Alan & Rebecca In Arizona

No Preference
No Preference

Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for your courage and for taking the time to consider our family! Our names are Rebecca and Alan, and we have been together for fourteen years and dream of having another child to share our love and time with.

In our home, we have our two-year-old miracle toddler, Fey Aura. She was born two-months premature using a donor egg and IVF. Although we've been told we cannot have more children ourselves, we are so excited that we can have more by adopting! Our greatest wish is to have another precious child join our family, and we are so thankful for those who consider us.

About Us

We met in college through a mutual friend while driving to a nearby hot springs. We became best friends as we played Donkey Kong, ate pizza and spent time together on walks. After a couple years dating, Alan proposed when he got back from a military deployment. We graduated from college together and moved to Arizona where Rebecca got her Master's Degree in dance and Alan got his Juris Doctor to practice law. Alan now works as a city attorney and Rebecca as a college dance professor specializing in modern dance.

We have been together for fourteen years and married for eleven. After seven years and four failed IVF attempts, we were finally able to have our first baby, Fey Aura, through an egg donor. After she was born two months early, we were told any further attempts would not be possible. We dream of having more children to love and more siblings for Fey. She loves reading books, especially if they have animals in them. She loves to dance to all kinds of music and swim in the pool. She especially enjoys playing hide-and-seek and getting chased.

In our free time, we enjoy adventuring at nearby parks and events like the zoo and local arts and farmers markets. Alan likes woodworking in the garage and reading, while Rebecca enjoys yoga, reading and crafting. We like playing games together and visiting friends and family who are all within a couple hours' drive.

Our Home

Our neighborhood is in a middle-class community, and we are lucky to have our home on a cul-de-sac where kids play regularly. Our backyard has grass and sprinklers for running through. The new baby will spend the first few months with us in our bedroom in a cozy bassinet before moving into their own nursery in the next room. We have a big tree in our front yard perfect for climbing and one growing in our backyard that should be ready for a swing or treehouse in a couple of years. There is a basketball court and park on the other side of our backyard wall with a gazebo and area for dogs. A Montessori school is a ten-minute walk from our home and is where Fey goes whenever we are both working. The town library, downtown markets and nearby metropolitan area provide diverse opportunities for activities, entertainment and learning.

Our Extended Family

Our daughter, Fey, was born May 17, 2021, two months early while we were visiting family out-of-state. Fey was in the NICU for a month and a half before we were finally able to bring her home. We have loved these last two years with her and can’t wait to bring another child home. Fey loves animals, exploring, piggyback rides, taking care of her baby doll and being outside as much as possible. She especially loves visiting the monkeys at the Phoenix Zoo and watching the recycling truck in the neighborhood. She is very kind and pensive and loves to laugh. We know Fey wants a little sibling just as much as we want another child to bring into our family.

Boba was our first baby, a ten-year-old yellow lab who loves to cuddle, go on walks and chase balls. He is well trained, especially when treats are involved, and loves people. We also have a cat named Pixie Stick, a petite black and white seven-year-old cat who knew Rebecca was pregnant before we did. She would keep Fey warm by laying on Rebecca’s tummy. Both Boba and Pixie love Fey and are always helping us keep an eye on her. Fey giggles and waves and tries to share her food with each of them.

Our Family Traditions

Our families live close by with grandparents, uncles, and aunts all within an hour’s drive away. We see family every week and go all out on holidays, especially Halloween. We decorate, dress up, and even get visits from the Great Pumpkin, who is inspired by our tradition watching “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” every year. Alan orchestrates a ‘visit’ from the Great Pumpkin bringing Halloween surprises to the family. In December, we alternate visits between extended families and participate in activities like making cookies, gingerbread houses (or dinosaurs), visiting light shows, hiking and hosting family dinners.

What Led Us To Adoption

Although we've been told we cannot have more children ourselves, we are so excited that we can have more by adopting! Our greatest wish is to have another precious child join our family, and we are so thankful for those who consider us.

Facts About Rebecca

Dance Professor
Graduate School
Favorite Food:
Favorite Hobby:
Board Games & Crafts
Favorite Movie:
Anything that makes me laugh
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
The Beatles or Maria Mena
Favorite TV Show:
Parks & Recreation
Favorite Book:
Harry Potter
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
Amusement Parks, Disney World, Universal Studios, Anywhere we can go on thrill rides

Facts About Alan

Graduate School
Favorite Food:
Super Nachos
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Movie:
Star Wars
Favorite Sport:
Anything Live
Favorite Holiday:
Favorite Music Group:
Angels and Airwaves
Favorite TV Show:
The Office
Favorite Book:
Les Miserables
Favorite Subject in School:
Favorite Vacation Spot:
The White Mountains, AZ
Alan & Rebecca
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