Angela & Ryan In Pennsylvania

No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us and reading our profile. Our names are Ryan and Angela, and we have been happily together for 12 years now and married for over 2 of those years. It means the world to us that you are considering us to be a special piece of your adoption plan. We are looking forward to getting to know more about you and growing our relationship.

About Us

We went to the same vocational technical school but studied in different trades. However, we could see each other in passing through the hallways. It took us until graduating to connect and start dating. Twelve happy years later, we are married, homeowners, have successful careers and are now looking to start our own family. We are husband and wife but also known as brother, sister, son, daughter, aunt and uncle. We are hoping to one day to be called the best names of all, mom and dad.

I, Angela, am an Area QA Manager for a 3PL called DHL. I ensure compliance to regulated requirements when shipping pharmaceutical drugs to patients in need. I take great pride in my work knowing that my job is important and could save someone’s life.

I am the middle child of three. I have an older sister and a younger brother. Growing up, family was the most important thing I could have or rely on. To this day, my sister and brother are active in my life and are my support system. They blessed us with four nieces and nephew who turned me into "AA" (Aunt Angi). Throughout being an "AA", I learned patience and love in a way I could never explain. Those four helped make me into the person I am today and will forever be grateful.

I am an animal lover of all kinds. Growing up, we had any type of animal you could think of which is something that I've carried into adulthood and would love to share with your child. We currently have two Labrador Retrievers, Remy and Sadie, who our big babies. We love spending days or evenings after work playing with them in the yard, taking walks or swimming at the river. I also enjoy DIY projects or arts and crafts in my free time. I love taking something old and giving it new life or creating something from nothing.

I, Ryan, am a Forklift/equipment Mechanic for a fleet of 125 forklifts, 30 manlifts and a couple of boom lifts. I started as a state emissions and inspection mechanic on light duty cars and trucks. About 10 years in, I decided to pursue being a forklift/equipment mechanic which was an easy transition given my skills and knowledge. This job had me doing different tasks each day which keeps it interesting.

I am a only child, but I grew up with 9 cousins which made things very exciting. We would go camping and fishing and ride bikes and have sleepovers. Now I am blessed with my wonderful wife (as she is my other half) and now have a brother and two sister-in-laws who gave us wonderful nieces and an awesome nephew. They all have a special place in my heart as it brings cheer to be called Uncle Ryan. We started taking them fishing and camping when they were 3 years old and they love it. I grew up hunting and fishing and trapping with my dad and Pap, and I still trap, hunt and fish when I can. I love spending time in the outdoors.

Our Home

We recently purchased our forever home in the summer of 2023 in South Central Pennsylvania. We live in a ranch style home with plenty of space to grow. Our home has a large wrap around yard, fenced in part of our back yard and a pool to enjoy on hot summer days. Our back yard connects to endless woods where we get to enjoy Mother Nature’s creatures who pass through. Our home currently has an empty room which we would love to turn into a loved child’s room to play and grow into their own person. We only have a few neighbors but the ones we do are very sweet with kind personalities. We are located in a large school district that has multiple schools within. The schools in our district are well funded and have great ratings. We have a few parks close to our house that can be enjoyed by all.

Our Extended Family

Between the both of us we have a small but loving family. We are lucky enough to have grandparents and loving uncles and aunts on Ryan’s side in our lives. We both have our parents and Angela’s siblings. Ryan’s side of the family is only 10 minutes away from our home, and Angela’s family is roughly 40 minutes away.

Our Family Traditions

Our holidays are always full of love and memories shared at Ryan’s grandma and Pap's house or Angela’s parents' house where the cousins and siblings meet to celebrate together. Christmas is our favorite holiday to celebrate with family, from buying gifts, decorating, baking cookies, singing Christmas songs and sharing the love of the holiday season. We truly enjoy instilling the innocence of the holidays in the kids, from making reindeer deer food, leaving cookies and milk out for Santa, etc. Gathering together as a family to share the love and joy of the holiday season, while watching the excitement on the nieces and nephew faces opening presents is a special feeling that can’t be explained. We hope for a Christmas in the near future to be shared with loved ones and a new little member to the family.

What Led Us To Adoption

We have always wanted a family of our own but due to complications, God had a different plan for us. We didn’t want this stopping us from sharing our love and starting our family, therefore, we knew adoption was right for us.

Facts About Angela

Area Quality Manager
High School Diploma
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
DIY Projects
Favorite Movie:
The Fault in Our Stars
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Brantley Gilbert
Favorite TV Show:
Young Sheldon
Favorite Book:
Because of Winn Dixie
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Anywhere Outdoors in a Wooded Area

Facts About Ryan

High School Diploma
Favorite Food:
Seafood/Any Type of Meat
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Beach or Cabin in the woods
Angela & Ryan
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