Alexis In Texas

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No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

I want to start by thanking you! Thank you for considering me to be the one to take care of your child! I also want to thank you for taking this time to read my profile and getting to know me. I cannot begin to imagine the complexity of emotions you must be feeling, but your selflessness and courage are admirable and remarkable.

My name Is Alexis, and I’m twenty-seven years old from San Antonio. I come from a military family and have an older brother. My family is really close and does everything together. Outside of my human family, I also have two furry family members, Stella a loving German Shepperd and Mazzy the cutest Golden Retriever. I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with an Undergrad in Kinesiology. Last year, I got my Masters in Adapted Physical Activity from Texas Women’s University in Denton, Texas. Ever since I was a little girl I always knew I wanted to get into a career where I would be helping people. With that always at the forefront and meeting some incredible mentors in school, it catapulted me in a career working with young children with autism. I am now a special education teacher working with Pre-K aged children with Autism.

My desire to adopt started as a very young child. For as long as I could remember I knew I couldn’t have kids and adoption was my route to make my dream of becoming a mom come true. With the loving support of all of my family and friends, this is the right time to start the journey of expanding my family.

About Me

Again, my name is Alexis, and I am a twenty-seven-year-old single woman from Texas. I am a Pre-K special education teacher and work a lot with young children with Autism. I love kids and helping others, so this job was made for me! I have an Undergrad degree in Kinesiology from The University of Texas at Austin, and a Master’s degree in Adaptive Physical Activity from Texas Women’s University. I spend most of my time with friends and family, cuddling up to my two fur babies, baking and spending lots of time outside. On the weekends, it’s all about sports, going to church and family. If the Dallas Cowboys or the Texas Rangers are on, my family and I are watching. When I get home from work, I unwind by watching some reality TV, going for walks, and If I have time, I like to paint or draw.

If I could describe myself in a few words, it would be adventurous, loving, kind, ambitious and passionate. I take the bull by the horns while at the same time look at the big picture of things. I’m both an introvert and extrovert. I can talk for days, but also enjoy time by myself. I’m family-oriented, as my family is my everything. My brother, mom, and dad are truly my best friends.

For as long as I could remember, I always wanted to be a mom, but also always knew that I couldn’t have kids of my own. Adoption was always in my future and by the grace of God that time has finally come where I’m financially stable and have the most incredible family support. I’m ready to go down this journey and see where it takes me and my family.

I have two fur babies, Stella a German Shepherd and Mazzy a golden retriever. They are both 2yrs old and are the most loving, loyal, energetic dogs. They love to play outside and jump in the pool even if its 20 degrees out. At night, they love to cuddle and be a part of what the family is doing.

My Home

I live in a four-bedroom, four bath, 3,889 sqft home that sits in a quiet, family-centered gated community where you constantly see kids outside playing. My backyard is where my family and myself spend a lot of our time. My house backs up to a private lake with lots of trees and has a pool. In my neighborhood, there is a nice park and good walking paths. My home is equipped with a good security system and ring cameras, as safety is the number one priority.

My Extended Family

I am the youngest of the family with one older brother. My parents met at the early age of 19 and 21 when they first joined they military. They soon got married and had my brother and I. Thirty one years later they are still happily married. We are a close-knit family and have a close bond with extended family as well. My grandma passed away a year ago which put everything in perspective. She would be so overjoyed watching me go through the adoption process. My grandpa ended up moving in with my parents, and we try to do things as much as possible. My brother is my best friend and he goes back and forth living in Texas and New York, so whenever he is in Texas it’s the best! My dad is my world. Whenever I need him, he's there no questions asked. My mom is the best! She puts others before herself and has taught me so much! Watching them become grandparents will be the greatest gift! I know they will be the most nurturing, hands-on grandparents.

My Family Traditions

Prior to the Pandemic, my family and I traveled a lot. Some of the places we love to visit are Hawaii, New York and the Bahamas. We even love to do some in state traveling to Houston to visit family and Grueen in New Braunfels to go tubing and enjoy the outdoors. Other things I love to do for fun are go to Ranger, Cowboys and Longhorn games whenever possible. Sports are a big thing in my family. I also love to go to concerts with Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert being my go-tos. Whenever I have a chance, I love to bake. If it's cookies, cakes or anything in-between it's always something I love to do. Lastly, my absolute favorite thing I do to have fun is just spending quality time with my family, friends and dogs.

What Led Me To Adoption

I knew from a very young age that I could not have kids. Adoption was always going to be my path to become a mom, and I’m now ready to go through this journey.

Facts About Alexis

special education teacher
masters in applied physical activity
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
pitch perfect
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
carrie underwood, dolly parton, miranda lambert
Favorite TV Show:
american idol
Favorite Book:
sisterhood of the traveling pants
Favorite Subject in School:
psychology 101
Favorite Vacation Spot:
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