Geraldo & Elizabeth In California

No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you so much for taking the time to consider us as parents to your precious child. We can't imagine the difficult decision that is before you, but we believe you are brave to consider a different life for your child. My name is Elizabeth and my husband is Geraldo. We have known each other since 2016 and just recently tied the knot! We were both excited to begin the journey of starting a family together. Unfortunately, infertility has prevented us and we are here now in the hope to achieve our desire through adoption. Our hearts have longed to have a child of our own. We are ready and we hope you will consider us to take care of you precious baby. We can't wait to love and cherish your baby like the beautiful gift they are!

About Us

Elizabeth is 33 years old and has been working as a nurse for 10 years now. She grew up in a small country town in central California with her parents and 2 siblings, so she loves to be outdoors. She knew since she was a little girl that she wanted to be a mom. She is close to her family, especially her sister and mom and know they will all be such a great addition to any child's life! She was also in the Army Reserves, which is where she met Geraldo!

Geraldo is 54 years old and works in law enforcement. He was born and raised in Brazil and came to the United States 22 years ago. After serving in active duty Army for 6 years, he went into the reserves and started his career in law enforcement. He has worked hard to make his own way and achieve everything in his life. He has an adult daughter who lives nearby, as well as family in Brazil. We are both hard workers and so ready to be the best parents possible to any child!

We've had our dog, Xena, most of her 4.5 years and our cats for 9 years. They all get along very well and each have their own personalities. Xena especially keeps us busy with her endless energy! She loves to give kisses, play with her ball and go everywhere we go!

We both love to be outdoors and to travel. We hike with our dog Xena, ride horses, kayak and go to the beach whenever we can. We have traveled several times within the US and can’t wait to be able to travel abroad again. We are so excited to learn how to include the baby in everything we do from hiking to kayaking to traveling! We fully intend on bringing them with us wherever we go and whatever we do. We can't wait to add a little one to all our future adventures!

Our Home

We were able to buy our dream home almost 2 years ago in a quiet neighborhood in Napa County. It is a family-centered community with playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts and a community garden within walking distance. There is a beautiful wetlands area a short drive away with several walking trails on the Napa River. Xena enjoys our small backyard and loves to have barbecues with the year round beautiful weather. Our house has plenty of room and is just waiting to be filled with the laughter of a child!

Our Extended Family

Right now, our family consists of our dog Xena, our two cats, and spending time with Geraldo’s adult daughter and 3 year old grandson. We are also blessed to live close to Elizabeth’s sister and her husband who are expecting their first child in May! We are excited to have the opportunity to raise our children together and plan on them spending as much time together as possible.

Our Family Traditions

We visit our family nearby at every chance and love to have family vacations when we can all fit it in our schedules. Elizabeth’s favorite traditions from childhood are around Christmas time, like decorating the tree together while listening to music and her dad reading The Night Before Christmas. Geraldo loves to go see Christmas lights with his daughter and grandson each year. We can’t wait to make our own family traditions with a child of our own!

What Led Us To Adoption

We have struggled with infertility for several years and tried 2 rounds of IVF. Unfortunately, those attempts were unsuccessful in blessing us with the child we have dreamed of. We have so much love to give and so much room in our hearts and lives and are just waiting for the chance to fill it with a precious child!

Facts About Geraldo

Law Enforcement
Bachelor's Degree in Business
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Saving Private Ryan
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Memorial Day
Favorite Music Group:
Johnny Cash
Favorite TV Show:
Forensic Files
Favorite Book:
Anything written by Jack Reacher
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Elizabeth

Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Favorite Food:
Mac n Cheese
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Of Monsters and Men
Favorite TV Show:
New Girl
Favorite Book:
The Seer and the Stone
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere I haven't been before!
Geraldo & Elizabeth
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