Breanna In Wyoming

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

I want to start off by thanking you for taking the time to learn a little about me, and considering me as a prospective adoptive mother. I know this decision is going to be one of the hardest decisions you make. My name is Breanna, I’m a single thirty-one year old gal. I have a big family, with me being the youngest of five. All my siblings are married with at least two children.

I have known from a very young age that my greatest desire in life is to be a mom! Unfortunately, that opportunity has not happened for me. I absolutely adore children and watching my nieces and nephews grow has only encouraged my desire to be a mother. I would love nothing more than to provide a wonderful life full of love, laughter and adventure to your sweet baby. I have worked really hard the last few years to be at a place where I can fully take care of a child all on my own.

I know you are under a lot of pressure to pick a family for your baby. I just want to reassure you that even though I am single, I have a huge family who are very supportive and excited to welcome another child into the family. I actually view being single as one of my greatest strengths. I have learned how to do lots of things all on my own and I will always be here for your child and help them to learn and grow up to be strong, independent and healthy.

About Me

Family is the most important thing to me, so I spend a lot of time with my siblings and their children. I love going and watching all of their sporting events. I constantly take them with me, whether it’s just going into town or going on a vacation. I’m a big outdoors fan, hiking, paddle boarding or playing sports. I love being outside all summer long. My favorite sport is tennis and I was lucky enough to be able to coach for a while at the high school I graduated from! Helping the youth grow and develop not only their talent but also their confidence is such a rewarding opportunity to have.

I am an extremely independent person and love figuring out how to accomplish any goal I set my mind to. Being a single gal has made it to where I have to know how to be a jack of all trades. I enjoy knowing that I can fully rely on myself if it comes to changing my tires, hanging home decor or pulling a trailer.

I am not a huge fan of being cold which is the only downside to living in Cody, Wyoming. So in the winter time, I will do a little bit of snowshoeing or sledding but most of the winter I spend inside crafting, watching movies or playing games with my nieces and nephews. I love to take a vacation in the winter months to somewhere warm! Cody provides the best views year round though! There are mountains close by, lakes to paddle board in and I’m only about an hour and a half from Yellowstone National Park.

I have never lived in an area that is more beautiful. The people are so friendly here too! I get to interact with most of the community where I work. I work in sales at the local furniture and flooring store, and the environment I get to work in is so wonderful! My coworkers are amazingly supportive and have become like a family to me.

I adore animals and think everyone should have them! I have a sweet five year old English Shepherd who is my hiking buddy! Her name is Marvel and she goes everywhere with me. She loves going for car rides, even when it’s just into the store, she just doesn’t want to be left behind. I have a cute little backyard and we spend lots of time in the backyard playing. I also have a sweet long haired cat named Gamora, who totally thinks she is a dog. She constantly steals Marvel’s dog toys. It's hilarious! I also have some horses. Astra is my mini pony that I am training to pull wagons and give rides. I really want to enter into the Fourth of July parade and have her pull the wagon my father has made for me. Astra is adorable, she loves to give hugs and I have her trained to come running over to me with only a whistle.

My Home

Cody, Wyoming is a beautiful rural area with a population of about 10,000 people. We have Yellowstone National Park right by us, along with multiple mountains and lakes. I live in a cute little house with a wonderful backyard that overlooks the rodeo grounds. We have a nightly rodeo here from June until September every year! I get to sit out on my porch and enjoy it. We have some fun family friendly parks here. My favorite one has a cute little splash pad for all the kiddos to play in. We also have some fun plays and dance recitals that are put on by the community.

One thing I love about this area is the school districts! Our community is so supportive of our schools and all of the extracurricular activities. The school district also offers lots of college prep curriculum and lots of students can end up graduating with their associates already completed. We have three town elementary schools which allow for smaller classes and more help/interaction with their teachers. My sister is a third grade teacher and every interaction I have had with her and her coworkers has proved to me how much they all care about their students and want to see them succeed and strive for their best.

My Extended Family

I am the youngest of five children, all of whom are married except for myself. My two oldest sisters were married when I was five years old and I have always felt very blessed to have gained two extra big brothers. Growing up my siblings took me everywhere with them! I grew up in such a tight knit family, who always encouraged their littlest sister to join in on the fun, even when it was with their friends who were all a good decade older than me. One time when I was around 3 or 4 my sister Jamie was taking a class in high school that allowed her to bring me in for an hour each day. I loved it! After her class I got to go watch her cheerleading practice.

I have the most wonderful parents who have been married for forty-six years. They are the most giving and adoring parents, and grandparents any child could ask for. There has never been a moment when I have asked for help or guidance that they have not jumped to answer or help in any way they could. I know I am very blessed to have such a uniquely supportive and caring family.

Growing up I always wanted to be a big sister and role model to a little sibling, and when I was ten years old my first nephew was born! I know every parent says having a child changes their lives, but let me tell you when Ethan was born I felt like I had been given the best gift! We did everything together and I was constantly bugging my sister Cara to let me take care of him. Now twenty years later I still do everything I can with him. We love to play board and card games together and nothing brings me more joy than when he’s home from college and I get a text that says, “You’re coming out tonight, right?” I quickly gained 12 other nieces and nephews and have a unique and special bond with each and everyone of them. I have discussed with my nieces and nephews my hopes of adoption and it has been so sweet to see their joy and excitement right along with my own. I know if I am lucky enough to get to adopt the bonds that will grow between my adopted child and my nieces and nephews will be just as special as the ones I have with them.

My Family Traditions

My family loves being together and we try really hard to get together for more than just the holidays. My most favorite get together is on Christmas Eve. My mother goes all out and has her big Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve and she invites all my aunts, uncles, and cousins over that live in the same town. There’s about fifty of us who all get together at her house. We always have some form of contest going, whether it’s a lip sync battle, a card tournament or some form of a race. I cherish Christmas Eve so much! We always get to open up one present on Christmas Eve and it’s a tradition I have watched my siblings each continue with their families. To be surrounded by those who love you and hear the house so full of laughter, there is no better feeling.

What Led Me To Adoption

I have had the desire to be a mom ever since I was ten years old and met my nephew for the first time. I think children are the greatest blessing we are given, unfortunately after failed relationships this opportunity has not happened for me. I have had family members adopt and bring wonderful children into our family and I knew that this was the path I was also meant to take to have my own little family.

Facts About Breanna

Retail Sales Manager
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Some College
Favorite Food:
Steak & Potatoes
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Iron Man
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
The Judds
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Pride & Prejudice
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
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