Brandon & Kandy In Utah

Caucasian, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, Caucasian/Native American
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

We are Brandon and Kandy, and we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to read our profile and get to know us. We can't even imagine what you may be going through right now and all the important decisions you will be making in the future but always remember you are special.

We admire your strength and courage. We understand that you are under a tremendous amount of pressure making what will probably be the biggest decision of your life with so many different prospective parents to choose from, but one thing we can promise is that we will love your child whole- heartedly and be by their side every step of the way. Through all the slips and falls that will happen throughout their life, we will be right there to pick them up and remind them that we will always be there for them.

About Us

We are a quirky, fun inseparable couple that has been together since we first met over 15 years ago working at UPS.

Since we first started dating, we would lay outside watching the stars and dream about the family we wanted to have in the future never agreeing on either 3 or 5 children. Unfortunately, our biggest goal was the one we haven't been able to fulfill.

We have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Philly is our 3 legged angel terrier. Mickey is our Chihuahua who found us one day and has been by our side for almost 14 years and Duffy is our cat who has been a playful buddy for 18 years.

Kandy is a nurse and has worked in just about every position you can in her field and just loves caring for others. Brandon has his CDL and is a vehicle transporter who hopes to own his own commercial vehicles and start his own business in the future.

We both always look for fun and happiness in life. We love to travel and try to vacation in a different state each time. We love sports, especially football and are big Philadelphia Eagle fans. Kandy loves doing crafts and has an entire room dedicated to it. From outdoor activities, riding bikes, camping, fishing to binge watching TV on the weekends, we love it all.

Our Home

We recently just purchased a new 5 bedroom 3 bath home in Clinton, Utah. We live in a quite neighborhood that has a lot of children outside playing. We live near many highly regarded public and charter schools. Within a few blocks of our neighborhood we have several parks including a huge one that they recently made a really nice skate park at. We live in a very diverse area with a lot of military residents who are active duty at the near by airbase. We have a huge backyard that we build snow hills for the family kids to sled during the winter. When we finally have a child it will be full of all best jungle gyms around and as for the nursery we plan on having it in the room directly across from our room. Kandy has been planning the nursery since we met, so I can promise it will be one of the most extravagant nursery rooms you can think of.

Our Extended Family

We both have pretty large families that are both really big on holidays and family get togethers. Brandon has 2 brothers and 1 sister. Kandy has 4 sisters and 4 brothers, 3 of whom are adopted. We have lots of nieces and nephews whom we love so very much and spend a lot of time with. All the nieces and nephews call us Uncle B and Aunt Kiki.

The nephew who is the biggest part of our life is Gavin who is now 15. He was born when we started dating and we baby sat him for almost 10 years until his family moved. When Gavin was 11, he was diagnosed with leukemia so we flew out to Washington every chance we got to help cheer him up. He is now cancer free and every school vacation he likes to come visit us and stay at our house.

A lot of Brandon's family has relocated to Utah near us along with one of Kandy’s sisters who moved near us a couple of years ago. The rest of Kandy’s family is primarily still in California, so every year we usually do 2 of each holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.). Occasionally we have one huge Christmas which is more like a double family reunion but with gifts.

Our Family Traditions

We love to travel and our goal is to visit every state. Brandon is trying to catch up to Kandy on traveled locations, but she has a leg up from all her time in the Army. Pre-Covid we would try to travel 2-4 times per year and always try to go 2 Eagles games each year, one home and one away. We have traveled from New York to California and one of our goals is to visit every state. Brandon loves going to historic sites and parts of states that make it home to others, not touristy sites. We also love to go camping.

Kandy’s absolute favorite thing to do is craft. She crafts pretty much everything from baby blankets, puzzles, shirts to dog clothes. She believes that the best gifts come from the heart so she is constantly making gifts for others. Brandon loves outdoor activities like biking, hiking and camping.

What Led Us To Adoption

We've always wanted a family. Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful at conceiving naturally. We believe that a family is made in many different ways. Every child deserves a loving home and we have so much love to give.

Facts About Brandon

Truck Driver
Non-practicing Christian
Trade school
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
biking, fishing, gaming
Favorite Movie:
Inception & Step Brothers
Favorite Sport:
Football "Go Eagles"
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Rise Against
Favorite TV Show:
game of thrones & brooklyn nine nine
Favorite Book:
game of thrones
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:

Facts About Kandy

non-practicing christian
college degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
biking, fishing, crafting
Favorite Movie:
twilight saga
Favorite Sport:
football "go eagles"
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
the good doctor & grey's anatomy
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
san francisco
Brandon & Kandy
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