Chrissy In California

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to learn more about me. My name is Chrissy and I'm 42 years old. My journey to become a parent officially started several years ago, even though I knew I wanted to be a mom ever since I was a little girl playing with her cabbage patch dolls in the backyard. I've had many strong mother figures in my life who have shown me how to be an amazing mom. It would be the gift of a lifetime to be able to share in the journey of becoming a mother with you.

About Me

I was born and raised in the part of California known as the Bay Area. I'm the middle child with two sisters and my parents have been married for 50 years. Growing up we had lots of different pets at different times. Everything from parakeets and hamsters to a goose and a rabbit named Buffy. I started writing poetry in the 4th grade and it became an important way for me to express my feelings. I even had a poem published at the age of 13, which I like to call my 15 minutes of fame. My favorite memories of childhood and adolescence were being in the Girl Scouts and taking family vacations in the summertime. I went to college and studied psychology knowing I wanted to become a teacher and eventually a counselor. Today I work with families who have children with special needs.

Some of my favorite activities include spending time in nature, doing arts & crafts and learning to play the ukulele. I'm always looking for something new to try and I can hardly wait to share in many new adventures with the child in my life. A fun fact about me is that I LOVE Halloween! I'm sure this has a lot to do with how fun my mom made it when we were kids. She created our costumes by hand for years, and even as an adult, I still have fun dressing up. My mother is teaching me how to sew because one day I would like to be able to make Halloween costumes for my child.

I currently work four days a week as a Marriage and Family Therapist supporting families who have children with developmental disabilities, such as Autism. I feel lucky that I get to work from home and have every Friday off! Children have always been the focus of my work life. I have always worked in jobs that give me the opportunity to support people who are going through difficult times in their lives. I was raised to believe in the importance of community service and caring for others, which is something I hope to teach a child someday.

My Home

Creating a cozy and welcoming home is very important to me. I live in a two-level townhouse filled with family pictures and lots of decorative pillows! I really enjoy having friends and family over for special occasions. After all, home is the first place where memories are created.

The city I live in is small and family oriented. I love the festivals on Main Street and the annual 4th of July fireworks show on the waterfront. There are also good schools in the area, which I know because I've worked at many of them. I live on a quiet, tree-lined court within walking distance to a lovely park that has a creek and a rope swing for the neighborhood kids. One of the things I love most about where I live is that it's a short distance from my parents and sisters. This allows us to get together often for hiking, family dinners and celebrating special occasions.

My Extended Family

My mom is one of ten kids and my dad is one of four kids so that makes for a large extended family! But the most important family members are my parents, two sisters, brother- in-law and nephew. We spend lots of time together and we're always creating fun ways to celebrate the big and little things in life. My childhood is filled with memories of fun times with my cousins, several of whom I'm still very connected to and who live in the area.

My Family Traditions

It's hard to choose a favorite family tradition. I love that we still get together to celebrate birthdays and my mom still makes breakfast Christmas morning. We have a newer tradition that started eight years ago, just before my nephew was born. King Cake is a local delicacy in New Orleans, an oval braided confection smothered with white icing and sugar sprinkles that salute the official colors of Mardi Gras: green for faith, purple for justice and gold for power. There's a trinket, usually a plastic baby, hidden inside each one. When my sister was pregnant she had a Mardi Gras dinner at her house and the person who found the baby in the King Cake got to reveal if she was going to be having a boy or a girl. It was such a joyous day and now every year we get together at my sister's house for a Mardi Gras celebration complete with a King Cake!

A fun fact about me is that I LOVE Halloween! I'm sure this has a lot to do with how fun my mom made it when we were kids. She created our costumes by hand for years, and even as an adult, I still have fun dressing up. My mother is teaching me how to sew because one day I would like to be able to make Halloween costumes for my child.

What Led Me To Adoption

I have always dreamed of being a mother. I didn’t expect to be without a partner when I decided it’s time for me to fulfill my dream. To me, adoption is an amazing way to become a parent and to create a special kind of family.

Facts About Chrissy

Marriage & Family Therapist
Master's Degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Dolly Parton
Favorite TV Show:
The Golden Girls
Favorite Book:
The Velveteen Rabbit
Favorite Subject in School:
Art History
Favorite Vacation Spot:
The Beach or the Redwoods
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