Daniel & Mikayla In Utah

No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Hello, we are Daniel and Mikayla. Please know from the bottom of our hearts we are truly thankful for your time, consideration and choice to begin this journey. We understand this may not be an easy decision and there are a lot of conflicting emotions. Regardless of the circumstances, we want to assure you that nothing but love, care and happiness will overflow from us onto this perfect, precious child.

The decision you are making is an incredibly brave and courageous one. The joy that you would bring to our family cannot be expressed in words. We know this decision is hard, but we know that you want the best life for your baby and for them to grow up with an incredible and loving family. Hopefully, as you are reading this and get to know our family, you will understand that we are that family for your baby.

God has blessed us with a beautiful girl, but we have so much more love in our hearts to give. Becoming parents is honestly the greatest thing that ever happened to us. We are unable to continue to grow our family on our own, and nothing would make us happier and more fulfilled than to bring your child into our family as our own. Please continue to read our story and you will no doubt see that our wonderful family is the right match for your child. Once again, thank you for your incredible gift and decision you made for your child.

About Us

We met through a co-ed slow pitch softball team. Daniel had just moved to Utah from California to pursue his Masters Degree in Business Administration. We ended up joining the team through mutual friends and bonded at a team BBQ shortly after the first game. From there we were inseparable and spent almost everyday together. Not much has changed in that sense as we tend to do most activities together as a family. We spend our free time by creating as many memories as possible for our little family. We attend the occasional local baseball game, take a drive to watch drifting events, spend the warm weekend mornings walking through the local farmers market or simply relaxing at home with amazing friends and family.

Having multiple children has always been a dream of ours, and adoption has always been a part of that dream. During our journey to grow our family, we have encountered hardship and emotional strife. Our last pregnancy was a difficult one that was labeled high risk. After this tough pregnancy, we’ve decided it better not to go through that again. However, now through this amazing process, we have an opportunity to connect with you, support you and together fill this hole in our lives with a beautiful bundle of love.

Currently, Mikayla is an Active Guard Reserve member for the Air Force. She has been with the Air Force for about 5 years now. She is the full-time support for a reserve unit. The best part of her job is the ability to assist and contribute to every person’s life in her unit. Luckily, by being attached to a reserve unit, she is able to pick which base she is stationed at and is not forced to move by anyone’s decision besides her own. By being in the military full time, she is able to provide top of the line benefits to our family as well as use her service time to give education benefits to our children when they get older.

Daniel is currently the Vice President of Operations for a Clutch Manufacturing Company. His role is to head up their purchasing department and to be a problem solver in processes while also correcting issues within the company. He has been with the company for 20 years, and continues to help the company improve in many ways. With his seniority in the company, Daniel has the privilege to work from our home during the month.

We have one biological daughter, her name is Madelyn. She has such an amazing personality and is almost two as of this writing. We absolutely love her and are ready to bring an adopted child into our family, who we can love just as much. We have already started the process of trying to get her involved with the chance to have a new sibling. We incorporated her first baby doll as a Christmas gift from her Aunt to see how well she would do with caring for something. We are pleased to say she has been ecstatic with her baby doll and took on a very nurturing approach. Obviously, a new sibling is much more complex than a doll, but the initial reaction was very pleasant. We’re hoping to raise an adopted child in a loving home where the word adopted won’t be used until we’re ready to explain the process of how our little miracle joined our family.

We currently have two dogs. Trigger is a 10 year old English Bull-dog Husky mix. As odd of a combination that may be, he is the sweetest dog to ever exist. Our second dog is Star. She is a German Sheppard Husky mix that was rescued about 8 years ago and was thought to be two at the time, which would make her just a tad older than Trigger. Star has a big personality but has a lot of patience when it comes to our daughter wanting to cuddle and play.

Our Home

Our home is located in a beautiful rural community. The community is amazing and peaceful. Our home is a modern Rambler with approximately 2/3s an acre of land. The backyard is fully fenced. We have a spacious room designated for our future child’s room that is directly across the hall from our master bedroom and directly next to Madelyn’s room. We are close to several parks to include an arena that the city uses to host fun community events such as Rodeos, community mini carnivals, and Holiday fun. We currently live within walking distance to an elementary school, dance studio and rural walking trail that boarders a beautiful creek.

Our Extended Family

Our family currently consists of Daniel (Husband/Father), Mikayla (Wife/Mother), and our daughter Madelyn. We are also fortunate to have Mikayla’s side of the family in the local area. Daniel’s family is located in California and we are privileged enough to be able to visit them several times a year as the company he works for is based out of California.

A majority of Mikayla’s family lives within twenty minutes of our home. We are fortunate enough to have Mikayla’s father live five minutes from our home and frequently expresses his excitement of having another grandchild to spoil along with our daughter. We also have Mikayla’s little brother and her soon to be sister-in-law that live close. They make it a point to spend time with our daughter on a regular basis. We make it a point to see Daniel’s side of the family as much as possible or have them come out to Utah. We also video chat Daniel’s family so Maddie can see her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins on a regular basis. To say our family is excited for our adoption journey and the possibility of a new baby to love on is an understatement!

Our Family Traditions

One of our favorite family traditions is taking a couple of weeks during the summer and go on an annual camping trip with Daniel’s side of the family. The campsite we visit has been a frequented spot for our family for four generations. It is the perfect place to spend time with family in nature where no cell phone can reach.

A fairly new tradition we have been developing is having our small family visit every baseball stadium in America. We take the trip to one stadium at a time and watch a full series which can consist of three to four baseball games in a row. This gives us a chance to sit in different parts of the stadium to be able to take it all in. We make it a point to spend each holiday and birthday with family and friends as these are a fun way to get everyone together for amazing food and fun conversations.

What Led Us To Adoption

After a very difficult pregnancy with our daughter, we prayed for guidance on the next step to grow our family. Daniel and I agreed that adoption was the best option as we knew we would love any child as our own.

Facts About Daniel

VP of Operations
Masters Degree in Business Administration
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Top Gun
Favorite Sport:
Sports Car Racing
Favorite Holiday:
4th of July
Favorite Music Group:
Avenged Sevenfold
Favorite TV Show:
The Mandalorian
Favorite Book:
How to win Friends and Influence People
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
The Forest

Facts About Mikayla

Operations Active Guard Reserve (AGR) for Air Force
Bachelor Degree in Accounting
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Remember the Titans
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Florida Georgia Line
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Marine Sniper
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
The Forest
Daniel & Mikayla
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