Heather & Scott In Michigan

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Dear Birthmother,

We are so extremely thankful that you are taking the time to read our profile and considering blessing us with the gift of becoming parents. We have always had a desire to have a family. After many years of miscarraiges and fertility issues, we have felt the Lord leading us to adopt. We will raise your child in a home full of love, laughter and prayer. A Christian home that loves and serves the Lord.

Your baby will have a large family support system of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and a brother. They will have every opportunity available that we can provide. Most of all, they will be loved more than we can possibly express in this profile. From the bottom of our hearts thank you for considering us and making this completely selfless decision.

About Us

We met on a dating website in June of 2010 after many emails, texts and phone calls. It didn't take long for us to know we wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. After just 5 short months, we were engaged and less than a year later we were married. In our 10 years of marriage, God has blessed us with 2 children of our own that we were never able to hold this side of the womb. We have never given up hope to someday raise a child and give them a loving family.

We are blessed to have a son (from adoption through foster care) from Scott's first marraige. Jonathan James, aka JJ, is excited to have a sibling. He feels he could help them understand any feelings they may have about adoption when the time is right. Our extended family is VERY excited for this next step in our marriage and can not wait to be a part on this child's life.

Heather grew up in a small town in Michigan. She is the youngest of 5 siblings. She lived in the country and raised all kinds of animals. Her parents owned a business in the local town; therefore, she has always been very active in her community. She has always been involved in anything artistic, like playing the violin, singing, decorating, painting and crafts. Family has always been very important to Heather and she never misses the annual family reunion.

Scott also grew up in a small town in Michigan. He is the oldest of 3 children. His parents divorced when he was young, so he lived with his dad and oldest sister. He was a 3 sport athlete in school playing cross country, track and basketball. A year after high school, Scott enlisted in the Navy. He was stationed in Norfolk, Virginia and served as a Chef on a submarine.

Our Home

We currently live in our first, brand new home. We have been here for 4 years now and we really love our neighborhood. We have a 4 bedroom, ranch style home and we can't wait to have our nursery complete. There are many children in our community. We live in a small town of about 6,000 people. There is truth to the small-town cliché of "everyone knows everyone", but we have found it is truly a blessing. The town always comes together for any member of the community who has a need. Heather graduated from the same school that our son now attends. It has always been a top-notch school in the state for education, music arts and athletics. Our community is made up of many different families from different cultural backgrounds.

Our Extended Family

During the summers, when Heather's family-owned business is slower, we have weekly family dinners on Sunday afternoons. We are so fortunate to have many of our family live within less than 30 minutes of our home. We are also fortunate that Heather's family has 40 acres that we are able to visit and enjoy any time. We were married on the family farm around the pond and still visit the site and even fish there sometimes. Gramps takes the kids sledding on the property in the winters and in the spring we plant a family garden. We try to take at least one family trip/vacation each summer. One year the whole family went to Great Wolfe Lodge and made some great memories. Our parents are very supportive and involved in attending all of their grandchildrens' activities.

Jonathan James, aka J.J., is our 15 year old son. He truly is a joy. He is a hard worker and pitches in around the house, most of the time without being asked, with cleaning, taking out the garbage and carrying in the groceries. He enjoys anything sports and definently knows his style. Heather always makes sure to take him with her shopping. He will be completely honest about what looks good and what doesn't. Jonathan was adopted through fostercare, as previously mentioned, and truly has an appreciation for the life he has been blessed with.

Our Family Traditions

We both work in customer service. Scott is a CSR for a large recycling company. Heather is an Officer at her local community bank. We both really enjoy our work, but family always comes first. Our son Jonathan is involved in many sports, like football, bowling, track. In our free time as a family, we like to play games like UNO, SkipBo and other card games. Occasionally we will have a "make your own gourmet pizza" night and then watch a movie together. We also are very active in our church and really enjoy serving there. Scott is on the security team and preaches in the nursing home and jails. Heather teaches the 8 to 12 year olds, heads up the cleaning ministry and takes care of church decorating. We also both sing in the choir.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have always desired to have children, but have struggled as we have experienced multiple miscarriages. We have been praying and the Lord led our hearts to adoption and then solidified our decision through the provisions he provided.

Facts About Heather

Local Bank Assistant Manager
Some College
Favorite Food:
Salmon & Italian
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
New Year's Day
Favorite Music Group:
The Collingsworth Family
Favorite TV Show:
Amazing Race
Favorite Book:
Ruth - from The Bible
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Gatlinburg, TN

Facts About Scott

Commercial Driver
Graduate of Bible Institute - Christian Services
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Remember the Titans
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Williamson Family
Favorite TV Show:
Shark Tank
Favorite Book:
The Bible
Favorite Subject in School:
Social Studies
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Key West, FL
Heather & Scott
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