
African American
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for considering me to care for your most prized possession. I am beyond honored that you have considered selecting me and words cannot express my gratitude. If thank you was a picture in the dictionary, you would see me grinning at you.

I want to adopt because unlike a woman who has conceived the “traditional way”, I believe that God has placed the desire to adopt in my heart. At times I would pull away from this desire, but it always felt like something was knocking on the inside of me saying, "Remember me???". The aches and longing to adopt overtake me, like a woman feeling her child moving on the inside of her. Every decision I've made over the past 20 years has been with my future baby in mind.

I don’t believe that this decision is easy for you. That is the reason why I have prayed for you over the years. I will continue to pray for your comfort and strength during this transition. Caring for your baby is my desire, but letting him/her know that they are a gift from you to me is an honor and my gift to you. Thank you again for considering me to raise your baby. When you get a chance please listen to “When I Pray for You” by Dan & Shay.

About Me

I live in Columbus, Ohio. I am from the Virgins Islands- St. Thomas. I work at the Post Office as a Dock Expeditor. I like interacting with the truck drivers. I am perceived as being quiet. I am indeed quiet, but meet people easily.

I love to travel to various states. I most recently did my first solo trip to Curasco in the Caribbean. My dream destination is Hawaii. If I’m not spending time with my siblings and their families, I am watching TV, going out to eat or listening to music.

When I was impregnated with the desire to adopt, Steven Covey’s words “begin with the end in mind” became my WHY. I have held those words close to my heart. No matter what struggles or set backs I've faced over the years, my WHY has grounded me and motivated me to keep working for my future baby. My favorite childhood book The Little Red Hen inspires me to believe in myself when no one else does. Push past the NO for what I want. My mantra is NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!

My Home

I live in a 2-bedroom house. I have a bedroom for the baby but for the first 6-months he/she will be in my room. The neighborhood is very quiet. Because of my dog Bella, I have gotten to meet other doggie moms. There is a park close to the house- 4 minutes by car. I also live close to 2 schools. The best part of my neighborhood is a bike/walking trail that leads to different parts of Columbus.

My Extended Family

I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Four of my siblings live in Georgia, one lives in Upstate New York and one lives in Columbus, OH. I am a second mother to my nieces and nephews who live in Columbus. Part of the reason I think it took me so long to follow through with having a family of my own is because of my heavy involvement in my nieces and nephews lives. Last year I made a firm stand to only be Auntie so that I could focus on having a family of my own.

Other than myself, my younger brother does not have any kids. I have 25 nieces & nephews ranging from ages 27- 15 months and 1 great Nephew ( I leave the great off). I make it a point to visit New York or Georgia
once a year.

My Family Traditions

I attend church. I like going out to eat. I wouldn’t say that I like trying new foods because I can be a picky eater. Fun fact people say I dance when I eat:) My younger brother is the same way too. I love all holidays, especially Christmas. I am a gift giver and love gifts myself. I put up my Christmas decorations on Thanksgiving day and take everything down on New Years day. I prefer to spend Christmas day alone, if possible, because I can enjoy basketball by myself. I celebrate Christmas with my Ohio family on New Year's eve. I tend to cook a lot and everyone opens their presents and we enjoy each other’s company.

What Led Me To Adoption

I chose to adopt because I believe this is a God given desire. I knew that I wanted to be a mom, but the desires to go about it the natural way was not as strong as the desires to adopt. I want to share the next chapters of my life with a beautiful soul. I look forward to loving and parenting this beautiful soul, additionally grow along the way.

Facts About Alicia

Postal Worker
Some College
Favorite Food:
Fried Fish
Favorite Hobby:
Watching TV
Favorite Movie:
Maid in Manhattan
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Favorite TV Show:
House Hunters
Favorite Book:
The Little Red Hen
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
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