Courtney & Randy In Texas

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

We hope you are well. We think about you often and hope you know how important your role is in growing and delivering this precious life.

I'm Courtney and my husband is Randy. Our desire to adopt a child stems from our ability to love. I grew up in a family who fostered babies and we adopted my youngest sibling. I've been able to see the beauty that can come from otherwise undesirable situations. Love grown between strangers all for the sake of one tiny baby is amazing to us.

Thank you for taking a look at our profile. We hope that it will give you a decent idea of who we are.

About Us

We met in 2015 through friends and we got married in 2019. Here's how we met: Courtney and her sister went to a bar for Courtney's 24th birthday and ran into another friend's group there who Randy was with. We almost instantly took to the dance floor together and we've never looked back.

Randy is a finance specialist at a security company. Courtney works for a non- profit organization that allows her to work from home. When the baby arrives, Courtney will be able to stay home and care for them. Randy's hobbies include collecting sports cards, playing games and keeping up with the NFL. Courtney enjoys reading, being outside and tending to plants.

We have two of the sweetest boys in the whole world! They are both rescue pups. Ezekiel is part husky and is six years old. Boston is a terrier mix and is four. Ezekiel's favorite things to do are eat, sleep on a comfy bed and go for walks. Boston loves playing with squirrels in the backyard and following us around the house. They both have had experience around babies and with the help of a beeper, they know to keep their distance.

Our Home

We live in a one story house on a cul de sac in Watauga, Texas. It's the same house that Randy grew up in! We are lucky to have inherited this gem. Our home consists of three bedrooms and two bathrooms with a nice big front and back yards with mature trees. There is a pond, walking trail, park, elementary school and library all within walking distance of our house. Diversity in Watauga is average. There is room for growth and opportunity to evolve here. The nursery is partly set up! Our nephew uses the crib when he stays the night. We still have finishing touches to add to make it just right for our little one.

Our Extended Family

Courtney is one of five siblings and has a total of four nieces and nephews. Almost all of the siblings live within an hour of each other. Randy is best buds with one of Courtney's sister's husbands, so the four of us and our nephews see a lot of each other. Courtney's parents both live nearby and are still married and involved in our lives.

Randy has a large extended family. They live slightly further away but we still get together with them for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Randy's parents have both passed on too early, unfortunately. Randy's grandmother continues to play a huge role in our lives and only lives twenty minutes away. Our family support is extensive and all of them are excited to add a new member!

Our Family Traditions

Randy has had the same group of core friends since before high school! His mom helped raise a few of the friends so they became more like brothers to Randy. They all still get together frequently, usually for football games or golf.

Courtney has a handful of close friends who she's met along the way at different stages in her life. We enjoy mild traveling but we aren't the most adventurous people. Courtney's parents have a cabin in Colorado that the whole family visits at least once a year.

What Led Us To Adoption

I have admired adoption since childhood and Randy has been supportive of this goal since we started dating. Being trusted enough by another human to raise their child and having people working together for the common good of a child is what we admire most about adoption. We both easily connect with and love children.

Facts About Courtney

Non-Profit Organization
bachelor's degree in child development
Favorite Food:
Any casserole
Favorite Hobby:
Catching Fresh Air Outside
Favorite Movie:
Bad Moms
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Easter - because I enjoy spring
Favorite Music Group:
Lana Del Ray
Favorite TV Show:
How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Book:
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
The MOuntains!

Facts About Randy

Payment Specialist at DFW Security
Some College
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Collecting Sports Memorabilia
Favorite Movie:
The Dark Knight
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Zz Top
Favorite TV Show:
Ted Lasso
Favorite Book:
The 21 Laws of Leadership
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Courtney & Randy
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