Ashley & Kendra In Oklahoma

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Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to look through our profile as you are considering all of your options. Our names are Kendra and Ashley and we have been together since August 2010. We have know for a while that adoption was something that we were interested in as a pathway for building our family. Now that we have both finished school, we are excited to take this next step in our journey and begin the adoption process. We are excited to see where this journey will take us, and ready to welcome a child into our home .

About Us

We met in 2008 through a mutual friend of ours. We began dating in August 2010 and were married in March 2020. We both knew that marriage was in our future early in our relationship, but were focusing on our education and building a pathway for our future family. We both are currently working as Radiologic Technologist for a local hospital. In our free time, we love being outdoors and spending time with friends and family.

We have both worked at the same hospital for the past 10 years. Ashley started as a Housekeeper while attending school to become a Radiologic Technologist. She graduated in 2018 and has been working in Radiology going on 4 years. Kendra started as a Nurse Technician/Secretary and has recently transferred to Radiology where she does diagnostic x-rays. We both enjoy being able to help patients during their time of need.

We have two Shih Tzu's that have been a part of our family since they were about 6 weeks old. Princess is 9 yrs old and is truly the boss of the house. Princess loves to play with her toys and go for walks. Charli is our 8 yr old guy that loves belly rubs, snuggling and bed time.

Our Home

We live in a single story, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom home in the heart of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. We live close to Main Street which is packed with lots of excitement, including a public pool, splash pad, recreation center and more. Our school district is rated as one of the top schools in Oklahoma and provides great academics as well as extracurricular activities. Living in Tulsa County provides a very diverse community with lots of cultural learning experiences.

Our neighborhood is a close community where we all look out for each other and everyone is always willing to lend a hand. We enjoy having block parties for 4th of July where we come together for food and fireworks.

Our Extended Family

We are blessed to have a large amount of family living within a very close range. We have a weekly family dinner with Kendra's parents, and love going to her sister's for family game nights. We also enjoy having Ashley's brother over for video games and cook outs.

When it comes to holidays, we love having family get togethers for food, fun and celebration. Every year for Thanksgiving, Kendra enjoys time in the kitchen with her mom baking the night away. They make homemade pumpkin and pecan pies, pumpkin rolls and cookies. A tradition that hopefully will be carried on for generations. Around Christmas, we love getting together to bake and decorate holiday cookies with all of the family. On Christmas Day, we have our close family together in the morning, then we have a big pot of taco soup hot and ready so that extended family and friends can drop in any time of day for a hot meal and family time.

Our Family Traditions

We love to enjoy the outdoors, including swimming, camping and kayaking. We also enjoy hiking trails, and going for walks. We love to take little weekend vacations to Branson, Oklahoma City and other nearby places. We also take some bigger vacations to go and see family who live out of state. Our future goals include being able to travel the world.

Kendra played soccer growing up and also attended some basketball camps. Together, we enjoy watching college football and professional basketball. Ashley played clarinet during middle school and in her high school marching band. Kendra played piano growing up and started percussion in middle school. She was in the Union Renegade Regiment for 4 years doing mallet percussion and was also in their winter drumline.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have always known that we wanted to grow our family. We have spent lots of time discussing all the different routes we can take and we decided adoption was the way to go. Knowing that there are children out there who are in need of a family and that we are able to bring them into our home and raise them and love them as our own, will bring such joy to our hearts and fulfill our dreams of having a family.

Facts About Ashley

Radiologic Technologist
Associates Degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Kayaking & Drawing
Favorite Movie:
Marvel Series
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Halloween & Christmas
Favorite Music Group:
Jason Aldean
Favorite TV Show:
One Tree Hill
Favorite Book:
Harry Potter
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere by the Water

Facts About Kendra

Radiologic Technologist
Associates Degree
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Anything Sports Related
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Country Music
Favorite TV Show:
American Ninja Warrior
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Ashley & Kendra
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