games. We also enjoy spending time in Ocean City, New jersey and riding bikes on the boardwalk. We are looking forward to adding a new member on our bike riding trips very soon. Jen enjoys dancing and looks forward to Zumba class once a week. We both also enjoy spending time with family and friends.

Jen has been teaching Kindergarten for about 17 years now. She loves working with the children and seeing the excitement on their faces when they learn something new. John is a letter carrier for the United States Postal Service. He enjoys being outdoors and meeting people on the job.

Our Home

We moved into our neighborhood in February of 2021. Our street is a cul-de-sac. It is quiet and safe for kids to play outside. The neighbors are mixed in age. There are some families with young children playing around the neighborhood and others where their children are grown and moved out of the house. Our house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is a finished basement with lots of space for toys. Our front and back yards have plenty of space for a child to play. We look forward to adding a swing set and playhouse to the backyard. There are two schools within walking distance from our house. A short drive away is a library, parks, restaurants, and shopping. We are also not too far from museums and sports facilities. Our guest bedroom will be the future nursery. We are excited to decorate it for our future child.

Our Extended Family

Jen's family has always been fairly close since she was young. Her family consists of her mom, dad and sister. Her family always enjoyed getting together with extended family for the holidays. She has many aunts, uncles, and cousins on both sides. The family continues to grow with her cousins having children. Her dad's mother is her only living grandparent at 98 years old. They enjoy getting together to celebrate her birthday each year. Whenever her cousins need a babysitter, Jen is usually the first person they ask. Most of her family is still local, which is amazing because of the ability to celebrate important milestones together. John has been accepted into Jen's family as their own, and they have welcomed him with open arms.

John is the oldest of two siblings. His family took charge when it came to taking care of his grandparents, since they lived nearby. He would spend summers at their houses doing yard work and hearing stories of his parents when they were younger. Growing up, his extended family was large and always together for big events and holidays. Nowadays, most of John's extended family have moved away, or unfortunately passed away. There is talk of trying to bring back a family reunion but it's still in the planning phase.

Our Family Traditions

In our leisure time, we enjoy going to sports games, concerts, movies, bowling, and out to eat. We enjoy taking day trips to the zoo and the aquarium. It is also just as nice to have a night in with pizza and a movie or a game night. We also enjoy spending time with friends for holidays, birthdays, and other special events. Around Christmas time, we like to drive around and look at Christmas lights. During the summer, we travel to Ocean City, New Jersey for the weekends. We also try to take a trip to a new city every other year. Since we have been married, we have traveled to New York and Boston.

What Led Us To Adoption

We went through fertility testing and found out that we are not able to conceive naturally. Adoption will help to fulfill the life long dream of becoming parents.

Facts About John

High School
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Video Games
Favorite Movie:
Space Balls
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Breaking Bad
Favorite Book:
Lord of the Rings
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Ocean City, NJ

Facts About Jen

Masters Degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Mrs. Doubtfire
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Backstreet Boys
Favorite TV Show:
Shark Tank
Favorite Book:
Piggie and Elephant Books
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Ocean City, NJ
John & Jen
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