Betty & Adam In Kansas

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No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for your consideration and taking the time to read our family profile. Our names are Adam and Betty, and we are so excited to start this journey with you. After many years of trying to have our own child, we have decided that adoption is the right path for us.

Our family is one of the most important parts of our lives and we are so ready to have a child of our own. We are ready to start this journey and look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

About Us

We have been married for ten years, and have ben together for almost twelve. We both attended the same high school, and shortly after Betty graduated, we began dating. We have been best friends our entire relationship and have been there for each other through all our ups and downs.

Shortly after getting married, we wanted to try to start our own family, but we struggled with infertility. We tried to stay positive for many years but have accepted the fact that it was not going to happen for us. We have tried to adopt a child through foster care, but that was unsuccessful. The child was adopted by their current foster parents. It was heartbreaking but we knew it was best for them.

We love exploring and experiencing new and exciting things, either by ourselves or with family and friends. The city market, the local zoo, amusement park, nature hikes, dog parks, just to name a few. Traveling is one of our favorite things to do. We have traveled to six different countries, and love to take road trips to different states. We also enjoy going swimming and hanging out on our deck listening to music.

Whenever we are at home, we enjoy spending time in our back yard playing fetch with our three dogs Gunner (8), Saydie (5), and Lola (2). Each of them have their own personalities. Gunner is a 10in tall peekapoo and is such a mama’s boy. We were given Gunner when we realized we were going to struggle with infertility, and he has been spoiled ever since. Saydie is a red heeler mix, we rescued her when she was abandoned by her previous owners when she was only 6 months old. She is such a daddy’s girl. Lola is a German Shepard/Great Pyrenees mix, we rescued from one of our neighbors (not currently) when she was only a year old. All our fur babies love children and get so excited whenever there are kids around.

Our Home

We live in a California split style home that has 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. We have a large, fenced in backyard with an inground pool and lots of yard space to run around and play. We also have a finished basement that is set up as a recreational room, so when our nieces and nephews come over they have somewhere to hang out. Our house has been a labor of love and we have put a lot of hard work into making our house a home.

We live in a safe and quiet neighborhood full of kids and families of all ages. We love taking our dogs on walks around the neighborhood. We are within walking distance from the local middle and high school and just a short drive to the elementary school. There are several parks and small lakes that are just a short drive away. We cannot wait to be able to share our home with a baby and be able to take them on walks with us!

Our Extended Family

We are very fortunate to have the families that we have. They are all so supportive and loving. And just like us they are ready for us to have a child. Adam comes from a small immediate family, and Betty comes from a large immediate family. Every year we always try to get all our family together in the summer for some kind of BBQ, or pool party. Either celebrating a summer holiday or just because. We love spending time with our families, and cannot wait until we can bring a child into our home to experience our family traditions with us.

We have been honored with the title of Godparents to our good friends three children between the ages of three and ten. We love to go over most weekends and do crafts, nature hikes or just hang out spending time with them.

Our Family Traditions

During the holiday season we love to host Thanksgiving at our home. All our immediate family come over and we have such an amazing time. For Christmas, we always wake up early in the morning, and spend the morning with each other and our dogs. We love to set the holiday spirit by turning on Christmas music and either turning on the fireplace or putting a fireplace video on the T.V. Towards late morning we head over to Betty’s mom’s house, where we open gifts, and enjoy each other’s company. Our final stop is Adams brothers house, where we open gifts, play holiday themed games, and have Christmas dinner.

What Led Us To Adoption

After trying to conceive on our own for a year, we started fertility treatments. We did treatments for over 8 years before we accepted the fact that having a child on our own was not going to happen for us. Adoption was always something that we considered because we want to be parents regardless of DNA.

Facts About Betty

director of human resources
art school
Favorite Food:
italian or mexican
Favorite Hobby:
crafts, photography, party planning
Favorite Movie:
Harry potter, twilight, marvel movies
Favorite Sport:
football or baseball
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween & Christmas
Favorite Music Group:
Rihanna, Morgan Wallen, Early 2000’s, R&B, country
Favorite TV Show:
Schitts Creek
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
english & art/photography
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Colorado - mountains

Facts About Adam

fleet mechanic
Aviation mechanic
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
playing video games
Favorite Movie:
harry potter
Favorite Sport:
football - KC chiefs
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Day Seeker , Rock, Country
Favorite TV Show:
expedition unknown
Favorite Book:
Harry potter
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Caribbean cruise/beach
Betty & Adam
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